Himalayan Day celebrated at IBSD, Imphal
Date : 09th September, 2022
Himalayan Day celebrated at IBSD, Imphal
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India celebrated “Himalayan Day” with the leadership of Prof. Pulok K. Mukherjee, Director, IBSD, Imphal. In this context, IBSD organized a seminar on the theme “Himalayan Women & Youth Empowerment” with the involvement of women scientists, healers and young entrepreneurs from North Eastern Region of India.
During the programme, Prof. Pulok K. Mukherjee, Director, IBSD highlighted various initiatives of IBSD for exploring local bioresources for linking Eastern and Western Himalaya through Himalayan Bioresource Mission.
The programme was addressed online by Dr. Anil Prakash Joshi, Himalayan Environmental Studies and Conservation Organization who stressed to focus on holistic approach towards preservation and protection of the Himalayas.
During the programme, Prof. G. A. Shantibala Devi, Manipur University highlighted the importance of unique bioresources of Manipur. Dr Junie P. Lyngdoh from BRDC, Meghalaya highlighted various initiatives to promote women entrepreneurship through floriculture.
During the event, Dr. Lalchhandami Tochhawng, Mizoram Science, Technology & Innovation Council highlighted various initiatives to enhance the livelihood options for rural women in Mizoram. During the programme, two healers of Manipur, Mrs. Loirentombi Leimapokpam and Mrs. Meraton Soibam shared their ideas about utilization of local bioresources for the treatment of many diseases.
During the event, Ms. Elizabeth Yambem, Founder, Dweller Teas, Manipur highlighted various opportunities with local bioresources and entrepreneurship development. This programme was attended by many scientists, research scholars and staff of IBSD, Imphal.
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Imphal
(Department of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India)
Takyelpat, Imphal 795001, India
* This information is sent to e-pao.net by Dr. S. Indira Devi (Scientist-E (Microbial Biotechnology) , IBSD) who can be contacted at sidevi1(AT)yahoo(DOT)co(DOT)in
This Post was webcasted on 10 September 2022
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