Erabot lauded
Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, May 23 2010: Several bodies have lauded Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Minister Y Erabot for his heroic effort of bringing goods laden vehicles from Jiribam to Imphal.

Youth Development Pioneer Organisation, Arapti Heining Makhong, Urup Arapti Development Co-Ordinating Committee, Welfare Association of Young Star, Manipur, Committee Against Ceasefire Extension, Thangmeiband, Kabui Development Club, Yurembam, Senior Citizens for Society, Eastern Students' Club, Nongmeibung while praising the Minister wished him to serve the people long.

Meanwhile, Minority Upliftment and Progressive Association, Lilong, Soibam Leikai Awang Meira Paibi Chaokhat Thourang Lup, Chingmeirong Nupi Kanglup Association and Citizens' Club, Soibam Leikai while lauding the Minister for his effort condemned the reported plea of some Cabinet Ministers to sack him.