Readers Writes

Readers' E-mail on Arming Heirok and Chajing residents

Here are a few feedbacks and views of some of E-Pao! readers.
All thoughts and ideas expressed are entirely the authors'
and E-Pao! has nothing to do with it save for sharing them with the public.

You can write back with your idea to [email protected]
Click on the links below to read the letters!

Read the whole Timeline for Killing Fields - 2007 / 2008
Read Readers Email on Migrant Workers Killing

Shooting Heirok youth - 17 Sep 2008
'Mayang'nisation of Names and Heirok - 10 Aug 2008
Provide Arms to bring peace! - 4 Aug 2008
Erase Poverty - Not provide Guns - 23 Jul 2008
Keep It Simple Stupid - 22 Jul 2008
Salute to the people of "Heirok" - 22 Jul 2008
Abolish meira paibi - 20 Jul 2008
Killing figures in 2007 - 16 Jul 2008
Government in a bed of roses? - 15 Jul 2008
Not by religion alone - 09 Jul 2008
Follow your age old culture - 07 Jul 2008
We are the people's of Manipur - 30 Jun 2008
Instructed to go back to Heirok? - 29 Jun 2008
UG crime and GOM , GOI crimes - 25 Jun 2008
Tell brothers and sisters to shun violence - 25 Jun 2008
The beginning of genocide - 23 Jun 2008
claims, refutes/discredits - 23 Jun 2008
People outside Manipur is also unsecured - 21 Jun 2008
A separate insurgent related news - 16 Jun 2008
Let peace in Manipur - 14 Jun 2008
Gun is not a license to kill - 08 Jun 2008
MU on strike against millitant demand - 06 Jun 2008
Whats happening in Manipur - 06 Jun 2008
Heirok & Chajing people are very brave - 02 Jun 2008
Militia and civil war - 26 May 2008
This plan will bring evil - 23 May 2008
A Reactionary tactics - 15 May 2008
Arming the public- a necessary evil - 15 May 2008
GOM is 100% puppet - 14 May 2008
GOM of not a puppet government - 14 May 2008
Manipur's democracy seized by GOI - 10 May 2008
Pros and Cons of SPO - 09 May 2008
Guns = no solution - 09 May 2008
Consciousness = peace - 08 May 2008
More Guns more death - 08 May 2008
Arms and the Rights - 08 May 2008
Village Militias or Separatist Militias? - 08 May 2008
Wrong remedy is bad intention - 08 May 2008
No bloodshed - just good business - 08 May 2008
Another Cambodia - 07 May 2008
Best thing for Govt and Police - 07 May 2008
Need a conscious revolution - 07 May 2008
Guns for the people!- short-sighted measures - 05 May 2008
Whom to arm in Heirok? - 05 May 2008
Manifestation of irresponsibility - 04 May 2008
Provide Martial Arts training too - 03 May 2008
Arming the unarmed - 03 May 2008

Shooting Heirok youth

[ Wed, Sep 17, 2008 4:01 pm ]

It was quite appalling to hear the news that one Heirok youth was shot at thigh by some UG members for not paying heed to their warning. It is time for Heirok to unite further among themselves and declare that they will never succumb to any pressure of the world, come what may. They should also let them know that they would prefer perishing on the ground instead of towing lines with the dictates of thugs and goons. Only then, can the Heirok become a trend setter for the entire Manipur, thus will help bringing peace in our society.
Long live Heirok and its people.


'Mayang'nisation of Names and Heirok

[ Sun, Aug 10, 2008 3:42 am ]

The basic problem with the 'mayang'nisation of our nomenclature is that we meiteis as a people is being eaten from the inside and outside for a long time now. There as four groups of Manipuri speaking people viz. the meitei pangals, the Bhamons, the Bishnupriyas and the meiteis. While the Meitei pangals as a distinct group with their own unique culture and religion, does not threaten our social order. The other two communities are mainly different in terms of race and thus the greatest threat to our gene-pool. Forget about mayangnisation of our names.... or calling us the descendants of Arjuna....which is only a part of their policy ...which is wipe us off from this world... to extinct us as a group of people called the Meiteis. But none of these policies are overt.... but meibu phina kuppaga kayam kuina thamgani ..... and so we need to go a lot deeper.... like how would you interpret the Heirok incident.... when we meiteis don't want any fight between our brothers... they don't consider as their brothers.... why.... the fact is that we are not the same people.... so let's read this debate within the perspective of the larger gameplan..... my dear meitei brothers and sisters


Provide Arms to bring peace!

[ Mon, Aug 04, 2008 2:06 am ]

I am extremely glad to have an opportunity to share the ideas for providing arms to the villegers who were traumatize by the brutal killers. Every individual have a right to live freely and happily in this world, they need peace and prosperity to develop themselves mentally, physically and economically. Naturally, the villgers were being the vitims by the arm groups or individuals. Many incidents took place in Manipur were planned and reasoned so, nobody respects and dislikes these activities and separated from the civilians. So, from my point of view Govt of Manipur ought to give arms to the people who needed to protect themselves. If, the power is vested to every individual equally there will be peace, harmony and development.

ST Sharma - A Social worker from London.

Erase Poverty - Not provide Guns

[ Wed, Jul 23, 2008 5:14 am ]

If we try to find the solution for the rampant crimes prevailing in our state, the only answer is to eradicate poverty. Youth allured by costly mobiles, bikes, comforts become victim of easy way of earnings. These facilites otherwise not available can be easily grapped with the might of guns. Now at this nick of hour the greatest threat to our society is to prevent it from getting extinct. Poverty can be eradicated by following ways..
1) by promoting agro-based Industries and Manufacturing world class fruit products, which can be exported elsewhere. Remember here everyone would be beneficial (farmers, traders, transporters and the government)
2) by promoting tourism, health tourism packages should also be incorporated... travelling and accomodation must be viewed with top priority. Safety of the tourist is provital above all.
3) no idle men and women should be present. Every club in every locality should be provided with modern Handloom based machinary, where they have to work daily for atlest 2 hrs a day to promote handloom industry. Each individual will be awarded a monthly salary. The same would be carried out in every school whereby the students can pay their school fee with the same. Like this everyone can enjoy education and equality. The products should be distributed with the collaboration of giant companies world wide.
4) Hospital industries should be made to developed. Every coporate Hospital must provide 5% BPL card and try to get it re-imbursed from either Government or WHO. These card holders will be granted only after thorough investigation. 5) Manipur should welcome outside IT companies to go in hand with the fast growing IT sector. These can ultimately solve the problem of thousands of unemployed youths. 6) Local Investors must be encouraged and people should get united to fight any menace. 7) Every corner of the streets in Imphal should have posters showing the importance of education and peace. 8) Let us all join in hand and say bye bye to gun culture.

pame_jit - FROM a man who still sees a bright future in Manipur.

