Readers Writes

Readers' E-mail on "Effects of Armed Conflict in Manipur"
Here are a few feedback and views of some of E-Pao! readers on "Effects of Armed Conflict in Manipur"
All thoughts and ideas expressed are entirely of the senders and E-Pao! has nothing to do with it save for sharing them with the public.

You can write back with your idea to [email protected]
Click on the links below to read the letters!

Manipur and Plebiscite- 30-Mar 2011
Manipur is Becoming GUN-Ny PUR- 14-Mar 2011
What have we understood from the word "Plebiscite"- 16-Feb 2011
Plebiscite call is a waste of time- 15-Feb 2011
To The Revolutionary Friends of Manipur / NE- 10-Feb 2011
The present day armed groups are not revolutionaries- 03 Feb 2011
We All Should Wake Up !!!- 28 Jan 2011
Double Edged Crimes And Acts- 28 Jan 2011 team playing safe?- 26 Jan 2011
Right, we need to re-define INSURGENCY- 21 Jan 2011
Only fighting for themselves! insurgents- 14 Jan 2011
We have to redefine "insurgency"- 12 Jan 2011
Yes - Only reason - insurgency- 11 Jan 2011
Only reason - insurgency- 11 Jan 2011
Links of Manipuri outfits with Maoists- 21 Dec 2010
'scarcity of fuel' more troubling than AFSPA- 14 Nov 2010
Long-and short-term impacts of Armed conflict- 14 Nov 2010
Irom Sharmila is being used by others- 13 Nov 2010
Why surname is never used in Press release?- 07 Nov 2010
Extortion is a menace- 30 Oct 2010
Come forward and surrender- 30 Oct 2010
Stealing is the profession of these outfit people- 28 Oct 2010
AFSPA - continued- 28 Sep 2010
AFSPA must be repealed- 27 Sep 2010
AFSPA removal is by NGO's/orgs who are on pay role of UG- 21 Sep 2010
I am innocent but made a terrorist- 17 Sep 2010
Maturity of political consciousness during 1947 to 1949- 27 Aug 2010
Give tenders only to military- 24 Aug 2010
peisha yamna paiko- 19 Aug 2010
Funny its just a wistful dream- 18 Aug 2010
We ourselves are responsible for blockades, not India- 17 Aug 2010
Avoid baseless accusation in the public forum- 15 Aug 2010
Press release on Patriot's Day is really meaningful- 13 Aug 2010
Plebiscite became more popular in Manipur- 13 Aug 2010
Eye opener for all revolutionaries- 13 Aug 2010
Collecting tax is a private business- 13 Aug 2010
No right to discuss about rights violation- 13 Aug 2010
We are celebrating independence every day by staying outside- 13 Aug 2010
It is futile to come back- 12 Aug 2010
Life is not only that cinema has to flourish- 12 Aug 2010
Does Manipur deserved to be self-sufficient independent nation?- 12 Aug 2010
Playing cards with AFSPA will not do any wisdom- 12 Aug 2010
Naharaja Bhudhachanda sold out Manipur- 12 Aug 2010
Stand up for giving up of arms by millitants- 12 Aug 2010
The voice of majority- 11 Aug 2010
History is essential- 10 Aug 2010
Are we going to eat history, drink history?- 09 Aug 2010
Good for Mankind, Humanity- 09 Aug 2010
unique identity, language, script will disappear- 08 Aug 2010
More Manipuris outside Manipur than Non-Manipuris inside Manipur- 08 Aug 2010
Don't become Gods and preach unnecessary issues- 08 Aug 2010
Better to keep my eyes blindfolded- 07 Aug 2010
Making cheap propaganda- 07 Aug 2010
we'll be asked soon to leave their states- 06 Aug 2010
An eye-opener for all the people- 06 Aug 2010
Why don't UG read peoples voice- 06 Aug 2010
Manipur extortion capital of the world- 05 Aug 2010
Govt of Manipur and Sadam Hussein- 05 Aug 2010
please grow up and save Manipur- 04 Aug 2010
This incident should be a lesson- 04 Aug 2010
Might is right : Abductors thought process- 03 Aug 2010
Ibobi is the breaking Manipur into pieces- 03 Aug 2010
This was a game played by the centre- 01 Aug 2010
What if manipuri studying in delhi is forcibly sent home?- 31 Jul 2010
Mongloid, mongloid, this word should not be used- 31 Jul 2010
Are we public the only fools?- 28 Jul 2010
Chain process - no jobs, no money- 28 Jul 2010
"Say No To Drugs & Bribery"- 22 Jul 2010
Corruption starts from 5 paise- 22 Jul 2010
Eat to live rather than live to eat- 22 Jul 2010
We, Citizens of Manipur, are not working hard enough- 21 Jul 2010
Cannot build a a nation by theories- 14 Jul 2010
Its people elected Monarchy!- 14 Jul 2010
How to survive after independence?- 07 Jul 2010
Insurgency is not a good option for the state- 04 Jul 2010
Avoid baseless accusation- 03 Jul 2010
Is the inspection drive for better education or for popularity?- 02 Jul 2010
We are against misleading and peace breaker- 02 Jul 2010
No history: No Nation- 01 Jul 2010
Let us follow our brave doctors- 01 Jul 2010
Thinking of past experiences and glories leads to dark future!- 30 Jun 2010
Living in illusion and delusion- 25 Jun 2010
If a scot free atmosphere is created...- 25 Jun 2010
Solutions to problems in Manipur- 15 Jun 2010
shame Indian Union shame- 10 Jun 2010
Why do we deserve such a life?- 29 May 2010

Manipur and Plebiscite

[ Tue, Mar 29, 2011 10:22 pm ]

Houjik Manipur da plebiscite pangthokpagi saruk ama oina Meeting kaya chattharakliba asi Yamna phaba khongthang amani adubu masida houjik chongthokrakliba waphamdi. Manipurgi chingmee singna Plebiscite asi pamlabara haibasini?? Amana Manipurda insurgency asi 50 gi mathakta lei masigi manungda kayana Plebiscite asi pamlabage. Karigumba plebiscite asi phangthokle haina khallasi masida Meetei dagina vote kaya yamna phanggadouri aduga chingmee sing asina kayam yamna vote pirakkadouri. Meeting asi Tampakki districts kakta pangthoklaga yaragadara. Lemhouriba Districts sing asidadi mee mayamgi mot loudriba karigino?? Manipur asi houjik Meetopna hanna leiramba mee singdagi helle haiduna laori Makhoising asi tanthoktaringaida Plebiscite pangthokpa haiba si maipakkadara?? Eikhoina haijaningbadi Tampakki mapham khakta nattabida Manipur sinba thungna Meeting gi program asi pangthoklagadi henna phagani madu nattabida Tampak khaktang touduna leiragadi Maithinabagi Barton toubaga chapmanagani.

James Haokip

Manipur is becoming GUN-Ny PUR

[ Mon, Mar 14, 2011 2:16 am ]

Bombay becomes Mumbai. Culcutta becomes Kolkata, Madras becomes Chenai, but Manipur is Becoming GUN-Ny PUR. Do you agree. Everyone wants to have Gun to protect & defend himself but all the peoples of Manipur are against to our family only, but Govt. of India is giving Fire / Guns to us only to kill our brothers and sisters only but all responsible is our only state govt. Our Govt. is continously reciving those things in which we will used to destroy against us only. No one thinks for the Future. Fire can't stop by fire. Killing ourselves very effected us only & leads to get only decreased our own & only single community. We and u is needed to do something for this now. . Killing ourselves very effected us only & leads to get only decreased our own & only single community. We and u is needed to do something for this now.

lets used water to stop all fires occures in Manipur. we can developed our culture if we used the word PEACE, try to make frends with your enemy, he will help u & everyone in +\'ve direction . we need changs, now I intend to stop the use of Gun against us, & to stop look down against us, but talk help, in which he will help you, you need to request only to get benefit, in which u wil get compulsury somethimg from him take it. but stop looking down. from now.


What have we understood from the word "Plebiscite"

[ Wed, Feb 16, 2011 9:22 am ]

Tell me my friends what have we understood from the word plebiscite. We talk about bringing peace in Manipur but we are opposed to plebiscite. I am confused. Don't we think plebiscite is also one tool to bring in peace in Manipur. What is it that we are afraid of vis-a-vis plebiscite? Are we afraid that the majority of the people will support for a separate country? If that is the will of the people of Manipur then so be it. Don't the people of Manipur have the right to be where and how to be ruled? If we want to be ruled by India, fine. Lets voice our opinion. And this plebiscite will help us voice our opinion. Instead of taking advantage of plebiscite some of us feel it is a waste of time and yet they talk about bringing peace in Manipur.

I know plebiscite cannot guarantee peace in Manipur. But what's the harm in trying. This way we will atleast know who wants to be where. To bring in peace we have tried insurgency. It has not worked. We have tried the infamous AFSPA. Yet it has not worked. Instead Manipur is in total chaos today. The AFSPA is here to stay. The insurgency is here to stay. And we are in the middle. But to tell you the truth we have to be either with the AFSPA or the insurgency to bring in peace in Manipur. And this plebiscite will help decide who wants to be where. I also don't understand why India is against holding plebiscite. If India is so confident that the whole or majority people of Manipur wants to be with India, then I think not UNLF but India should take up the initiative of holding plebiscite in Manipur.


