Religion and Manipur
All about Religion in Manipur
Ancient Meitei Goddess Khunu Leima (known as "Khunureima" in Modern Meitei) ...
Panthoibi was a Meitei princess of the Ningthouja dynasty ...
Ancient Meitei Goddess Nganu Leima (known as "Nganureima") has her origins in the archaic period of Kangleipak ...
Okluithan Addie Chiphang- 2 part series in recalling the days of Pettigrew ...
Khangembam Indira- ' Ancestral veneration & worship are deeply ingrained in the religious fabric of our society ......'
Okluithan Addie Chiphang- 2 part series in recalling the days of Pettigrew ...
K Brajamani Sharma- 2 parts series on Manipuri Vaishnavism
K Brajamani Sharma- 2 parts series on Manipuri Vaishnavism
Maheshsana Rajkumar- ' records a kingdom which Mi-no, i.e. Man-Kathe, rises according to "Man-shu" circa A.D. 860 ......'
Dr Budha Kamei- 2 parts series on Kalum Kai (House of worship)
Dr Budha Kamei- 2 parts series on Kalum Kai (House of worship)
Dr Budha Kamei- ' observes on 28th November, 2021 at Chingmeirong Kalum Kai, Imphal ......'
Yumnam Suren- 3 part series on Shri Krishna devotion in Sankirtan
Yumnam Suren - 3 part series on Shri Krishna devotion in Sankirtan
Yumnam Suren - 3 part series on Shri Krishna devotion in Sankirtan
Yumnam Suren- ' 'Nata Sankritana' by Sanakhya Ibotombi Haorokcham / published by Gulapi Nata Sankritana Academy ......'
Yumnam Suren- ' was made an inevitable part and parcel of religions & ritualistic functions ......'
Mayanglambam Twinkle' The kanglei numerical (Ama or one) is the first appearance of the universal God ......'
James Oinam - 2 part series on the book 'Sanamahi Laihui'
James Oinam - 2 part series on the book 'Sanamahi Laihui'
Dr Budha Kamei - 2 part series on Totem of Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak people
Dr Mangangcha Thoudam Laiba- ' The mighty God Thangching, supreme ruler of the Kege Kasalel ......'
Dr Budha Kamei - 2 part series on Totem of Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak people
Dr Mangangcha Thoudam Laiba- 2 part series on Koubru Chinggoirol
Dr Mangangcha Thoudam Laiba- 2 part series on Koubru Chinggoirol
Dr Budha Kamei - 2 part series on Holy place of Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak people
Dr Budha Kamei - 2 part series on Holy place of Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak people
Dr Irengbam Mohendra- 'Resurrection of Imoinu, goddess of wealth, must have important spiritual meanings for Meiteis '
Dr Budha Kamei - ' 25th to 27th November, 2019 at Kalum Kai at Chingmeirong .....'
Dr Budha Kamei - ' It is a sacred place for the Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak .....'
Dr Irengbam Mohendra- ' 'Religious Humanists' are not influenced by religion... tand on side of reason rather than blind faith '
Dr. Chirom Rajketan Singh - 4 part series on Hinduism in Manipur
Dr. Chirom Rajketan Singh - 4 part series on Hinduism in Manipur
Dr Henna Vaiphei - 3 part series on Advantages / disadvantages of impact of Christianity among Vaiphei
Dr. Chirom Rajketan Singh - 4 part series on Hinduism in Manipur
Dr Henna Vaiphei - 3 part series on Advantages / disadvantages of impact of Christianity among Vaiphei
Dr. Chirom Rajketan Singh - 4 part series on Hinduism in Manipur
Dr Henna Vaiphei - 3 part series on Advantages / disadvantages of impact of Christianity among Vaiphei
Dr Irengbam Mohendra - ' Meitei society is moving on progressively with an evolutionary behavioural change .....'
Mamta Lukram - ' at Liiyai Khullen, Senapati District, Manipur, denoting the biggest Poumai Village .....'
Dr Irengbam Mohendra - ' the census of 2021 will find Hinduism quite alive and growing .....'
R.K. Birjit - ' Ibudhou Oknarel of Ningthoukhong is one of the most revered forest deities of Manipur .....'
Prof RK Narendra Singh - 2 parts series on Religion profile of Manipur
Prof RK Narendra Singh - 2 parts series on Religion profile of Manipur
Dr Budha Kamei- ' Panti Neimei means mass prayer of longevity of life .....'