Keep It Simple Stupid

[ Tue, Jul 22, 2008 1:18 pm ]

I am really disappointed to hear the news of child recruitment or kidnapping whatever you name it. But I was not shock by this that the situation is that bad that this thing are prone to happen. I am pretty much concern about the manipur as well as north east and therefore I feel really sorry for my people. In a voluntary work in Leeds, UK , some of my friend has shown me a documentry film reall interesting one that is based on the story of child recruitment by rebels in Myanmar. The life and their knowlege about the world is zero. What they know is nothing but to use guns which in turn does't bring any gains. As far as I know, this trend in Manipur is a reflection of Myanmar system of recruitment which is senseless, baseless, just ridiculous. I have read about some of the revolution movement of other countries too. They do have many pitfalls but here I m not saying that it is ok to have pitfall. I mean whatever thing we do should not be in the interest of a few people. It should for the society. In manipur the problem facing is pretty much and they have only one solution, that is merely understand by government nor UGs. What we need to do at this current situation of Manipur by both Revolutionary or the Government should be in point of economic condition. But now both the parties are showing their power by counting dead bodies.

When I grew up in Kakching, I use to have many friends who are very wise, they talk about what we could do but now everybody is silent. Nothing is possible in Manipur( or everything is possible). Same applies to all place in Manipur. My point here is that our people are covered by the systems of Gov, UGs and many others, their voices are not heard. They are tired and now they dont have no more energy left.

Also, when I was in Shillong, Guwahati, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Kerala, Rajasthan and Shimla, I met many Manipuris as well as many North East people. When together we talks about Manipur and Northeast and all of them, I repeat, all of us think that we should do many good things ... this kind of conversation is just evoked by discrimination we face in other part of India. Yes I agree that we are sometime frustrated by the ill treatment of Indians but this frustation is taken as granted by UGs and now taken advantages of it. You know how? when someone ask you do you love Manipur? Answer is yes? Lets do something for Manipur? Again yes, Do you like the way Indian people treat us? Answer is no. When we say those what we are talking about is not about lets take up guns and fight. What we are talking about is lets maintain peace in Manipur, lets develop our mentality, economic condition, education system and so that we do not need to depens on other people.... but it ia misintepreted and taken advantages of it by UGs.

At the same time what our government is doing? the public are confused at the same time gov have thousands answer for that we are.... we are..... Lets be straight forward whoever think that we can or You can do about Manipur whether it is Gov or UGS; let the aims and objective be specific, measurable, attainable and reasonable and time (SMART). My point here is that lets not dream about.... lets be practical how much we can pull up manipur to a next level in term of economic condition least.

My suggestion to both Goverment and UGS is that KISS - KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID


Salute to the people of "Heirok"

[ Tue, Jul 22, 2008 10:20 am ]

Children are like soft mud which can molded to your desired shapes is being taught very frequently when we were in school. So making the child ran away like the runaway train to join the infamous armed forces is rather easy than kidnapping them. Some stories of great leaders, great photos, adventurous life can easily lure them to join the infamous forces. You can hardly do it to stop it. Remember how much we had respect for these armed famous in young age. They are yet to mature to decide what is right or wrong for the society and for themselves in the long run. Moreover, the kind of economy scenarios prevailing in many houses makes the things easier. Half the work of convincing the kids are done by this. Moreover, forget the economy scenario I'm also worried for the kind of parenting in the family. Some family are least bother of their wards. They literally have lost track of their wards on many occasions. Furthermore, the kind of education system in Manipur have worsen the scenario to realize the worst things. The kind of education system which is prevailing in Manipur is very worrying. There are many schools with so long un-official holidays, no walls, no benches, no uniforms, no text book, no teacher, teacher with no teaching etc. Just a school for the sake of school. How can just an environment make the child sustain against such evil and tempting things? Even I doubt myself whether I would be able to sustain if I put myself in their places. Also, think about the brutality of our infamous commandos and armies. These all adds fires to the young and healthy minds. The kind of militants in Manipur is deteriorating with each passing days. The support from the mass is now gone. In fact, the public have volunteered to take up arms against them. People have lost faith. With these new change in the outlook of the general masses, Manipuri's militants have lost the ground. No wonder they are resorting to such acts which is bringing shame to the entire global militants/revolutionists. Perhaps, now they are better fitted to be called "Terrorists." Time has come for the masses to rise against them. Time has come to show them they are no longer needed. Salute to the people of "Heirok" for the courageous move. I hope they can sustain to erase the "Terrorists" inspite of the threats and warning from all the sides.

Oinam Khuman Ngakpa

Abolish meira paibi

[ Sun, Jul 20, 2008 3:22 am ]

Tears roll down from my eyes thinking about what is happening in our place. Is there any ideology for these so called freedom fighters? These people are not able to unite themselves, everyone wants to become leader....there is no resourse in our place. The very human resource is also depleting because there is no peace of mind and the place. No proper education, sanitation, any living standard... above all the frequent dirty games played by the insurgents, politicians and the higher officials. Some foolish uneducated women simply support them without knowing the insight heinous plot. First and foremost, abolish this meira paibi then we can control the insurgent, moreover some civil society are simply poking their nose...they are the overground people......its not a complaint but an attepmt to highlight the fact happening in our place. If their mind is pure, ideology is strong and greed for money is not there then something may you know its just like a rat fighting with 10000 cats..........


Killing figures in 2007

[ Wed, Jul 16, 2008 3:36 pm ]

In the year 2007, the number of people officially killed unnaturally (with arms) were 369 (three hundred and sixtynine) out of which 41 personnel of military/para mil/police. 171 people were insurgents/suspected insurgents and 157 pure civillians were killed. I think its quite a big ratio in a state of few lahks of people.