Plebiscite call is a waste of time

[ Tue, Feb 15, 2011 2:01 am ]

Independent Manipur, plebiscite etc, Mr RK Meghen has has been giving statements about this recently. Some UG groups and citizens also talk about it. Plebiscite for what ? Breaking up Manipur into Naga country, Kuki country and Meitei country ? Why don't we be realistic and get rid of the UGs so that we can develop as a good Manipur State. One should never forget what is the present state of us in the society where we don't have basic amenities to dwell ourselves in a much peaceful way ... coz of these we are forced to send our kith and kin to outside states for education, better jobs, better medicals facilities and so on and so forth ..... yes we will go if whose gives us Rs 5,000 a day .... I will agree and of course my fins also ... does it give any solution for a better Manipur ...??? clinching fist is okay but will it give us food and shelter when we do the plebiscite call ... who ever is educated must educate the unemployed not to join the cause ... these NGOs who are at the back of the happiness should focus in educating the youth instead of filling their pockets ... UG groups and their leaders are only making money for themselves and their families. Why don't they be realistic and let the common people enjoy the freedom to say and do what we want and not force us to do and say what they want.

K Ronil Singh

To The Revolutionary Friends of Manipur / NE

[ Thu, Feb 10, 2011 7:21 am ]

The Revolutionary Friends of Manipur / NE
Dear Revolutionary Friends! It's true that revolutions bring better changes to the world. World histories of the successful revolutions in America, Europe, Russia, China etc are the testimonies to these facts. However, all these successful world revolutions did happen with their clear cut plans & objectives supported by the general public. Here I am especially talking about the creation of new nations through revolutions.

Since our revolutionary friends in Manipur / NE also want such revolutions to create new/better nation[s] outside of Indian Union, people have one fundamental question to you: Do you have clear cut plans & objectives for a new nation? If so, declare it openly to the people of Manipur / NE. Let people decide what they want. If you have better alternative to the rule of India Government, then, surely people will come for it & support the revolution. All the successful revolutions in the world brought better changes to the society in terms of alleviating/improving the social justice, equality, development, productivity, employment, improvement of living standards etc for the people against the social ills of oppression/suppression, corruption/bribery, elitism/nepotism, inequality/subjugation, poverty/unemployment, exploitation/abuse etc. So far, in the history of last some decades of revolution in Manipur / NE, what kind of positive & lasting action plans & objectives for social upliftment & reformation have been initiated or pursued by our revolutionary friends as the better alternative examples except threatening the public, forced fund collection, extortion, kidnapping & ransom demands, faction fightings & killings etc that general public of Manipur / NE wanna know? Hope our revolutionary friends have answers to these public queries.

Goodman Naorem

The present day armed groups are not revolutionaries

[ Thu, Feb 03, 2011 12:25 am ]

Tomba, the present day armed groups are not revolutionaries, they are also not insurgents but sadly I don't know what to call them. I don't know how many armed groups are there in Manipur, I have lost the count long ago. If you know please tell me how many KCPs are there. When insurgency started in full swing (late 70s and in the 80s) the cadres were very much scared of doing anything against the people or the civilians. We were not afraid of them and in the alternative criminals were so scared of them. Look, these days these armed gangs are extorting money from unarmed,defenceless citizens. They cannot do anything against their supposed to be adversaries, the commandos, not a single bullet is fired upon them. The state police is also hand in glove with these people, none of them are so far killed or captured. Those alleged to have been captured are either innocent or remotely connected to the crime. We cannot rely on our representatives also, I mean the MLAs or the MPS. They are cunning to the bone, they are also extortionists of some kind. Our weakness is that we cannot change our representatives at will even though we have the opportunity every five years. I can guarantee the next general election will also be the victory of the congress. There are lots of people who can be bought for 500/-.


We All Should Wake Up !!!

[ Fri, Jan 28, 2011 8:09 am ]

Yet another monetary demand. This is not the first time, second time but so many times we see the monetary demands by outfit organisations, but we all are unable to do anything. Sadly this time it is on a school.

Actually speaking in our Kangliepak, violence has gone down, development is slowly coming, people are less support to insurgents. But extortion and taxes have remained with no change. It is a bizarre incident of monetary demand to Don Bosco School, Phayeng Imphal West on 21 Dec 10. Education is the building measure for a Childs future. How things change in our state ? Any parent would like to give his / her child better education for the future. If such environment is not available in our state, obviously they would prefer to give a better education available outside our state. So this is one of the reason of we all going out of our state. After all this happens and still happening we get a plebiscite call. So foolish and helpless we become. What sovereignty and integrity these outfits talk is not understood. We all should appeal to the parents and school authorities not to support such demands in future and stand united in ******* these ugs. These revolutionary groups as I said earlier are into deep looting business of filling their own pockets. They have malifide intentions and are talking of sovereignty and integrity of our state for the sake of telling just like that. We all are aware of present situation of our state that these revolutionary groups are responsible.

Tomba Singh

Double Edged Crimes And Acts

[ Fri, Jan 28, 2011 7:10 am]

On one side strongly condemning the act of killing of a senior chairman of BOSEM and on other side such acts are done by their own counterparts is not understood at all. This is like double edged crimes and acts.

How come we all can stand united if they are killing innocent people like this ? This crime is committed by some underground organisations only and the blame is on some innocent person for greed of the post. There is no colonial rule of Indian government in scene here, when such crimes are plotted and committed by these so called revolutionary groups. Are they trying to build up their image back by sympathising such acts committed by their own people in public ? we all are not suffering immensely at the hands of security force nor Government. We plead to the revolutionary groups not to carryout such double edged crimes in the society. These types of activities by them and wide publicity condemning, misguide the common people. We do not want the service of the underground groups for our freedom. We have the power to vote and elect our own representatives. Let us appeal to the undergrounds to close their shop.

K Ronil Singh team playing safe?

[Wed, Jan 26, 2011 12:15 am] team playing safe? Our feedbacks are either censored to the minimum or not published. Its no time to remain weak, we should be allowed to express freely without fear, otherwise to survive will become a serious issue in the near future.


Right, we need to re-define INSURGENCY

[ Fri, Jan 21, 2011 3:35 am ]

Hello pryokr, Rightly said, we need to re-define the term insurgency. I was about to write a feedback to define the meaning of insurgency. Good that you took it up. I am sure readers would have understood the meaning or atleast tried to find the meaning of insurgency by now. But just a small clarification from my side. People in Manipur are confusing insurgency with extortion. What we have in Manipur is not insurgent group but extortion group.


Only fighting for themselves! insurgents

[ Fri, Jan 14, 2011 12:29 am ]

Let peace be our motivation - the driving force behind everything we do. The outfit people are forgetting this thumb rule of peace, tranquillity in our state. I was amused to read one extortion group issuing a warning to these Manipuri people who voiced their opinion during a recent seminar in the Manipur university. They even threatened the university officials. What do they want ? They extort money from all of us. Now they want to stop us from voicing our honest views also ? They must be scared that the people of Manipur who are fed up with insurgency and extortion will speak against them. They must understand that they cannot stop us from expressing our views. Let them know that insurgency and the so called the insurgents are a curse in our society. Whom are they fighting for ? only for themselves.

sh bijoy

We have to redefine "insurgency"

[ Wed, Jan 12, 2011 11:46 pm ]

We have to redefine "insurgency". I am of the view that there is hardly any insurgent organisation in Manipur. Their war is against the unarmed civilians who are just like sitting ducks. They are completely helpless against the commandos and the security forces. And lastly, I wish Gautam a very happy new year.


Yes - Only reason - insurgency

[ Wed, Jan 12, 2011 5:27 am ]

Nice Mr. Surjit. I am very delighted to read your lucid, practical comment and much more than this- for picking up a very must-needed issue, insurgency, which I would like to place above all the pressing issues and also the, "mother of all the problems in the state." I think most of us here in the state and those also outside the state knows very well how insurgencies work to sustain their livings and,of course, to maintain the power and flow of abundant money while lakhs are suffering from poverty and educational deprivations. I find even the educated youths find reluctant to have a say against this empire of extortion and harassment, though they are very frustrated with this and this is because of not only people are afraid of them or falling victim to their guns! but also because people's lack of deep thinking to keep themselves out of the confusion that whether they(insurgents) are using us in the name of sovereinty/independence or would they(people) be secure if they exist or are they protecting our culture, traditions or help in reviving the privileges we had.

But this confusion stems out from, again, constant distancing of masses from higher education in many ways. The best example is the threat meted out to the parents of those students who have gone abroad for studies in good universities and schools because of the nearly-collapsed education system in MANIPUR. This was done so that they could hypnotise the people and keep people under their feets always so that not a single educated, rational social worker dare to ask them or pointed out their mischiefs in future. The constant threat receive by the institutional heads, Medical officers, schools, killing of a Prof. of M.U., etc. all are the signs of how beneficial they are??