Manindra Konsam- 3 part series on Gaudiya Vaishnavism : Amalgamation of Meitei Nation
Manindra Konsam- 3 part series on Gaudiya Vaishnavism : Amalgamation of Meitei Nation
Manindra Konsam- 3 part series on Gaudiya Vaishnavism : Amalgamation of Meitei Nation
Dr Oinam Ronnie Chanu- ' For the Meitei Hindus in Manipur, offering of tarpon is considered a religious duty... '
Waikhom Manimohan- ' worship of Shri Jaganath idol dates back to about 275 years that is between 1697-1709... '
Sanjoo Thangjam- ' Buddhism is still a very well developed religion in Manipur... '
Manganleibi Loktongbam- ' Lois are Chakpa people are the constituent of four villages of Andro, Phayeng, Sekmai & Khurkhul'
Pamkhuila Shaiza- ' The first Christian conversion happened in 1901, when 12 Tangkhuls converted to Christianity '
Pr Kungsong Wanbe- 'Y Phunsorang was the first Christian convert among the Koirengs '
Budha Kamei - 2 parts series on function of pei in the traditional Zeliangrong
Budha Kamei - 2 parts series on function of pei in the traditional Zeliangrong
Budha Kamei - 3 parts series on Gaidinliu and Heraka religion
Budha Kamei - 3 parts series on Gaidinliu and Heraka religion
Budha Kamei - 3 parts series on Gaidinliu and Heraka religion
Budha Kamei - 'observe Panti Neimei at Tingkao Ragwang Kalum Kai, Chingmeirong in November every year '
Prof RK Narendra Singh - A 3 part series on Religious Landscape in Manipur
Prof RK Narendra Singh - A 3 part series on Religious Landscape in Manipur
Prof RK Narendra Singh - A 3 part series on Religious Landscape in Manipur
Holkhongam Haokip - A 3 part series on Buddhism in Manipur
Holkhongam Haokip - A 3 part series on Buddhism in Manipur
Holkhongam Haokip - A 3 part series on Buddhism in Manipur
Dr. Khomdon Lisam - A 4 part series on Umang Lai Council Act
Dr. Khomdon Lisam - A 4 part series on Umang Lai Council Act
Dr. Khomdon Lisam - A 4 part series on Umang Lai Council Act
Dr. Khomdon Lisam - A 4 part series on Umang Lai Council Act
Phanjoubam Chingkheinganba - 'a religious site where followers regularly visits to offer prayers and obeisance to'
Star Kamei- 'The first Church in the valley of Manipur ...'
Holkhongam Haokip- 'Let this auspicious occasion brings unity, brotherhood and spiritual growth among Kuki Churches'
Mufti Salatur Rahman - ' Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated by Muslims all over the world'
Budha Kamei - 2 part series on Religious movement of Haipou Jadonang
Budha Kamei - 2 part series on Religious movement of Haipou Jadonang
K Daimai- 'first convert from the Zeliangrong ... Namrizinang Pamai of ChaKhuak kiu village '
Mufti Salatur Rahmani- ' Ramadan is the most precious month in the Islamic calendar (Hijri) '
Ahmed Ali- 'important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadaan'
Hassan Sana MM- 'five pillars of Islam out of which Fasting the month of Ramadhan (Ramzan)'
A translation from an article from 'Ibudhou Chairellakpa Seva Committee, Thanga'
Budha Kamei - 2 part series on Heraka religion of Zeliangrongs
Budha Kamei - 2 part series on Heraka religion of Zeliangrongs
A transliteration from an article from 'Ibudhou Chairellakpa Seva Committee, Thanga'
Dr H Indrakumar - ' Religion is a factor for overthrowing the whole superstructure of Meetei society'
Budha Kamei - 4 part series on Kairao Kalumei, an Ancestor worship of the Zeliangrong
Budha Kamei - 4 part series on Kairao Kalumei, an Ancestor worship of the Zeliangrong
Budha Kamei - 4 part series on Kairao Kalumei, an Ancestor worship of the Zeliangrong
Budha Kamei - 4 part series on Kairao Kalumei, an Ancestor worship of the Zeliangrong
Ahmed Ali - 'The literal meaning of word "Muharram" is forbidden'
Budha Kamei - 3 part series on Religious activities of Haipou Jadonang
Budha Kamei - 3 part series on Religious activities of Haipou Jadonang
Budha Kamei - 3 part series on Religious activities of Haipou Jadonang
Prof Lal Dena- 'why did the tribal Christians in North East India usually celebrate Christmas with feast'
Budha Kamei 2 part series - 'Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak means the religion of Tingkao Ragwang '
Budha Kamei 2 part series - 'Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak means the religion of Tingkao Ragwang '