Government in a bed of roses?

[ Tue, Jul 15, 2008 12:08 pm ]

Arming of civilians by the Government of Manipur is a random creative act with futile impacts. It would sow an apple of discord to bring out the situation into havoc and results to grim. What is the Government thinking with this issue? It shows out they are inappropriate and illegible to run the state, rather discovering out the remedies to resume the normality into the state. They are trying to evade and avoid their duties, it is a matter of shame. They don't want to intervene in issues between militancy and civilians. They want to be in their bed of roses without any productive works. Its just like they are bestowing the civilians, then what is the need for a Government. It would result into chaos and ghastly scenes, their policy shows they are of no use, so they should quit, we don't need such a ridiculous Government.


Not by religion alone

[ Wed, Jul 09, 2008 1:56 pm ]

To Arjun: the crisis in Manipur can't be solved by religion alone, it will simply make it worse. Also Hinduism is the religion which created a rift between the hill and the plain people and the wound is still there to heal. So at least lets stop that Hindu Vaishnava cult which devised caste-ism will help in this matter.


Follow your age old culture

[ Mon, Jul 07, 2008 2:01 am ]

So many people are speaking about peace in this e-pao. Unless if these people don't take to God consciousness, there will be no peace. Peace will come when you totally surrender to the supreme personality of Godhead. Manipuris are originally following vaishnav culture and if they strictly keep following this culture there will be no bloodshed in Manipur instead of that young people are simply doing nonsense and following so called western culture, Of course we should follow but their Technology and not taking drug et al. Today when I read Manipur epao I see that so many people are complaining this that so on, but unless they come to God realize there will be no peace at all. Dear sir, what Ireally want to say is all the problem comes only due the impurities of the mind of the people of Manipur but if they strictly follow Manipuri culture and obey what the elderly advice there will be always peace in manipur instead of continues war. I am from Indonesia, Bali, when people ask me where are you from, I am proud to answer I am from Manipur they are immediately nice to me because even though Manipur is just a small state in this world, people from all over the world respect Manipur from sports, arts and culture.


We are the people's of Manipur

[ Mon, Jun 30, 2008 4:54 am ]

We are the people's of Manipur....we care about our future...
we stand for freedom, etc.,we and us man youth...
there is nothing you can do,to stop the people of Manipur..
Manipur, future people me and you....
genocide is all we get..from the dark government
they don't care what we've become...all they want is opium in their masses which destroy us..
We fight oppressionism for the revolution...
we might just bite you....
One united unity united for the people of manipur..
Manipur, future people you and me


Instructed to go back to Heirok?

[ Sun, Jun 29, 2008 8:03 am ]

Today it is an open secret that due to the stablishment of the so called Special Police Officer (SPO) at Heirok, Thoubal, all the students from Heirok studying anywhere within Manipur but outside Heirok have return back to thier native village Heirok because they had been instructed to do so by the Heads of thier respective Institutes. Well! This inhuman instruction might have been given under the Duress from those who oppose the concept of SPO. Whatsoever may be the reason, however no rational person on this Planet would be able to justify it. So being a leading paper in Manipur, please high light this burning issue. Also I would like to implore you to kindly use your powerful media and influence the concerned Department, Govt Of Manipur to get back all the victin students to thier respective Institutes at the earliest possible time. I do believe, you would be good enough to accept my sincere and earnest request.

Ibomcha Ningthoujam - Scientific Officer, Dept Of Atomic Energy, Govt Of India

UG crime and GOM , GOI crimes

[ Wed, 25 Jun 2008 10:26:11 -0400 ]

To thounaithou: - True the UG commit crimes and extortion. But their crimes are crime retailing. And the crime commited by GOM and GOI is crime wholesale. Before you write, think clearly. Nobody like violence and nobody likes to be UG . But can not you imagine that there are worse crimes in other parts of India perpetrated by communist insurgent. Yet there is no restrictive policy like RAP and draconian laws like AFSPA. These policy of termination under isolation is imposed against the 45 million Tibeto Burman race only. Is not it slow and steady genocide? You know it better I do. GOI says Manipur is sensitive, but Delhi is closer to Pakistan than Manipur is to China. Even the parliament was attacked by Islamist millitants. And there is crimes of all sorts in Delhi including extortion and kidnapping. And the majority of those killed by the Indian army and state para millitery are all innocents. Why don't they kill only the UGs? Which side is a bigger criminal? If the UGs commit crimes it is crime retailing but the GOM and GOI are crime wholesaler. You know it and stop pretending. The world is not blind.


Tell brothers and sisters to shun violence

[ Wed, 25 Jun 2008 08:11:41 -0400 ]

To Gobserver - "Now the arming of the villagers as SPO under supervision by the Puppet GOM is the beginning of genocide." you said.
You should know the meaning of 'Genocide' first before you utter this word. UGs killings hundreds of people every year of the same cast/community/religion/...what do you call this?
"The puppet GOM under GOI instead of looking for political solution is pouring fuel to the fire. Now its quite clear that GOI and GOM is not interested to bring peace by bringing a political solution but rather taking advantage of the situation is hell bent on wiping out the entire Manipuri people and transplant Indian people. The GOI is using its puppet GOM as front to start a genocide." You said.
Are UGs interested then to bring peace in the state and do you? I am not interested. Let them kill each others and kill as many as they can, lastly then they will realise...after all burnt down. then peace will come.
"These armed villagers will no doubt be organised looters, legalised by what the GOI called the counter insergency operation." you said.
Are UGs not looters in many ways? So what if some more start looting!
"The people of Manipur and the world at large has no hope in the puppet GOM and GOI for peace." you said.
What, do you have hopes on UGs?
" It lies in the pro-people change and leaderships to garner global support to the save the life of Manipuri people and the rest of 45 million Tibeto Burma Race." you said.
Are UGs pro people and their leaders are worthy of respect? Ask the common people?
"India has failed to retain this territory as secular democratic parts of India by its own narrow minded defination of Indian nation state." you said. Where do you get this rhetoric statment? Seems copied from U.N Gen.Secy.

Let's stop pretending! Let's work constructively. Blaming others for our own misfortune will not help. Let's tell our brothers and sisters to shun violence. Charity begins at home.