Only reason - insurgency

[ Tue, Jan 11, 2011 7:15 am ]

I am sure it will definitely, increase foreign tourists as PAP is applicable only for foreigners. But what about Indian tourists ?. Tourism will be flourished, sure or not, is unknown. But the people in very large number who would like to visit Manipur, explore its natural scenic beauty have been denied due to only one reason and that is insurgency. Our Manipuris are leaving this place and going out because of this reason for better scope. People from other places are not visiting our state due to this reason only. What is the solution for this problem ? We should welcome everyone. It will benefit us .There should be scope of development, industries, employment opportunities for our youth. Our state should be like a role model for other states. These all things are possible when we people unite and curb insurgency and connected issues like extortion and corruption. Say no to insurgency and then only we can see a clean - green Manipur sought after by the tourists - domestic as well as international.

RK Surjit

Links of Manipuri outfits with Maoists

[ Tue, Dec 21, 2010 2:35 am ]

This thing had to happen one day, written by caeser mandal / TNN article, Meghen, Shimray arrests reveal NE rebels Red links dt 08 Dec 10 times of India is an eye opener. Final links of our Manipuri outfits with Maoists, China is not a good thing for our state. Its like ideologies strayed out to commercial business. Its like purchasing stores of 4.5 crores from whose money. This is our hard earned money taken away forcibly as so called collections and taxes. We really dont want that. But who will listen to me or any common man. This is like waging war against our own state. Our money is taken away for good life of leaders and their family and to levy some weapons and bombs from China. We should not permit this. We want to see our state developing.

Bimol Naorem

'scarcity of fuel' more troubling than AFSPA

[ Sun, Nov 14, 2010 11:12 pm ]

Other day I was seeing the importance of removal of AFSPA from Manipur and also from some other states. Many other issues were raised, many organisations from all over the country coming and felicitating our iron lady and grabbing media attention in our Kangleipak. These are publicity stunts in our state to gain an access. Now since the insurgency is on the verge of reducing due to public awareness or kind of stuff, problems of extortion and scarcity of fuel has increased doubly. I would like to ask these organisations and NGO's that, is there anyone who can go on an hunger strike for the cause to eradicate the scarcity of fuel and extortion in our great Kangleipak? Isn't that troubling us more than AFSPA?

Berlin Saikhom

Long-and short-term impacts of Armed conflict

[ Sun, Nov 14, 2010 3:42 am ]

Armed conflict in Manipur has multiple, long-and short-term impacts on development, and on environmental and human development/well-being. The affects, even of internal conflicts, are felt at various spatial levels, within the immediate area of conflict, and often in neighbouring states. Conflict undercuts or destroys environmental, physical, human and social capital, diminishing available opportunities for sustainable development. Who'll invest in Manipur? our lives are in complete socio-economic shambles. But the question is? where are we leading into? I wish to know the word "revolution". Change needs acceptance! Who is our leader? What is his mission and vision? For me, I know only one thing that is "extortion". If UG's practice revolution awareness processes happened, you don't have to go to the people for help. People will come forward themselves and voluntarirly. We need to understand that you are fighting for a true cause. In fact, we are ready to join you! Please just make me convince, your revolutionary principles. Love and understanding can win the people's heart but not by threat and coercion. Conflict impacts on human well-being, reducing quality of life, the capabilities of people to live the kinds of lives they value, and the real choices they have. It results in the loss of lives, livelihoods and opportunity, as well as of human dignity and fundamental human rights. Livelihoods are directly affected through decreased access to land, and inadequate access to natural resources, as a result of exclusion, displacement and the loss of biodiversity. Conflict can set in motion a cycle of degradation and human vulnerability. Human vulnerability refers not only to the exposure to negative environmental change, but also to the ability to cope with such change through either adaptation or mitigation. Conflict contributes to the breakdown of social cohesion and the disruption of local governance systems; this in turn may result in established safety nets becoming unavailable. The increase in social and economic vulnerability, as result of conflict, may in the face of environmental and land degradation, trigger new tensions and conflict over critical resources, such as water or food. The incidence of poverty may increase, not only through the loss of livelihoods but also as a result of a growing inability of people to cope with change. This loss of resilience is also directly linked to diminished access to public services, resulting in, for example, an increasing incidence of ill health, a contraction in formal employment opportunities, the destruction of subsistence livelihoods, and other entitlements failures which affect consumption and nutrition, as well as the weakening of social cohesion and heightening insecurity. Few days ago, I\'ve read a news about sex trade and police raids in the Imphal hotels. Why does a woman need to sell their bodies and souls? It is a sure sign of deteriorating economic conditions in the state, because these womens have no other means to manage their daily lives. Moral degradation is complete in our state! Is it the impact from the armed conflicts or lawlessness? My point is "let us strive first to be atleast a self sufficient state in terms of food, clothes and houses" revolution must bring hopes not the crisis!


Irom Sharmila is being used by others

[ Sat, Nov 13, 2010 12:43 am ]

Hatred, resentment, vindictiveness sour us on our life, but love, forgiveness and mercy put the sweetness back in. This is what our Iron Lady is fighting for us. She is trying to bring back peace and tranquillity to our state. The meaning to protest is good and with a noble cause. But is anyone aware of the outcome? Is just peace foundation aware of the outcome? What are the credentials of 90% of the NGO's? They all have their own agendas. These NGO's are into business and a very sensible and sensitive issue is enlightened at the cost of some one's life who would have really tried to end it. Probably she wants to end. Circumstances are created by many NGO's and other organisations that she is not able to end the long fast and lead a normal life. She is tough, gr8 and endured lady. What is the out come of this long non-ending fast is an undaunted, unreliable question? With no disrespect to her, I feel that the good great Irom Sharmila is being used by others.

RK Surjit

Why surname is never used in Press release?

[ Sun, Nov 07, 2010 12:00 am ]

It very interesting to note that whenever factions of KCP give press release, the surname is never used, only the name along with Mangang, Luwang, Khuman,etc is used. But when RPF, UNLF and KYKL give press releases, the surname and the name are used together. What does this difference show? This clearly shows how timid and coward the factions of KCP are!! There is no doubt that the factions of KCP are pseudo-revolutionaries. If they are really fighting for the freedom of Kangleipak, they should be bold and courageous. They should act like RPF, UNLF and KYKL. Or, they should close their organizations. There is no other way.


Extortion is a menace

[ Sat, Oct 30, 2010 7:02 am ]

It takes an impossible situation for almighty to do a miracle. Its miracles which are taking place in our Kangliepak where people are realising for normalcy in the state. See the situation from past months, violence has gone done, development has hit the roads, people are into curbing the support to these insurgents. Lots and lots of activities for peace, development taking place in our state. Apart from these activities still there exists a black mole in our society. Extortion is a menace which is crippling our society. Government should take more intense steps to curb this menace. Its never the wrong time to do the right thing. Like how zero garbage disposals, go green have started in our state. These exorcists oh sorry extortionists, should be made the scapegoats so that people realise it and the governance recognised. Then the Ground situation of our state will be felt by every citizen and our Jewel of India will be turned to be an actual JEWEL. This is a real food for thought for actual existing people in and out of Manipur. We must contribute our bit to stop this menace.


Come forward and surrender

[ Sat, Oct 30, 2010 6:57 am ]

Determine to do as much good as you can, for as many as you can, as often as you can, for as long as you can. This determination of all combined man folk in all spheres in our state is leading to a better future. This is the time as I have earlier told to think of VISION 2015 or VISION 2010. For instance as an example, KCP (gp) who have surrendered are assured a good settlement package. This youth of our future will hopefully get fruitfully occupied soon. Is it not a step of normalcy coming back slowly to our state? We should prove to the centre also that we deserve the best out of the worst. Lets make on ground more avenues for these outfits to surrender. All leaders of these groups are having a kind of cosy life in foreign countries. Their children are studying in the best of the schools abroad and in our own country also by extorting money from us and cheating their poor cadres. Lets get into beginning of a new era. We need more of these kind of people to come forward and surrender for everlasting peace. I am pleading to people to come forward to support such people for their betterment and linked up over all development of our state. Let us together expose the so called leaders and fight against extortion.

Berlin Saikhom

Stealing is the profession of these outfit people

[ Thu, Oct 28, 2010 8:43 am ]

"Efficiency without Gods sufficiency is deficiency". I still remember few months back on April 21, public thrashed a member of one of the proscribed outfits. That was efficiency with Gods sufficiency. Now the incident of condemning UG posing as cops, UG dikhat flayed, UCM hits back at KCP group, all are awareness of public towards a great future. Slowly and steadily this awareness will spread. I believe, and will bring some development, prosperity and tranquillity in our Motherland. We have all rich resources in our state but corruption, taxes, and % cuts are so high by these outfit people that things are left unexploited. The thing is free bread is not available easily. We earn it or we steal it. Stealing is the profession of these outfit people. Anyways, awareness of public in such a way is a great step towards bright future. We should not fall into cocoon and live to ourself. We all should face the consequences boldly. In Manipur life is a learning process, and making decisions is how we learn. If we never faced any big decisions, we'd never learn any big lessons. Choice is ours, we all should learn to take a step boldly.

RK Surjit

AFSPA - continued

[ Tue, Sep 28, 2010 5:49 am ]

Haokip S,
Thanks for your response. I was also thinking of writing a befitting reply to the mail. But I am glad you did it first and in a most befitting manner. Let me take this liberty to add few more points as an extension of your mail. But first let me clarify that this is purely my opinion and I speak as a simple civilian. I have no political connection. No insurgent group connection. But a victim of AFSPA.