Tarun Nongthombam - 'Manipuri vaishnavs see Mahadeva as adorable God when they say "Mahadevadi Lai Agnougba ne" '
Seram Neken - 'Ras Lila, Pung Cholom and Nat Sankirtan were born to the religious creativity of Bheigyachandra'
Maisnam Bomcha - 'For a fortnight Manipuris will be making offerings to our ancestors, mainly the immediate forbearers'
Tarun Nongthombam - 'Tulsi has occupied an important place among the Manipuri Vaishavs' households'
Ahmed Ali - 'Muslims should spend the whole month in acts of worship like giving charity, recitation of Quran'
Dr. Sapam Nabakishore Singh - 'When Krishna descends from the Kingdom of God for material manifestation, He assumes the name Avatara'
Pr Kungsong Wanbe - 'doctorates/historians referred Eputhou Thangjing Koren (Koireng) lai and Koren (Koireng) tribe'
Chaoba Kamson 2 part series on a profound indigenous religion followed by the Zeliangrong people of North East India
Chaoba Kamson 2 part series on a profound indigenous religion followed by the Zeliangrong people of North East India
Puyam Nongdrei Khuman - 'demystifying the creator Gods and Goddesses in the Meetei genesis'
Puyam Nongdrei Khuman on the Meetei religion, philosophy and culture
Puyam Nongdrei Khuman on the origin of Meetei religion and philosophy
Dr. Budha Kamei on The Zeliangrong people indigenous religion known as Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak
Abdul Ghaffar - 'May this Ramadhan be a time of true fasting, of deeper prayer and real identity'
Mohd. Nasir Ahmed - 'some knowledge of mine about Ramadan to human kind.'
Prof Th Ratankumar Singh 2 part series on Manipur Gods which is now included in Texas University syllabus
Prof Th Ratankumar Singh 2 part series on Manipur Gods which is now included in Texas University syllabus
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen on the origin of putting Sanamahi Religion
Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen on the origin of putting Paklei Namsa on the foreheads
Longjam Devadutta on Creation of Mother Earth as per Manipur's indigenous religion
Budha Kamei - Heraka is a pure religion of Zeliangrong people
Balu Thongam explains the relationship between Shivaratri and Meetei community
Dr Budha Kamei on the Supreme God for the Zeiangrong people
Oinam Anand explains this hindu custom of charity in Manipur
A.S. Yaruingam on the Prospects and Challenges of Tangkhul Church
A.S. Yaruingam on the Prospects and Challenges of Tangkhul Church
Warner Keisham explain the geneis of Sanamahism
UA Shimray on the history of Chini-gur in Christmas
Nabakumar Salam provides "Emoinu Lairelbigi Tengtharol"
5 part series by H Dwijasekhar Sharma on Kangla and Sanamahi
Tuisem Ngakang discusses Naga Traditional Religion and Christianity
Dr. Dwijendra Narayan Goswami traces the origin of Sikhism in Manipur
Langlenthoibi Laishram on the similarity between the Korean and Manipuri
Dessert Leelee outlines Manipur's religion history
7 part series by Dr. Thingnam Kishan on the Ordeals and upheaval
Pr Kungsong Wanbe explains feast & ceremony of Koireng
Pr Kungsong Wanbe explains Faith/religion of Koireng
Dr M. Horam quotes from scriptures to the Birth of Jesus Christ
Rev. Fr Gabrief T. Mayopam explains Christmas true meaning
Sriman Prasada Das on beloved spiritual son of Manipur
R Yangsorang says the divine ruler of Moirang is overlooked
Dr Lal Dena on the spread of Gospel in North East India
MA Rahman Shah churns out the resonating theme from all religion
AK Vyas gives historical perspective on Rama Worship
Donn Morgan Kipgen on the origin of Christ & Christmas
Courtesy: IAP MHA CTL
Dr. Angom Shyam on the advent of Vaishnavism
P. Kunjo Singh on Meitei Culture and Religion
E.Nilkanta Singh on Religion in Tribal Areas of Manipur.
Prof Gangmumei Kamei dwells on indigenous tribal religion
L. Keivom on the history of Tribal Christian Marriage
Prof Lal Dena dissects Tribalism.
Prof. M.S. Ningombam on Buddhism In Manipur.
Lukram Ingocha Meetei on revival of Sanamahism
Farooque Ahmed Makakmayum on Manipuri Muslims
Farooque Ahmed Makakmayum on Early Manipuri Muslims
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