The beginning of genocide

[ Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:04:57 -0400 ]

Now the arming of the villagers as SPO under supervision by the Puppet GOM is the beginning of genocide. The puppet GOM under GOI instead of looking for political solution is pouring fuel to the fire. Now its quite clear that GOI and GOM is not interested to bring peace by bringing a political solution but rather taking advantage of the situation is hell bent on wiping out the entire Manipuri people and transplant Indian people. The GOI is using its puppet GOM as front to start a genocide. These armed villagers will no doubt be organised looters, legalised by what the GOI called the counter insergency operation. The people of Manipur and the world at large has no hope in the puppet GOM and GOI for peace. It lies in the pro-people change and leaderships to garner global support to the save the life of Manipuri people and the rest of 45 million Tibeto Burma Race. in the entire reqion. India has failed to retain this territory as secular democratic parts of India by its own narrow minded defination of Indian nation state.


claims, refutes/discredits

[ Mon, 23 Jun 2008 05:01:38 -0400 ]

One UG organization claims, the other UG organization refutes/discredits! What is going on here? Why don't these UG organizations understand that we are not interested in their blame game nor in any of their activities for that matter. I have already proposed a solution to this to the e-pao team, but I don't know what is holding them back. My proposal was, the e-pao team can start a separate page for the insurgent related news to separate them from the main stream news. If this solution is not feasible, then I would like to request the many (too many) UG oragnizatins to jointly start a news agency where the UG organizations can write anything they want - ANYTHING. And if the common people is interested then they can buy the issue and read.


People outside Manipur is also unsecured

[ Sat, 21 Jun 2008 03:08:44 -0400 ]

Apart from the home state now all the Manipuris will feel unsecure in the other state too since the number of arrest of the UGs group which operate outside the state is increasing day by day. Its really to be ashamed off to tell that we belong to Manipur. The state goverment is also responsible for this. How do all this people escape from the state; they (Police and other) should have a close watch on this. And the UGs should think that this will disturb the student who are prusuing their education in the rest of the state of India. Please my appeal to all the UGs group - try to understand the meaning of Peace - nothing will come as a good result because of all the 'act' done to cause the disorder to the people living in the state.


A separate insurgent related news

[ Mon, 16 Jun 2008 05:01:03 -0400 ]

Can the e-pao team do something to separate insurgent related news and the main stream news? It is pretty boring reading their (insurgent's) blame game and dictats. For that reason we can have a separate page for the insurgent related news. It is not to demean their freedom struggle. It is their blame game and dictats that we are fed up of.

Also, we have a public holiday and there is no news update the next day. How wonderful! this is how we keep abreast of the latest happenings. No wonder Manipuris are so lagging behind in many fields. Are the concerned persons listening? Is this how we remain informative in these information age?????


Let peace in Manipur

[ Sat, 14 Jun 2008 16:29:06 -0400 ]

My heartiest thanks to e-pao network bureau for your commandable services. I am a new joinee in this net service and i find it is very useful. Today, I would like to convey my appeal to all the brethern of Manipur: Let us give a chance, peace be in our state. I hope in near future will provide the most comprehensive news as per the other counterpart. Wishing you all the best.

Raghumani Singh

Gun is not a license to kill

[ Sun, 8 Jun 2008 05:11:09 -0400 ]

My dear fellows of Manipur, I was just scrolling through e-pao to see some interesting good article. And i found this!! what is this? Why is people reacting so much and worried about the people of Heirok?? Lets supposed the govt. issue you a licensed gun. Will you take out that gun and shoot to anyone with whom you had a fight? ITs a big NO! Did the Heirok people say a single word that the govt. is forcing us to held up the heavy 303 rifle?? Just think how brutal sufferings must have caused that they are even ready for a fight, "either we die or they die".... Did anyone shouted or burnt down houses of UG of Manipur for huge demand in any field, for killing innocent immigrants and people etc etc.?? Look people of Manipur--- "From the day the people of Heirok accept the guns from the Government of India then no one from Heirok will be allowed to venture outside to other places, added the two outfits" said by the joint committee of KYKL and UNLF. What do you say about this statement?? Is this what you call liberty, free and democracy!! NO its called the OSAMALISM!!! If people are really worried for heirok people than go, stand out and say why can't they go outside heirok if they fell for a treaty with GOM. Is this fair enough??? Why you people are doing this?? Lets open our eyes before its too late!! lets do something before its too late!! Lets build a future, A bright shinning future!! honestly I am even afraid in writing this letter. why?? Every single people of Manipur know the ANSWER!!!


MU on strike against millitant demand

[ Fri, 6 Jun 2008 07:58:24 -0400 ]

It is very unfortunate that Manipuri are ruining its culture, education, sports and any activities because of millitant's demand. When you can't stand yourself why you fought war against an owner. You can earn money in different sources without harashing your brother sister and parents. Incomplete or Stop of any activities in manipur is because of militant money demand till now. One day, Manipur will stop breathing from this world one day because of money demand by such millitants. I hope other Universities in other parts of the world has been getting lot of sanctions for development as it has lot of impact in the sourounding region. But Manipur University is a victims of millitant, people in this university never get a chance to think freely for any reason or research. Time has already gone for developmental activities of knowledge in Manipur University because it has been torturing by millitant for the sake of money. What things we can say better than this.....


Whats happening in Manipur

[ Fri, 6 Jun 2008 03:58:25 -0400 ]

One UG group is blaming another. Same blames are going on within UG group. Brick field close down, MU teachers and Staff sit in protest, Heirok people demanding weapon to protect themselves, RIMS blast Blast in chingmeirong and saying don't sit against them Youths shot and said found guilty No vihicle entry in BAZAR because of blast No freedom in own place what more to say??

Want to ask a simple question Who Is Behind All These ????? Will all the justice come by guns and bombs ?? Do common people have to pay for all these things??? What is the fear in mind of all common people ??? What are we getting after all this incident?? Ask an innocent child who is doing all they will give better answer. Ask them why it's holiday in sunday they will say Bandh. Do students and person staying outside Manipur have got the fear in mind and suffocation though its not their home place, then why in Manipur our home place??? Can we blame Indian Oppression then why our people live happy outside Manipur. Are we not getting enough from the govt.?? But govt is also elected by us. Are people living in Manipur happy. In 70's $ 80's was there this type of fear in the mind of Manipuri that time also India was ruling us . Why now???
Please lets join hands for better manipur


Heirok & Chajing people are very brave

[ Mon, 2 Jun 2008 06:02:29 -0400 ]

UGs should think twice before they speak. The most important thing about arming Heirok & Chajing is the mentality of these people becoming against the UGs. This is the warning of becoming their end. Many people in Manipur dont like them, but cannot speak out because they are afraid of death. But Heirok & Chajing people are very brave. I realy appreciate them. These UGs, Revolutionary claim by themselfe , a real thug earning in the name of revolution.