The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA), was passed on September 11, 1958 by the Parliament of india. The main purpose of imposing AFSPA on Manipur was to crush the insurgent groups by use of force. According to this act AFSPA, powers are given to the armed forces to kill, search and arrest anyone in the name of counter insurgency (on a mere suspicion). The armed forces can fire upon or otherwise use force, even to the causing of death, to arrest without a warrant and with the use of necessary force, to enter and search any premise in order to make such arrests. It gives Army officers legal immunity for their actions. There can be no prosecution, suit or any other legal proceeding against anyone acting under that law. I understand army needs some kind of protection to operate in hostile areas. And why shouldn't they be protected. The army is not in a war where the enemy is on the other side and is easily recognizable. After all they are performing their duty and following orders from the policy makers. As long as this act is targeted on the insurgents, it serves its purpose. But if this act affects civilians, then there is every right and reason for the civilians like me to come forward and protest. Questions has been raised not only by Manipur and other parts of India based NGOs but also by the UN (United Nations) itself against the validity of such acts. I am sure United Nations is neither paid nor related to the insurgent groups of Manipur. It's been more than 52 years since the act AFSPA was passed and subsequent imposition on Manipur in 1980. It is estimated that every year around 500 people are shot dead in Manipur either by army, state police or the central paramilitary.

Over 20,000 (give or take) people have been killed in Manipur since the imposition of AFSPA. If the insurgents in Manipur had this strength, then I am sure the insurgents would have achieved their goals long back. But the irony is that the whole Manipur insurgents does not total even more than 5,000. So it is common sense to know whether civilians have been killed or not. I know some people in Manipur are not affected by AFSPA or so they think. But the truth is that everyone is affected. Those who feel they are not affected wants AFSPA to remain. But remember there are thousands of mothers who have lost their innocent sons, thousands of women who have lost their innocent husbands, thousands of sisters and brothers who have lost their innocent brothers, thousands of children who have lost their innocent fathers. With due respect, (Iche - sister) Irom Sharmila Chanu is on hunger strike not for fun or publicity but for thousands of people like you, me and other human beings so that we don't meet the same fate of the 10 civilians gunned down by the indian security forces in front of her. So if somebody wants to view their opinion on public forum, please make sure that you don't hurt the sentiments of these suffering people. Because it would be like making fun of others sufferings and sacrifices. And most importantly make sure that you have your facts right. Because there is a saying, 'A little knowledge is dangerous to life'. With a little modification, the saying would be, ' A little knowledge is dangerous not only to our own life but also to other's life'. Sometimes a biased opinion may lead people in the wrong direction. So mine too should not be considered as absolute truth. It is upto every individual to decide what is right and what is wrong. On a parting note, I would like to leave the readers to ponder upon this fact. Before the imposition of AFSPA on Manipur there were only few insurgent groups, probably 3-5 groups (please correct me if I am wrong). After the imposition of AFSPA, 1958 on Manipur, there are more than 30 insurgent groups now. We have more killings. We have more extortions. We have more abductions. We have more fake encounters. We have more custodial deaths. We have more security excesses. So it is pertinent to ask whether the AFSPA, 1958 is really serving its purpose. Political leaders the world over are of the opinion that the Kashmir issue should be dealt politically and not through might, then why not the same for the people of Manipur. Are we (Manipuris) not human beings too? When the whole world is for the abolition of AFSPA, why can't the educated youths of Manipur understand? Regards,


AFSPA must be repealed

[ Mon, Sep 27, 2010 2:39 pm ]

RK Surjit,
I am really happy that someone is contended and happy. But some interesting questions arise. Revolutionaries are present in Kangleipak for many decades. The insurgency movement did not suddenly arise after the removal of AFSPA in the four districts of Kangleipak.(The spelling of your Kangleipak is incorrect) AFSPA was removed from these districts after the mass protest movement of the people following the rape and cold-blooded murder of Miss Thangjam Manorama by the Indian security force. Our respected mothers of Kangleipak demonstrated nude protest with the slogan 'INDIAN ARMY RAPE US' in front of Kangla where the Assam Rifles were residing. That scene can never go away from the heart, mind and soul of anyone who truly loves his motherland Kangleipak. One can read and analyze about Th. Manorama and removal of AFSPA from four districts of Kangleipak in Your statement seems to imply that you are contended and happy before the AFSPA was removed and few months after the removal of AFSPA. But there is always insurgency movement during this period. So, your statement 'Dawn to dusk, I am contended and happy but how long when these revolutionaries will darken my state.' is quite contradictory to each other.

You seem to have read only the opinion of T. Haokip in Imphal Free Press on 13 Sep 10 and not the opinions of many other scholars and intellectuals who support the removal of AFSPA. I have read the opinion of T. Haokip as well as the opinions of other intellectuals including noted Indian historian Ramchandra Guha and the editors of Hindustan Times who support the removal of AFSPA. One respected lady from our motherland Irom Sharmila Chanu is fasting unto death since many years after the massacre of innocent people in Malom by the Indian security force. No one in this world has done the type of fasting she is doing, not even Mahatma Gandhi so-called father of the nation. 'This hue and cry of removal of AFSPA is by NGO's and alike organisations who are on pay role of the! outfits .'.... this statement is an absolute nonsense, ridiculous and very funny. Will you say Ramchandra Guha, editor of HT, Sharmila and many scholars of our motherland are on pay role of the outfits? If someone says anybody ( including you) who are against the removal of AFSPA are paid by the Indian Army to oppose the removal of AFSPA, will you accept that? Majority of the people of Kangleipak wants AFSPA to be repealed whether you want it or not. The Indian government is also considering the removal of AFSPA from some areas of Kashmir. If Indian govt removes AFSPA, will you say Indian govt is paid by UG to do so? 'He mentioned of the frequency of bombing, kidnapping for ransom, extortion have increased doubly.'.....try to find out which organization is doing this. You will find that most of these activities are done by factions of KCP. KCP is no longer a true revolutionary organization. RPF/PLA has already given its opinion regarding this in newspapers. You should read it properly.

Many people including APUNBA LUP are also of the opinion that the recent undesirable activities of are being orchestrated by the Indian intelligence so as to make the people feel that removal of AFSPA is harmful for Kangleipak. It seems you have become a victim of the Indian Intelligence. 'Lets consider a common man of our society, who has no idea and does not bother about implications of AFSPA. Ignorance is bliss, you know.' How? Please explain. It is always known to all the right thinking people of this world that ignorance is root cause of evils. You are the first person to say ignorance is bliss. I have a strong suspicion that your contended and happy life is because of your ignorance about not just the condition of Kangleipak but also about the world at large. Last, but not the least, Indo-Kangleipak conflict is a political issue. It should be solved politically and through dialogue without any pre-conditions and not by military means. Unfortunately, India believes in military solution.

Haokip S

AFSPA removal is by NGO's/orgs who are on pay role of UG

[ Tue, Sep 21, 2010 11:25 pm ]

Dawn to dusk, I am contended and happy but how long when these revolutionaries will darken my state. This will be next scenario after AFSPA removed. Someone, the other day had his views on AFSPA. Yes, it was T. Haokip in Imphal Free Press on 13 Sep 10. He mentioned of the frequency of bombing, kidnapping for ransom, extortion have increased doubly. Yup! he is right, it was only some changes two year ago in AFSPA, which turned the events in Manipur, then what will be our state in Kangliepak, if AFSPA is completely removed. What next? We want it removed. But before that we want the UG's to be removed from our beautiful state. There are some issues to ponder and re-consider. Lets consider a common man of our society, who has no idea and does not bother about implications of AFSPA. Ignorance is bliss, you know. This hue and cry of removal of AFSPA is by NGO's and alike organisations who are on pay role of the outfits. The keep saying that the army keeps killing and raping. Is it really so? I have not heard of them raping in Manipur. Yes, we do feel bad during searches, check post etc.. but it is not as bad as the UG extortion. After removal of this draconian act as people pay what will, or can happen. Removal- less or no presence of Armed Forces - more presence or intervention of UG's - more corruption, extortions, kidnappings - more cuts and percentages of projects - less development - less peace - finally plunder of our Kangliepak. We want UG's to go before AFSPA. One must not deny the police powers more than Armed Forces. What over-arching power Armed Forces have got is a question? We should think about need of the hour. Haokip said it right, we need an ever lasting remedy not a pain killer as the former will be a permanent one than latter a temporary.

RK Surjit

I am innocent but made a terrorist

[ Fri, Sep 17, 2010 11:49 pm ]

The most important thing is for you to be careful in the things you think. Your thoughts control your life. I graduated from Delhi and came to Imphal. My thoughts couldnt be controlled by me. To my dismay they were controlled by the revolutionaries. That rainy day was a bad day for my parents. I requested them to purchase a pair of football shoes to play match at the stadium in Imphal. My frns were accompanied by me. I never knew my frns had links with the recruiters into the outfit organisations. My parents did not commit me for the purchase of the shoes due to some reasons. I returned back to the stadium, tears in my eyes. One of my frns told me ways for easy money making, influence in the area, and monetary benefits after seeing my plight. At that moment, I was carried away by these talks. I did what all they said. After five days, I never returned home. My parents were worried. This piece of information was given to me. As I realised after these five days, I was in a different world, different country. I was told to do all kinds of wrong things for the leader of these groups. Every human being is greedy for thirst, sex, money and enjoyment. I was promised free sex, if I agreed to all their terms and conditions. No different option left for me. I was totally disgruntled and disillusioned. I had heard from my parents long ago about struggle of revolutionaries for an independent Kangliepak. What was that, and what I saw was confused state, no bravery, no ideologies only harassing people by threatening. I was threatened for life and also for the killing of my parents. Finally after a long struggle and frns support, I am back home. I am innocent but made a terrorist. I find lot of people trying to help me. But I am still scared. They can get me or family sometime if they want. I hope god help us. I also pray for no one else to fall in this trap.