Ibobi - Heirok

Militia and civil war

[ Mon, 26 May 2008 06:35:32 -0400 ]

Yeah, Arming the unarmed is not the solution but another militia. Then, what is the solution? At one side, Army wants to finish by killing in fake encounter and on the other they are helping us for more vilolence between our brethren groups. But, UGs can not chalk out from the hell of Manipur because it is run by the youths who failed matric several times but it is also run by the Academicians, Govt officers staying in outside. Let the hell happen, it will ultimately come out a civil war.

Abdul Gaffar - Yairipok

This plan will bring evil

[ Fri, 23 May 2008 09:09:07 -0400 ]

As a normal people of Manipur, I do not think this plan is going to be a hit, instead it will bring some evil that is more dangerous than this current situation where a communal war, we are not far from this situation once it is started.... A good plan is always there. We should chalk out with the locals intead of providing them arms. I am in fear of this plan, as sometimes it may come to a situation where everyone will use arms at their will, one cannot exclude this idea. Therefore, urging everyone to come forward and share this thought. Looking forward to your help.

Boney M. Singh - Tentha Khongbal

A Reactionary tactics

[ Thu, 15 May 2008 15:55:23 -0400 ]

When the world wide call for defense of human rights and an end to any form of armed conflict through peaceful political means have been on the rise, the recent policy of arming sections of the unemployed Manipuri people by the Government of Manipur on the pretext of employing them and to defend human rights is no solution to the objective conditions of poverty under LPG policy superimposed in Manipur and human rights violations emanating out of the ongoing Indo-Manipur political conflict. Arming certain sections of the population to use arms along ethnic lines, issuing licenses of guns to the political barons and sections of the upper class to suppress economic bargaining power of the exploited and marginalized class, and encouraging civil strife that is latent in the conscription drive for SPOs would increase violence and genocide in Manipur in the long run.

That the Indian government had adopted such policy at a juncture when there have been widespread protest to both finance imperialism by the MNCs and state institutionalized destruction of agricultural lands and other resources and displacements, raises our concern for economic growth / development and political peace in Manipur. Similar armed policy adopted in Kashmir and Chattitisgarh had exemplified discouragement to the unity of the oppressed and the exploited in their legitimate fight for economic self reliance and political peace. Any section of the marginalized population failing to understand reactionary contents of the policy and, therefore, submitting themselves to it in the name of employment or security, would end up with puppetry, subjection, and forever lost of democratic right and national pride in their lifetime. While appreciating civil human rights movement to address immediate human rights concerns in Manipur, we called for collective effort to bring a democratic and peaceful political solution to the Indo-Manipur conflict.


Arming the public- a necessary evil

[ Thu, 15 May 2008 01:41:11 -0400 ]

Manipuris have suffered long enough. The ordinary citizens have been left to the mercy of two dangerous forces - the state force and the so called freedom fighters( and between the opposing factions). Heirok and chajing incidents are not the first of its kind and more will follow unless the citizens wield the bargaining capacity. Those who wield guns only understand the power of a gun. Arming the public may not be the right choice but since the Govt force cannot provide full security, organising them for self-defence seems to be the last alternative or at least it will serve as a deterrent to the trouble-makers. Simultaneously, the govt. should also win the trust of the people by streamlining the police force to make it a people friendly force.


GOM is 100% puppet

[ Wed, 14 May 2008 17:57:46 -0400 ]

Could you please stop the idea that more than 70% caste their vote and so GOM is not a puppet? People are forced to choose between bad and the worse. Do you live in a well still dreaming that the well is the ocean. You can define a puppet govt. as hanpicked by the boss to rule through it. It is the same as defining a puppet as the one whose acts and laws are handpicked by those master without the consent of the people of Manipur. And that is exactly what is happening in Manipur. People did not approved AFSPA and RAP, DAA etc......These are acts hand picked by the GOI for the puppet GOM without the consent of the people of Manipur. Is isolating an entire society for 60 yrs under RAP with laws like AFSPA, the most draconian ack comparable to the Burmese Junta and the Iraq under Saddam sign of popular govt? Is that what you call the democracy where the elected representative is forced to accept such undemocratic acts and laws under the union govt. of India? Why can't Ibobi repeal the act like AFSPA when the majority of the people don't want it. If the people of Manipur don't like the UGs or the armed separatist, people can fight without AFSPA. Its an act which keep the entire population under siege not by the UGs but by the GOI with its puppet GOM.


GOM of not a puppet government

[ Wed, 14 May 2008 06:48:58 -0400 ]

More than 70% of the electorates had cast their votes in 2007 assembly election. In this sense you can not call, this is a puppet government in Manipur. In the realm of poltical science, a puppet government is one handpicked by the bosses at the centre and installed to rule the area through it. Was this the case in Manipur? Definitely not! Please be careful while using such terminology.

Regarding Heirok issue, we are all overwhelmed with our short sightedness. No one of these organisations, lups etc had shared the sentiments of Heirok people at the time of the tragedy, shirking off, it was just another freak-accident. What Heirok people desires will have a far reaching positve impact on our revolutionaries groups and on our own people. Calling for unity as a condition by Heirok people is something worth pondering by all of us, instead of indulging into bickerings and wranglings. Because, this is the surest way to achieve what we want even for 'sovereignty'. Nothing could achieve without such 'unity'. And it is possible, if all the people exert their pressure upon the UGs for the same. So it will not be at all wrong to follow the path of Heirok people for the ultimate goal we aspire for.

Let's think, think , think and think before we shout!

Biswajit Okram

Manipur's democracy seized by GOI

[ Sat, 10 May 2008 13:30:27 -0400 ]

Arjun it is not that Manipur's democracy is seized by its own people. But is has been kidnapped, humilliated and the democratic citizens of Manipur are rendered as object without dignity to be tortured and killed at will by the puppet state govt. and its puppet central Govt of India. The cry of the people is for justice against crime. But every time the people cry for justice, India and it puppet Manipuris Govt. try to deliver bigger crimes. There have several instances when the people wanted to armed themselves against the Indian Army and State Forces atrocity, the govt. turn a blind eye. Its only after this Heirok incident, the GOI and puppet GOM take its chance to turn the civilian against the civilian. No democratic nation has such draconian law as AFSPA under which thousands of innocent Manipur, assamese, Nagas etc.. been brutally murdered after subjecting to the most inhumane forms of torture. The Heirok killing of innocent villagers by the separatist millitias was an accident not an intentional one.


Pros and Cons of SPO

[ Fri, 9 May 2008 01:33:51 -0400 ]

Manipur "The Land of Jewel" as stated by Jawaharlal Nehru where people are very welcoming and kind-hearted. Has become a place where every single second's of life is at risk. A place which once ruled by great kings is now ruled by Political Parties and group's of Insurgent. Our own people are being suppressed by our own people. India being a democratic country and Manipur as a part of India is a democratic state but all the rights of a Democratic nation in Manipur is seized by our own people.

The recruiment of 300 SPO in Heirok has been a issue of discussion in Manipur in recent times. I personally support the move of the government in recruiting SPO's and equally privilege to see the bold step taken up by the people of Heirok. If we start discussing who is right and who is wrong we would simply not get any solution. So, it's better to think whether the recruitment drive would be successfull or not. But then thier are lots of pros and cons. First of all,I would like to point out some pros.

1. People can protect themselves againts any form of crime.
2. Employment to the youth's.
3. Source of Income.
4. Threat to Insurgent groups of Manipur.

1. Gun's used in personal conflict after intoxication can take life.
2. If leaded by inappropriate leader, might turned up against our own Government.

The DGP of Manipur has stated that all the SPO's will be under SP of the District. Here,I would like to point out that a proper leader is very important to guide the youth in a proper way. Otherwise it can lead to lots of problem if fallen under wrong hands. For a place like Manipur where the government has really failed to protect life of a citizen and Insurgent group almost seizing almost all our rights. Such move should be encouraged. Let's hope for a better Manipur.

Arjun - Web Designer/Developer

Guns = no solution

[ Fri, 9 May 2008 07:28:33 -0400 ]

Guns in hands is not only way to solve the problem..

G Sharma

Consciousness = peace

[ Thu, 8 May 2008 15:54:37 -0400 ]

It is only political and economic Consciousness which will bring all section of the Manipuri people together and usher in an era of peace and prosperity. Otherwise the bloodshed will not stop.


More Guns more death

[ Thu, 8 May 2008 14:23:58 -0400 ]

One thing is sure that issuing more guns to the people will cause more death whether separatist or not. Finally the lost for Manipur only.


Arms and the Rights

[ Thu, 8 May 2008 14:12:04 -0400 ]

The state of Manipur under the Union of India is well known for Human Right violation. It is noted with red in the global conflict zone. So, not only the state choosen villagers should be armed but all the citizen of Manipur must have the right to possess fire arms for their own self defence. The govt. of India and the govt. of Manipur must show to the world that they are committed to safe-guarding all the citizen. And most importantly the so called Armed Separatist or Freedom Fighters must express their opinion and the message to the people. They have been remaining silent on this development. This indicates that they have no concern for the people.


Village Militias or Separatist Militias?

[ Thu, 8 May 2008 11:09:10 -0400 ]

How many of these village Militias will desert and join the separatist Militias? How many of them will become anti social element? In Manipur, all gun wielders have their own money making network, call it tax, extortion, smuggling, kidnapping etc.. In the hills, Army allegedly join hands with the hill millitias in Highway Extortion, Smuggling, etc. the police and the para-military are all involved in various forms of illigal money making, including extortion in the guise of freedom fighters. Under the AFSPA, any unarmed innocent civilian can be killed by the state force along with the Army when Manipur is isolated from the rest of the world under RAP. All kind of crimes are committed by the state and non state actors in the name of law and order, Indian National Integrity, Freedom from Indian rule etc..


Wrong remedy is bad intention

[ Wed, 8 May 2008 16:56:47 -0400 ]

Manipuris have been struggling for 60 years, but the crisis still linger on, even become worse. India's stand is quite clear that suppress the uprising with more brute force merely as law and order problem. The calculation from Delhi is that more guns means more Manipuri lives. But this time India is openly dictating its puppet Manipuri govt. to incite one section of the civilian against the other.

Everyday innocent civilian are being picked up at random and brutally murdered by the state force along with the Indian army and dump the victims as alleged insergent. No one and no organization has so far come up openely to arm the civilian against the wanton killing by the puppet state force along with the Indian army. What was an accidental killing of some innocent villagers by the separatist chasing an informer has been blown out of proportion as brutal murder. And taking advantage of this the puppet state of Manipur under dictate from its masters in Delhi is arming a historically violant village called Heirok.

That the arming of villagers will be closely monitored by Home Ministry of India which is thousands of miles away and whose officials have not even seen Manipur, clearly indicates the true intention of Delhi is just number of death whether its separatist or innocent civilian. This also undeniably indicates the puppet and master relationship between the toothless state govt. of Manipur and India. Can India solve the purely political crisis in Manipur by brute force?


No bloodshed - just good business

[ Thu, 8 May 2008 04:38:27 -0400 ]

As mentioned in various newspapers, it seems the Govt of Manipur will be providing guns to some sections of Manipur. Those who are in the business of selling guns will be laughing because there will be more and more demands of guns and they will be earning good amounts of money. I dont think there will be bloodshed because of this policy. Instead we can use these guns to shoot birds instead of Naori (in Manipuri) and we can have birds curry as and when we want. Nobody likes to be killed due to fightings until and unless there is provoke from one side.

Liston Kumar

Another Cambodia

[ Wed, 7 May 2008 14:05:03 -0400 ]

Such measure may be successful in Kashmir etc. because in Kashmir, its the foriegn Jehadis who fight. But in Manipur its the Manipuris who fight. So arming a selected section of the population closely monitored by the Home ministry of India is nothing but an attempt to create more bloodshed.