Kamal Ningthoujam

Maturity of political consciousness during 1947 to 1949

[ Fri, Aug 27, 2010 4:08 am ]

It is very interesting to know many of the opinions and concerns in the e-pao feed back. The subject of history of Manipur and the activities of the insurgents/militants in Manipur are the focus of the debate. A positive step which I have seen is the debate/expression of the ideas with due regards of the differences of many people who are equally concerns about their place. I would also want to take part of the discussion. I can give reliable documents and research materials that can provide that Manipur was one of the pioneered democratic countries in south East Asia and East Asia who have adopted its constitution and have elected their political leaders by people's vote who have 18 years of ages, in western term by adult franchise. I am referring about the 1948 election before annexation of Manipur to India as it was before Indian election in 1952. This political transaction of Manipur 1948 shows that if Manipur was an independent state (in general senses now Manipur is dependent on Indian state) Manipur would not have lived under kingdom as some of the people were wondering to know that what would have happened at that time and now ? It answers many questions to those who have not had the privilege to know this and because of that they are confused about the political evolution of Manipur evolves from the feudal state to a colony by British India under a princely state and a formation of a modern democratic independent state before India annexed Manipur 1949 as many of the independent states now in the world have gone through. From 1947 to 1949 shows the maturity of their political consciousness of the people of Manipur at that time where there was only 5% of literacy rate. My point is very simple that democracy in Manipur is not understood or learnt from India. It was the product of the anti-colonial (British) and anti-feudal (king) in Manipur and people's aspiration. One can understand from this fact that Manipur history would have continued as a democratic state even it was not under Indian administration. That is what past of Manipur says not going back to stone age.

Seram Rojesh

Give tenders only to military

[ Tue, Aug 24, 2010 4:05 pm ]

The rising militancy problem and mushrooming insurgency outfits are directly linked with certain wrong decisions made during this rein of mr. ibobi. the culture of percentage collection in tender work started with the very introduction of ibobi as the CM in the polical scenario. this policy has so much maligned our state that everyday we see new insurgent outfit coming up with sole motive of getting access to tender work. every other person in manipur wants to become a contractor because he need not have very good educational qualifications to procure good earning in a short span of time. now maximum numbers of contractors are either the insurgent groups themselves or the party workers of these politicians. this culture has plaqued the society and youths are enticed to become contractor either legally or with the might of gun. even some of the educated people in manipur link themselves with insurgents to make a platform for themselves to emerge as a contractor inorder to a mass huge amount of money. in such scenario inviting new tenders are only posing problems and bloodshed among ourselves. hence, it is more wise to give such tenders to military, under direct supervision of centre so that no one can get percentage and 100% quality works are acheived. our youth can then think of some other alternatives than being a contractor in manipur. there is no substitute to hard work and let me remind here to our yopuths that "rome was not built in a day"

dr pame_jit

peisha yamna paiko

[ Thu, Aug 19, 2010 10:57 pm ]

laalhouba sing si peisha yamna paiko mee 11 phabada mobile phone 20, computer 3, jypsy 2, peisha ga mayam phagat halliko...khanggadaba amana adugi peisha sing adu free da lakpa peisha di oirammoine....meeyamdagi khaikhibasing adu oiramganine....aduga noina yamna lailai laina peisha adugi value yaodana sijinnaradi....adunani noi peisha khaibaga public na amata piyu yadridu...noi nungsibagi pibaganatte peishagadu public na noigi gunda gi oiba thabaktu kibadagi pibani...haijaningbadi peisha khairiba sing asi yeknabada khutthabada sijinnabiyu aduna noibu eikhoina nungsiba hengatlakkani.....laan di toude khaibadi lapte aduga outsite manipurdagi phare hairadi manipurgi peishaba ba mee amana sijinnada ba pot phaoba nakhoidagi phagatle....peisha du value khara yaohanbiyu sijinnaramdaida eina sijinnagadouriba peishasi..public kini haina khanthabiyu mitkup amatang....maduna nakhoi gi lambida mateng kharada oirasu panggani haina khanjei...noi phaba khudinggi asumna touradi mameithangdadi public na soidana noigi nathakta laal houraklani.......


Funny its just a wistful dream

[ Wed, August 18, 2010 8:22 pm ]

I was just wondering if after all India relent to release Manipur as the little kingdom and give us back its princely status. We will be governed by whom? Will we have to wait for another 100 years to finally settle the one to run the realm. And how will it be, will it be just civilized talks and discussion to bring about a amicable solution. Or the barbaric barrels will do the talking and bloodshed will be the response. So with more then million of volunteers coming up to sacrifice for the motherland in its own accord. Will there be a democratic way to choose the leader or...? This seems rather childish to even wonder about but aint this any reality if we ever hit the shot to that point where India release its ties as the governing country. The Million groups of guns will fight and the other million without gun will die in just cross fire and whatever. So when the day finally comes where the last man stand to rule the realm, will there be anyone left to even call it a house, forget state. Funny its just a wistful dream!


We ourselves are responsible for blockades, not India

[ Tue, Aug 17, 2010 3:21 am ]

Well said Mr G Kanglei that "History Is Essential" and many issues were brought to we ignorant people by you. But fairly the points brought out were half questioned or half answered. To be precise, every place or every state like our Kangleipak has a history. No one can deny any one's rich culture & history. You said, freedom as enjoyed by people linked with history is really not understood. Freedom is not enjoyed in our state cos of fear of these revolutionary organizations and corrupt people. Let us be clear. Making hasty comments is like driving too fast, we might beat the stop light but might not make it to the destination. History subject is it self unique and its for every body who is studying it. As far as a persons over all perspective of education is concern its not only history, but there are other aspects of learning to improve oneself. Remember it's better education which leads to an employment and carrier which is devoid in our state. You said, the apathy of India during blockade. We ourselves are responsible for these blockades. Isint? It's our Kangleipak people only who did these blockades. When there is mole in our eye then why to point out some one without a solid reason. If India would have not treated us as true Indians, then how our friends outside Manipur are surviving with befitted jobs they are doing and having a peaceful life outside Kangleipak. Let us not get into AFSPA, and other issues of CRPF etc, let us ponder upon our own front of our state. Where are we leading towards is much important. Isn't it gr8 that not a single bombing incident had taken place in our Kangleipak during Independence. There are many reasons to it. Though we have not celebrated independence due to fear of revolutionary groups. A time has to come when we should talk about our overall perspective of development, education, prospects of growth of our state. We all should look forward for it?

Berlin Saikhom

Avoid baseless accusation in the public forum

[ Sun, Aug 15, 2010 9:47 am ]

Mom Victoria, your comment is highly idiotic and baseless. Your comment .....'Dad William it should be an eye opener for all revolutionaries that we people no more in support for all the atrocities carried out by you all in the name of revolution.'..... Clearly shows you love baseless, wild and uncivilized accusations and you tend to give comment without any study and analysis about the Indo-Kangleipak conflict. Avoid baseless accusation in the public forum before you become a laughing stock. I have not carried out any atrocities. I love to give opinion on issues related to my motherland Kangleipak. Do not get frustrated when you are not able to argue/discuss in a proper and civilized manner. Always remember 'Abusing one another in public forum is useless because if you throw one stone, you will receive two from my side'.


Press release on Patriot's Day is really meaningful

[ Fri, Aug 13, 2010 12:07 pm ]

Press release of RPF on the eve of Patriot's Day is really good and really meaningful. It will be helpful for all the people of our motherland Kangleipak who have a wrong concept regarding the Indo-Kangleipak conflict. I salute to all those who had sacrificed for the freedom and independence of Kangleipak including Paona,Irabot, Tikendrajit, Jadonang, Gaidinglu, Ipu Thangal general and many others. Let us remember their supreme sacrifice on this auspicious day, the 13th August and struggle for the true freedom. Long Live Kangleipak.


Plebiscite became more popular in Manipur

[ Fri, Aug 13, 2010 1:12 pm ]

We are very much familiar with the word plebiscite , and this word plebiscite became more popular in Manipur after a biggest and the most powerful organisation in manipur demanded Plebiscite in manipur to Government of India . Here I think it is simple and clear message to the people as well as the supporters or say sympathisers that how Plebiscite can be conducted at a place where the turnout of vote in Elections conducted by Govt Of India is more then 80% which proves that public supports India. There is no instance other then newspaper which can prove that election is opposed in Manipur .There is no Bomb hurling record at the gathering of election. there are even incidences which proves that politicians are supported by some of the revolutionary groups. So, this is enough to prove that revolutionaries support candidates and they support Indian Election . So, how can they demand Plebiscite. It is all an hide and seek play by making people emotional on the issue soveriegnty or so called freedom . This all is an eyewash and nothing more to get an easy way of earning.