Best thing for Govt and Police

[ Wed, 7 May 2008 05:27:09 -0400 ]

This is the best thing of the Government of Manipur and Police Department have done. They have issued a lot of guns for Heirok and Lilong Chaging to save his or her own life means self-defence. I think some of unemployment problem in Manipur can be resolved .

Shiva Kakchingtabam

Need a conscious revolution

[ Wed, 7 May 2008 02:29:46 -0400 ]

Giving arms to untrained youth for self-protection against organized gundas may help the people. But what about the ministers and the police personnel who are equally sharing the percentage in any fund that is being sanction for the public. Who can stop cutting percentage while the whole govt departments including the home dept is paying 2% to the parallel govt. How long the general public be fooled. We need a conscious revolution to sort out this state of affair not merely a shortsighted approach to this age old cancer. Sooner we revolt the better it will be for us.

Sahid Khan - Lilong

Guns for the people! - short-sighted,desperate measures

[ Mon, 5 May 2008 22:36:47 -0400 ]

Now that Chief Minister Ibobi Singh has conceded to the demands of the people of Heirok & Lilong Chajing to provide them with arms, even the gods will be in no position to bail the state out of the mess it already is in today. Yes, Manipur is infested with insurgents. Manipur's ills are complex & complicated. For more than 20 years the government has struggled to crush insurgency with the help of the army ........ or win them over ... but have failed miserably. It is now obvious that the government has its back against the wall.

Today, the situation is something like this ....... the first one-third of the state (the armed forces) are armed; the other one-third (the insurgents) are also armed; with Ibobi Singh & team having agreed to providing guns to the villagers, the remaining one-third of the state (the common people) will also be armed ... eventually. Manipur will be a fully armed state ! The entire state could very well turn into a free-for-all battlefield.

That, of course, is an exaggeration, but the general effect of the outcome will not be very different. For the insurgents, it will be 'make hay while the sun shines'. Besides extorting money, they will now have the added opportunity to 'extort' guns as well. It will be akin to the government supplying arms to the insurgents through the common people. Who can and who will stop the insurgents from arm-twisting hapless villagers to demand guns from the government ? When the state has not succeeded in preventing the insurgents from extorting money from everyone all these years, how does it think it can prevent the insurgents from 'extorting' guns as well ?

It is deeply disturbing that the government is resorting to such short-sighted, desperate measures, which are likely to cause more harm than good in the long run. The CM is, in effect, telling the people, "I give up. Take these guns and protect yourself." I only hope that the government's decision will take the state one more step closer to peace, safety & stability.

NB: In the photo accompanying your news report 'Recruitment of SPOs at Heirok' (6 May, 2008), can the recruiting officers identify any UG cadre in the guise of a candidate ?

R.E. Gonmei

Whom to arm in Heirok?

[ Mon, 5 May 2008 02:58:16 -0400 ]

Lots of questions are being thrown up on rights or wrong of empowering villagers with guns to protect themselves. All concerns also delve into various probable aftermath both long term as well as short-term issues, but definitely there are some very burning issues-practical as well as hypothetical. But one thing is for certain to all spectator that - its fall out of governance failure.

Question is 'can they(SPF-7 not so wise man)contain it? The equation seems quite balance -if and only if- there is very strict regime in these whole excercise. There has been instances of such empowerments in other states-Karnataka, Andhra, Orissa etc. with variying degrees and formats. Some had been successful in curving anti-social elements. So, beware people of Heirok and Chajing, for the great challange lies ahead.

First and foremost would be to make sure 100% -none of your villagers' wayward sons or daughters are in anyway affiliated in whatever manner with any of these UGs - operative or non operative, past or present. If there was one, just even a far off relative, or one instance or chance happenning, let that one leave your village for some time until things cool-off(that may take a life-time).

Check every inch of information,if any link is established latter- the whole project goes for a toss. Buit up a data base if you want, but there should be hundred percent INTEGRITY. Then next comes -DISCIPLINE, all the would-be recruits to the new SPO programmes; villagers must first collect this data first. Each of these volunteers must have impeccable record, not just a zeal to wield a weapon or has a dire strait economic conditions etc would jeoperdise everything. He or She must have strong discipline(no alcohol,no bidi or any such habits), emotionally stable and of sound mind and respect authority of elders etc.

Villagers must compile the list very carefully(another data base with history,relatives & past records and achievements). These volunteers plays the most pivotal role and among them also need for a very strong and good team leader. They must all consult in group before reacting to anything, no decision without consultation. Weapon should be always the last resort, use baton or lathi as long as possible.

One month training may not be enough to instill so many ingradients required to keep a strong force united. And too many meeting also detracts from focus. The whole spectator is watching you all - people of Heirok and Chajing, so beware.

If some day in Headlines of Daily would read 'S/S Nanao of UG alais Y.Ranjit s/o Iboyaima of Herok PartII was apprehended by SF from Moirang' - Remember all your game plan is finish. Writer hates politics and politicians, so will not add further salt. So will pray for all of you- May god give you success & safety to all your endeavour

CK Pukhram

Manifestation of irresponsibility and the creation of another Iraq

[ Sun, 4 May 2008 16:17:32 +0530 ]

May 4th 2008, brought news read as "conceding to the people's demand State authorities lobbied with the Central Government representatives and the latter reportedly approved the proposal for one year on trial basis which will include establishment of 500 posts of Special Police Officers (SPOs) out of which Heirok will have 300 SPOs. The arm provision would be closely monitored by the Union Home Ministry and if the outcome is positive the period is likely to be extended in phased manner."

Suddenly, it reminds me that in late 2007, the set up of "Awakening forces" by the United States' occupational authority in Iraq. These forces are bringing new conflicts among the people there. For months now the U.S. military has been actively building what it calls "Awakening forces" only consists of "concerned local citizens." Members of these forces are paid 300 dollars monthly. There are at present about 80,000 recruits to these groups, the U.S. military plans to keep the number at 85,000. So now the nature of conflict is changing where targets shift to the people.

Manipuri have been experiencing decades of total denial of basic human rights by the Indian State, people has been continuing to d�tente without trial, killing for crimes not committed, involuntary disappearances, rape...etc. It is justify through many racist legislations like AFSPA. State attacks people and only kill on their version of "suspected insurgents and terrorists from the reliable sources," Forms of atrocities we are facing, and we are always insurgents, it seems there is no civilian in Manipur. If, State is committed to grant the assurance of people's live, would they arm all the people to protect themselves from the military' brutality?

Atrocities are condemned by the Society, and shouldn't be tolerant. But here the question is, why we are facing such chaotic jungle like situation, how they govern us, do our government knows their responsibilities? Giving people's protection and maintaining law and order is the duty of the respective government, if they distribute arms to the people to maintain law and order, then the idea of governance has failed to implement.

Anarchical situation prevalent in Manipur, it seems no legitimate authority, those who suppose to protect people, their behaviors are questionable and even hate to mention; see those discipline personals, they don't care any rules in public space, even don't maintain traffic rules, driving like crazy, they are more brutal to the people. How much Guns SPF government is ready to provide to the people for their self protection?

"The arm provision would be closely monitored by the Union Home Ministry and if the outcome is positive the period is likely to be extended in phased manner." Why it should be monitored by the center? Our politicians are acting like puppet; they don't have the guts of self � respect, speaking one and doing another. They know only how to beg and listen from their masters of Delhi, so it's hard for these corrupts to lead and act in the interest of the people and its welfare.

Chongtham Gunnamani

Provide Martial Arts training too

[ Sat, 3 May 2008 07:15:22 -0400 ]

What we heard about providing arms to the some section of people of Manipur is true and then also .303 Rifles, it will do nothing to protect them from the enemies or opponent what ever they want to call. Now a days, if you want to shoot somebody with .303 rilfles, he does not mind running here and there to protect himself. Even if the bullet hits to his buttom also, still he can think that he will survive (there is no chance to hit to any other areas of his body in case it happens openly). More over, those people whom they want to attack or defend from will have more sophisticated arms. Yes, this kind of arms can be given to the people to protect the locality from theft but not to protect from armed people. Instead, I feel, we can provide training of Kungfu, Karate or some other martial arts or thang-ta etc. It will save govt money, time, and moreover corruption. So many people will come out now since they will be paid Rs. 3000/- per month and also there is a chance to abosorb then in the Police Department. Good opportunity for some corrupted people.

Liston Kumar

Arming the unarmed

[ Sat, 3 May 2008 05:17:29 -0400 ]

The politics of the world works in permutation and combination not with only one formula and stratagy. Arming the unarmed fits perfectly into one of the items of this permutation and combinations. It has worked well in many places of the world and even in India, say Punjab and say Kashmir. Statistics says civilian casualties have gone down drastically ever since arming the unarmed in Kashmir. (refer Amnesty International report). Ibobi has opened up his eyes now. This can be a pilot project for Manipur. If it works , it can then implement in other villages as well. I am very glad about the initiative Heirok and Changing people have taken up. I am optimistic about its success.

This will deter UG's from their non-sensical activitis. When you lost your loved ones, you will not mind risking your life or even teaching some lessons to the perpetrators. Every sensible human-being has this instinct and UGs knows this now. I care less about dialogue if they target my life, rather , I prefer confronting them at par.

Chinese proverb says, one mile journey begins one single step! Hope this is the first step for the peace and stability of Manipur. Bravo to Heirok and Chaging people! Bravo to Ibobi.

Biswajit Okram

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  • Meeting on ST at Mayeng Lamjao, Kakching
  • Manipuri Diaspora B'luru Elected Executives
  • On the question of job reservation #3
  • The Power of Poppy - 61 :: Poem
  • The deafening echoes of deliberate silence
  • The historical account of Kabaw Valley #1
  • Gita - An antidote for life in Kali #2
  • Mourns Demise of Pu Thangminlen Kipgen
  • How to deal with problem of 'Diabetic Foot'
  • 3rd Petuk Somabesh at Agartala
  • Poser on ST demand in LS
  • Furore over killing, arrest of VVs
  • Mera Chaorel Houba #4 : Gallery
  • Oneness - Triumph in Manipuri Cinema
  • Internet bans: Security or public burden ?
  • MaolKeki Manipur Public School Scholarship
  • 'Give Peace A Chance!'
  • Manipur - I :: Poem
  • Rice water for winter beauty
  • Congress: Down but never out
  • Perilous national highways
  • 62nd Mr. Manipur 2024 @ MU : Gallery
  • Christmas: A time for giving
  • Engaging youth in tackling AMR
  • HC issues notice to facebook on Licypriya
  • Roles of valley dwellers in deforestation
  • 'ISL will be one of top leagues in Asia'
  • Of Uphul Waiphul & potholed roads
  • Imperturbable Prime Minister
  • Nupi Lal Memorial @Pune #1 : Gallery
  • Making Retired Military Speakers accountable
  • 85th Nupi Lal Day at Delhi
  • 62nd Mr. Manipur 2024 : Full Result
  • 85th Nupi Lal Memorial Function at Pune
  • On the question of job reservation #2
  • Health risks from canned food
  • Confused Delhi, confused Imphal
  • 'War on drugs' vindicated
  • Meitei Mayek Tamba : Online Classroom #5
  • 31st Imphal Book Fair : Gallery
  • Indigenous People Cultural Fest #1 : Gallery
  • Morning: Mera Houchongba #3 : Gallery
  • Nupilal Ningshing Lamjel #1 : Gallery
  • Maibi Jagoi @ Mera Houchongba: Gallery
  • Mega Protest Rally, end AFSPA #1: Gallery
  • Ta Ta TabuHtoN :: Seireng
  • Who are the Rongmeis ?
  • Mera Chaorel Houba #3 : Gallery
  • Ningol Chakkouba Shopping #2 : Gallery
  • Pot Lannaba : Mera Houchongba #1: Gallery
  • Radio E-pao: 1000+ songs from Manipur
  • Mobs attack MLAs house [Nov 16] : Gallery
  • Candlelight Protest @Blore [Nov 17] : Gallery
  • Protest @Seoul condemn murder : Gallery
  • Massive protests in Imphal [Nov 16] : Gallery
  • Condemns Killing Children [Nov 16] : Gallery
  • Ooba Video : is now relaunched !
  • Ningols to Mapam Lamdam #2 : Gallery
  • Ningols to Mapam Lamdam #1 : Gallery
  • Downloadable Manipuri Calendar :: 2025
  • GHOST of PEACE :: Download Booklet