Eye opener for all revolutionaries

[ Fri, Aug 13, 2010 10:46 am ]

Love is supernatural because it defies the laws of nature. The more Love you give away the more you have. The revolutionary groups have given us only hatred us because of their unprecedented and illogical press releases always. Dad William it should be an eye opener for all revolutionaries that we people no more in support for all the atrocities carried out by you all in the name of revolution. A coin can never have both sides as same??? Who are the enemies are known to us very well......

Mom victoria

Collecting tax is a private business

[ Fri, Aug 13, 2010 10:45 am ]

A reply to Dr Pame-jit very well said as we public are actually fools? Otherwise why we come forward and pay tax to these insurgents rather than paying to our Government? We should agree or believe that in a way paying to any of them both Government and insurgents are same. Insurgents collecting tax and being hand in glove with others who are making and minting money through corruption. Corruption is every where but in our Kangleipak, it's too much too too much. Actually speaking collecting tax is a private business which these outfit people are into leaving all their ideologies for liberation movement. Very rightly brought out by you regarding fund utilization. Youth can only change these scenario atleast. Certificates of the utilization to be taken for every projects is right. In this present world, every one thinks about his own. Some one said it right, that give for the joy of giving, knowing that you are the one blessed by having the ability and resources and, will to help another. Let us all avoid giving taxes and fight against these people who are actually make this tax business as a private business.

K Ronil Singh

No right to discuss about rights violation

[ Fri, Aug 13, 2010 10:44 am ]

Proscribed outfits have no right to discuss about rights violation as they themselves are the biggest violators of all kinds of rules and rights. Anti-social and anti-revolutionary activities are carried out by these outfit people. Sometimes extortion, killing innocent civilians, tax collection, drugging unemployed youth and so many incidents to quote. People started realizing this and giving their resistance & answers to these people in various ways. One should not blame any organisation which does its own good work. Please accept what you can, forgive what you can't, and give up what you don't have to. The latter one means they will be called the actual revolutionary groups if and only if they stick to their ideologies and give up the motto of carrying all illegal activities so that, there is some peace left in our state. Finally this is my thought; let us all be united to plead the agencies involved for our betterment, betterment of our state.

Bimol Naorem

We are celebrating independence every day by staying outside

[ Fri, Aug 13, 2010 10:42 am ]

A statement of various factions in the freedom of celebration is real draconian and un-healthy way of giving statements. We cannot go back to uncivilized days and thinking of past experiences (pinching past experiences), forget our future. Independence day celebration is one of the issue to ponder upon. Our country is made by the merger of numerous small states and kingdoms. Our state Manipur is only one of the constituents. Independence day marks the beginning of own modern democracy. We are not ruled by kings or outsiders. We are our own rulers. We have a government elected by us. Can these outfit people stop us who are outside Manipur and will be celebrating our independence? A big No will be the answer. Actually speaking we are celebrating independence every day and every moment of our life staying outside? Let us join hands, extend support and co-operation in defeating these revolutionary groups regime, who are not letting our friends in Manipur & trying to making our lives hell outside Manipur by giving such statements in papers. Finally for a developed country to prosper independence Day celebration is not the factor to stop or hinder its development but I am leaving it to my fellow Kangleipak people to understand and think over it.

Thangjam herojit

It is futile to come back

[ Thu, Aug 12, 2010 11:22 pm ]

A reply to Sunil Ch, already the situation is worsened by our so called protectors of our state by killing innocent people in the past few days.... They become self styled contractors of killing people... in the name of independence not understanding the problems our friends may suffer staying outside our state...because of such incidents. May be one day or the other. our friends out side our state may realize that it is futile to come back to their nativity . But seeing the present situation will they come back is a million dollar question?

Mom. Victoria

Life is not only that cinema has to flourish

[ Thu, Aug 12, 2010 11:20 pm ]

A reply to G kanglei... My dear frn, its not these revolutionary groups disappear but we all will sure to disappear one by one if their illegal activities and atrocities are not reduced one day. Call a spade a spade and i plead to look through the darker side of the cave also....their activities in Manipur...more precise to be.. Life is not only the cinema which has to flourish. It's over all perspective of education, for which people are still going away from our Kangleipak truely speaking still they are going ,,, peaceful life for which people are craving to enjoy,,and also employment for which the youth are looking forward since ages in this state. My dear it not only the cinema which will give us a two time meal. It's something else bro. u tell me how many good watching movies are screened in good theatres in Manipur where we can comfortably see????? Very few or none....There are no good theatres only.... I never meant to say that Manipur film industry is not gr8. It's always gr8 and we enjoy watching them. Think once about the overall perspective of growth our state. If the plight is like this as it is now in our state,,, we are sure to disappear one by one. Please listen. We r ruling ourselves. Our government is formed by people elected by us. Is there any better form of government than an elected one?


Include Government Job in

[ Thu, Aug 12, 2010 12:57 pm ]

I would like to thank to all the employees and teams of this portal, for providing daily news and many other information. But I would like to suggest a bit knowledge of mine about the government jobs news in Manipur. It seems to have very lack/poor of information about the Manipur Government jobs news in this site. This may be due to some reason, but here we the students at outside were ill-fated of getting opportunity of trying jobs in your own state rather than other. I would be very thankful if you could provide such information in time. By adding manipur government news (module) on this site. Thanking you with best regard.

Ratan Thockchom

Does Manipur deserved to be self-sufficient independent nation?

[ Thu, Aug 12, 2010 12:57 pm ]

What did you say, Mr.G Kanglei? You said, "It is only the ignorant people of Kangleipak who considers themselves as Indians." By saying this, you have put majority of the state's population under ignorance! I am afraid, Mr. kanglei. Why are you interpreting so conservatively? Just tell me any rational and acceptable reason of saying that we are alien to Indian govt. and people of other parts of India (and please note it includes other states of the North-East, don't hide it). I won't go into the details of the meaning of a nation and so forth because it is a long debate. Why cant you accept the simple fact that Manipur is a part of the Indian Union like Arunachal, and in that sense we are Indian citizens. Very simple and thousands of Manipuris, are working in SBI banks, Axis banks.... in Central Govt. deptt, as IAS, IPS, IRS.... in Army as officers drawing good salaries, leading happy lives of their own. If you think people hate what you call, "mayangs" and India, then why every father in Manipur wants to send his kids to outside? Sending kids also indicates that they are ready and they have no problem in letting their kids mingle with the folks there and kids would learn Hindi, Punjabi, Malayalam, Assamese....and their cultures. Because parents know that this is a time globalised world and it would teach the kids to inculcate some values of tolerance, interest aggregation and respect the cultures and tradition of others. It also gives an oppurtunity to show the rich culture that we are proud of. Ohh how can you imagine a world of us trap inside the 7 hills that sorrounded the valley?

My next argument is that you want rational arguments to counter your claims of an independent Manipur. Let me put, for sometime, by your side. Suppose we gain independence from what you called sarcastic India, against which you are there. I agree to all your allegations...blh...blah. After independence, do you know which type of govt. or say society Manipur and its people would strive for? Any guess, bro?? Can u guarantee to the people that Manipur will be a peaceful state as envisaged? Can the establishment, whatever, be abled to ensure that every people (or majority, i dont want to give you complex calculations) gets his required dues... the feeling of security, good foods, adequate electricity supply, proper health care, quality education from the grassroots, stop atrocities towards the poor and minorities, rampant corruption from the top to bottom......???? If I find out the problems that had led to this anarchy in the state one by one then there would rise problems and so-called son-of-the-soils would try to stop me and there stops the right to free thinking and expression. So please dont talk about a rational argument from people. People are angry now. At one time they might have supported bt not now anymore. If few people like you support, that doesn't mean that u r right again. They just don't express because of the fear of their lives. You know how the media is being gagged totally. Journalists have been shot dead. there are ample examples. And u are talking about a liberated society, how?? Does your history.... past histories, heroism of our great forefathers and their sacrifices are still with us and will always be there. We love our state and we respect the past . They are our inspirations that would certainly help in guiding us in future. But we all love our present also. We love our lives and we want to stay in a peaceful harmonious society where we can be proud of the fact that we live like humans.... we want enough electricity, good food for all of us and good environment. Do these basic essentials(rights) less important than what you called identity, culture,..... What is Identity?? How do you define it? Manipuri or Kangleipak identity? What is this that you want to preserve and protect? You are a Meetei, right? Jzt look at urself carefully andns and critically.....Are u deserve to be called a meetei? I am a meetei, but just think I love listening to rock songs, like listening to ghazals, love to watch hoolywood and bollywood movies, eat paneer, dal, pizza, burger, love doing yoga, wear jeans and t-shirts and on nice occassions suit with nice blue ties....and so on.... m i different from others(alien) OR u perhaps?? One great American sociologist, in fact, defines it and compares it with an onion...Just like an Onion it has nothing inside when u peel it to last point... So, bro u might be angry with my comments but I like you to think in practical terms which is possible and will benefit the people. People are v worried and suffering. Do u able to feel of a simple farmer who become a bit happier because he had extended his farm of cabbage to larger areas and started earning a bit more through his hard labour day and night and he is going to sell part of his field because some sympathisers hav demanded a huge amount of money from him otherwise he wud be dead and they are not the police or army? Forget about that plebiscite.... why dont u ask for a free and fair vote to the people whether Manipur deserves to b a self-sufficient independent nation?? The neighbours are Myanmar, Bangladesh....please be a bit flexible....and address the problems seriously through the legal channel. Every revolutionary movement needs voluntary mass support and here people are being forced or kidnapped or being lured taking the oppurtunity provided by drugs poverty and ignorance. First find out if people are with seriously in the true sense. All they need is money, nothing. Every talks about corruption but nobody does nothing......Become an IAS officer, become a brave D.C. check corruption by seeting urself an example in ur district. Do ur best to perform ur duties sincerely and honestly, don't misappropriate the funds for rural and tribal developments, dont aspire to sit in BMW, when u r getting an ambassador with that red light free of cost. Be content with ur 5 digit figure, I mean its enough. And I guarantee you in ur career of atleast 20 years you will serve more than 10 lakhs people. The same Kangleichas(Manipuris) of whom u are v concerned. It will give you complete independence and most importantly real independence to the people by liberating them from the clutches of drugs, evil deeds, corruption, ignorance..... You dont need to arm people....okay. Am I right? God will bless us.... u too...take care... I hope u will try to understand. It is jzt my opinion not a pesonal attack..! ... a debate.... let the readers decide.... I hope will not mind. Respecting u for the comments of urs.... Long live Manipur.


Playing cards with AFSPA will not do any wisdom

[ Thu, Aug 12, 2010 11:41 am ]

Well done , superb! well written and well stuck to a point. What else to say.... as if the leaning tower of pisa would never tilt towards the opposite direction , it seems there are people whose minds are frozen in the black ice of 2000 BC , never to be changed . I should send a proposal for a suitable word to be added in Oxford dictionary, for minds packed with oldies. Perhaps it must be another form of mania! or romancing with history...ehhhhh. Any way , there is no denying the fact that history helps us to know our past , helps to maintain our status, flow of tradition, institutions etc. But we live for today and tomarrow , not for yesterday. The great author , O Henry said , "there should be some critical and creative changes for a civilisation to grow" . I think it should be better for us to think and act on the issues which needs immediate attention, or say issues of emergent needs. We need to come up with thoughts , bright ideas etc. which should always be executed in a priority basis. The need of the day is to clear the mess existing in our society and settle all elements creating chaos and havoc in our motherland. "We are known by what we are , not what we were" , so lets concentrate on issues that presently stings us .
People writing in support of the UGs should first think and analyze the things happening in our society. Their support can rather be considered as a big insult to the victims of atrocities meted out by the UGs. There was never a revolutionary movement in the history of the world in which the revolutionaries extort, abduct, kill, spread fear and horror to their own people. People who are very fond of history should also find out if there was any such movements and analyze why only the revolutionaries of Manipur stands out. You guys should feel shame, if you can make out the difference. For whom are these people fighting for?--- for their family, for themselves, for the people of the state? Those people who have written in support must have never come across an incident in which people who consider themselves as feedom fighters of our motherland barge into someone's house and ask to give the key of the newly purchased bike or a car ...... at gun point ,the fresh , warm noozle placing on your temple , rendering you to forget all the wisdom and freedom of a human being ; or thunder repeated threats to pay unimaginable sums for no reason, tearing apart the nerves of humble citizens. Is that what you guys translate as freedom movement ? It that what you consider as patriotism ? Is that what you consider as forming the foundation of a strong, serene , developed nation of tomarrow. Playing cards with AFSPA will not do any wisdom, when there are a hundred AFSPA like dictats ruled out by the different revolutionary parties . To whom would we complain for this. Nobody dares to refute, perhaps the freedom to do so has been curtailed. Every business setup, politicians , organisations etc have linkages with these outfits in such a way that anybody who speaks agaisnt them automatically comes under thick clouds of threats. So people simply prerfer to crouch and cringe and remain as a belittled being. But time will bring changes, the extent of tolerance has already surpassed the limit. It is high time to start form our kitchens and clean out the mess happening in our society first. Then only can we think of better co- ordinations with any state or center , or for any developmental works , free from the clutches of the different orgatisations existing right now.


Naharaja Bhudhachanda sold out Manipur

[ Thu, Aug 12, 2010 8:20 am ]

Every time 15th August is boycott by UG telling the same story that we are annexed by the India. Is anybody have an idea how much money was received by the then maharaja Bhudhachanda at red hill of Shillong? He sold out Manipur, why on earth we have to pay the extortion money to underground as if we have sold out Manipur


Stand up for giving up of arms by millitants

[ Thu, Aug 12, 2010 1:12 pm ]

Mr. G Kanglei, Instead of asking Indian Army to remove or reduce the troops activity why dont you ask or stand up for giving up of arms by the millitants! That i believe the latter would bring greater peace to the state. How many times we have been denied of a proper money circulation (read as shopping malls,theatre,park), roads & bridges contructions, buildings etc just for the fear that we'll be getting a demand letter the very next day!! If i have to open up a new bussiness proposal or start a new firm there bringing employment to plenty or establish a franchise of pizza-hut, cafe-coffe-day etc etc i will never do that nor anyone who have brain because it's useless there not that it will not be profitting but cos of revolutionary heroes. So, all in all everyone is deprived of plenty of things(better) outside Kangleipak! Also, What freedom is freedom if you don't have a say about what you like! Which brave men or women came out stating "the revolutionist are wrong" and are still alive today! The so called media-press of the state are forbidden to comment any thing on the "revolutionist or their acts"! just ha ha ha. It's a chaos there, irrepairable system on the loose!


The voice of majority

[ Wed, Aug 11, 2010 1:12 pm ]

I never told that history is not essential, I never wrote that we should not read history, I never said to abolish history in educational institutes. History is taught in schools to have knowledge about the past but it is not written in history to roll back to past. Some of the intellectuals are expressing as if we have to learn history and go back to the old stone age. I never wrote that PLA, UNLF, KYKL,PREPAK OR KCP are the root cause of lack of peace in Kangleipak so instead of making unnecessary comments try to understand the articles written by the maximum number of people. Neither me nor u are authorised to comment on the dos and donts of any of the revolutionary organisations. They are doing whatever they are thinking to be appropriate and as per their constitutions. Here neither you can force me to follow you nor I can tell u to support me. The decision will be voice of majority and that day is not so far. So instead of getting frustrated try to think with cool mind. Never take any decision when you are angry & never make any promise when you are happy.


History is essential

[ Tue, Aug 10, 2010 2:12 pm ]

The root cause of lack of peace in Kangleipak is not the Revolutionary organizations (RPF,UNLF and KYKL). The root cause of lack of peace in Kangleipak is due to absence of true freedom as enjoyed by people of a free nation. The root cause of absence of freedom is not revolutionary organizations. To a person who does not know the history of Kangleipak, the root cause of all the problems in Kangleipak is revolutionary organizations. To realize and understand the root causes one need to study and analyze a lot about the history of Kangleipak: the condition of Kangleipak before the Khongjom War,1891; the condition of Kangleipak after the War till 14th August, 1947; the condition of Kangleipak between August, 1947 and 15th October, 1949; and the condition of Kangleipak after 15th October, 1949 till today. History is essential for a nation to be formed and survived. Any civilized and well educated person of any free nation knows the importance of history. This is the reason why we have learnt the history of India during our high school life. Any person who is impressed ( to their mind, heart and soul)by the history of India will not go against India. If history is not important then why at all there is a subject called History during our high school life. Do you think India or any free nation will remove the History subject from the high school syllabus? Will it be acceptable to India or any free nation not to teach the history to its citizens? What will be the reaction of RSS, Bajrang Dal or any political party, if history of India is removed from the high school life? Have you ever wondered why we have not learnt the true history of Kangleipak during our high school life? Reading and analyzing history is not synonymous with dwelling in the past. This is a wrong perception. The earlier one realizes this, the better.

It is only the ignorant people of Kangleipak who consider themselves as Indians. India does not treat us as true Indians because India knows we are not. The living example of this is t! he apath y of India during the 68 days blockade of NH39 and NH 53 in 2010 and 52 days blockade in 2005 that threaten the right to life of 25 lakhs people of Kangleipak. This is a part of history of Kangleipak. This can never be erased from the mind of right thinking people. Or, analyze the following:

'Recently, Maoists killed some 76 CRPF in Dantewada, Chhattisgarh in a single attack. Such a large number of security personnel have never been killed by militants of Manipur, Assam, Nagaland and Jammu and Kashmir in a single attack. Because of this attack, some Indian experts proposed the idea of imposing AFSPA and use of Indian army and IAF. Both the Chief of army staff and IAF rejected the idea stating that there will be collateral damage i.e. innocent civilians will also be killed and injured along with the Maoists and they cannot fight or kill their own people. My question is why they are not saying the same thing for Manipur, Assam, Nagaland and Jammu and Kashmir; why they are not thinking about collateral damage in these states, why they are opposing removal of AFSPA from these states. This clearly shows that they do not consider people of these states as their own people, the people of India and they are concerned only about the lands. AFSPA is in force in these states since 1958. That means people of these states are not considered as citizens of India at least since 1958 by India and it's military. Majority of the people in Kangleipak support freedom and independence. The government of India know this reality very well. That is why India does not accept the proposal of UNLF to hold plebiscite under the supervision of UNO. I can write many things. I always give my opinion after reading others views and after gathering and analyzing information. Last but not the least, I would again like to mention the popular proverb tumdaba mee houdokpa lui. Surprisingly, some people (I doubt whether he/she is really a Meitei) still do not understand the true meaning of this proverb. Lastly I would say people tend to show frustration and anger when they are not able to argue or discuss in a proper and civilized way.

G Kanglei

Are we going to eat history, drink history?

[ Mon, Aug 09, 2010 1:01 pm ]

Our state is very much rich in tradition , culture, script, language, identity etc.etc... we should be proud for it. We are the only people(Kangleichas) with strong and bold histories compared to other states of India or can say even the country India. We are rich in every aspect from India but where are we inferior to them. Let us discuss, the people with poor history and poor culture and traditions are marching forward developing like anything day by day. They are making their history strong and we are just keeping focus on what had happened in past but not trying to make our tomorrow beautiful we are talking about our history which had already past but are not trying to create a new history which every one can praise. It is only in sports that we are shining but in other fields we are much behind other states who has no history, no script .....So what I want to express here is - are we going to eat history, drink history, sleep culture, wear tradition or we need to do something to show that we are also capable to do something like other states. Let us keep aside which is past because now Akbar cannot come and say I am the king Akbar and i will rule again. So, it is the time to think for better tomorrow instead of advertising the past .


Good for Mankind, Humanity

[ Mon, Aug 09, 2010 1:26 am ]

Mr. G Kanglei, You are really great for supporting us atleast 1(one) person out of 30 Lakhs support us. Thank you but you should also read the articles which people have commented below and they have given good example while explaining their view but you have given a unrelated proverb which we can't accept it. We are also trying to go to some other place in India and get settle by extorting huge money from the public. We are also coward that we are not able to say to our mayang leaders in Manipur like IAS officers. We have not done our education well so we are little ignorant about life. We have never analyst the consequences of ban to something as our advicers are not guiding nicely. We have recruited uneducated , and selfish cadres in our party and now we are unable to control them. Now only thing left out is to flee to other country and settle down peacefully .Thank you G Kanglei for supporting us by the way why don't you also do something for Manipur rather then given comment that also blindly beleiving us, rest have commented but we could feel the pain about Manipur but we can't see anything like that in you. Please explain us why you are supporting us when we also know that we are not doing good for anyone , Mankind , Humanity.


unique identity, language, script will disappear

[ Sun, Aug 08, 2010 11:39 am ]

The press release titled 'Let's Unmask India' is really great, mind blowing and fantastic. Whatever the outfit has written is truth and nothing but the truth. Many ignorant people of our motherland still think that the criminal activities done by KCP is done by all the true Revolutionary groups like RPF, UNLF and KYKL. Because of the ban on the hindi films the Manipur Film Industry is able to progress and earn a lot. Earlier almost all the money went to the mayangs. If these revolutionary groups disappear, the unique identity, language, script, culture, tradition and integrity of our motherland Manipur will also disappear. The stand of KYKL on the issue of Meitei script is really great and I really appreciate it. Appeal to the true revolutionary groups is: you should not get discouraged or disheartened by the comments of certain people who do not accept your views simply because they are ignorant;here I would like to mention the popular proverb: "Tumdaba mee houdokpa lui"; such things happens in any freedom struggle, such type of people(who support the British) were also present during the Indian freedom struggle. There are thousands and thousands of people who support you, but they are not expressing it publicly because they are afraid of Indian security force.

G Kanglei

More Manipuris outside Manipur than Non-Manipuris inside Manipur

[ Sun, Aug 08, 2010 9:18 am ]

Mr Sunil, U R right by saying like this and U have a right to say this. In my view this message needs to be sent to the actual culprits who take out such deadlines. It's not only Delhi, our friends of Kangleipak who are leading a peaceful existence outside Manipur whether Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai or any other place needs to reply them for not to give such ultimatums and deadlines. These ultimatums will create problems for our friends staying outside. There are more Manipuris outside Manipur in other states than there are Non Manipuris inside Manipur. At the end of the day what matters is a peaceful meal and get starting for the next day. I believe that we in Manipur live for the particular day only, and accept what ever these outfit people say and do.

Tomba Singh

Don't become Gods and preach unnecessary issues

[ Sun, Aug 08, 2010 9:16 am ]

No decision is too small to ask God about. You might know what's best, but he does for sure. Please don't become Gods and preach unnecessary issues relating our Kangleipak's relation with India. Which liberation movement are these proscribed outfit people are talking about is unknown, not heard and never thought of? Liberation movement of our nation was launched by our great leaders without any personal benefits before 1947 when we became independent. On one side carrying out illegal activities against the same people, for whom they are fighting for liberation. This is pure form of what' No words to say. . Think like a normal man and his activities in a day. The essential commodities are not reaching us because of the blockages created by such outfit people only. They mean to say that Government of India is not helping us and stopping their liberation movement is fooling themselves and fooling us. If they feel as they like let them do so. Are they correct in their thoughts and actions? We should all think that who are our friends and who are our enemies? Any faction as of now in Manipur is just trying to save their image by such propagandas given by threatening the paper agencies. Liberation movement and ideologies have gone with the leaders who were initially in the struggle. Let us plead them to make our state scotfree of illegal activities what they are carrying out right now in our Kangleipak.

RK Surjit

Better to keep my eyes blindfolded

[ Sat, Aug 07, 2010 2:00 pm ]

It is interesting to see people longing for something which would never happen, hoping for something that would never materialise-- like trying to catch the center point of a blackhole. But as the saying goes, the best reply to a fool is to keep quiet!!!!! it is nice to see the game rolling on, to read the melodious rhymes of our patriotic leibakmachasing, well versed and composed, with all the fantasies of a daydreamer, just like a child being hooked to the action packed flick a hollywood production. My dear nungsibasa , come on ..why dont we see and hope of something real. I can announce (am not a politician) loudly and clearly that there would never come a day when people of other states be moved out of our state. If you guys have ever heard of the word globalisation and its role in bringing a certain geography to a the global stage , the idea of staying apart, even curtailing basic freedom to live and grow, to interact with our neighbours etc. would only take us to the likes of a Taliban occupied country. Believe you me , just to keep their business going, people are periodically -- from time to time, trying to hypnotize our common people; trying to inject some sort of illogical ideology to our soil like people. Tired of seeing all these stupid propagandas. If ever ....ever ....ever , they have done something for the benefit of our society , other than indulging in all sorts of illpractices, looting , extortion, trapping easy preys to get along with them , getting hold of all developmental projects subject to certain portion of their involvement, craeting a sense of terror to the minds of people etc .....,people would have shown some respect to them. When we cannot even make a peaceful tie within the different communities living inside the state, the idea of fighting with what they called (as if a different country) India is .... HA HA HA .. emmmmmmm not possible !!!!


Making cheap propaganda

[ Sat, Aug 07, 2010 1:55 pm ]

Really an eye opener and a fantastic beginning by giving ultimatum to mayangs. The idea they think is a bit prematured or thoughtless as per my view. For example hindi movies were banned a long ago but it was available on the day the film released and the same thing is continuing today also. Maximum roofs of the buildings are seen fixed with DTH of various companies like Dish,Tata Sky ,Airtel, SunTV and so on,not only that now hindi movies are sold on footpath which shows that the banned imposed by the particular group is totally failed because they dont have public support. Their enemy is India Government then why dont they ask the Head of the Indian machinary in the state who is also a mayang to leave manipur. Is he residing in Manipur since 1948 . Why dont they ask the Chief Secretaries ,IAS and other officers who are Mayangs to leave Manipur . It seems that the group is coward so instead of facing their enemies they are showing their power on innocent peoples who are without security. They have procured their arms with the donations of public to gain soveriegnty and using the same to kill labourers, what a matching. To be a paper tiger is easy but if they are bold then show it by doing instead of making cheap propogandas which we are reading from last several years and the result is "Hindi Cinema Thinge", "Zarda Thinge", "Koa Thinge",\"Yu Thinge" but in fact everything Fongna yolli. And now the new episode "Mayang Chakhro", and i think this too will be a total failure like other programmes conducted by them so what will be the next programme to gain sovereignty god knows. open ur eyes.


we'll be asked soon to leave their states

[ Fri, Aug 06, 2010 6:18 pm ]

ha ha!!!! again our foolish people started talking about non-manipuris to sent them back to their states,,,,,,my dear before doing this,,,,please arrange a good livelihood for us who are living in different parts of the country,,,,,,because we'll be asked soon to leave their states very soon!!!!!!

Sunil Ch

An eye-opener for all the people

[ Fri, Aug 06, 2010 10:20 am ]

After reading the views expressed by RPF in its press release titled lets unmask India-I,II,II I have come to the conclusion that it is an eye-opener for all the people of our motherland Kangleipak. Long live Kangleipak. Kangleipak na yaiphare. Down to the enemy of Kangleipak.

Dad William

Why don't UG read peoples voice

[ Fri, Aug 06, 2010 6:31 am ]

Do any one try to read the voice of the people of Manipur . Don't you people feel ashame of what you are doing. Analyse and feel the pain people of Manipur are facing because of you people. Every one knows who is spoiling Manipur we could have beem one of the best place in World if you people don't threat , frighten your own people and outsiders. We also in our school and college time try to show we are wild and furious people and beat Mayang but those days are gone . Get mature and think in a better way. Lets grow together and not the Underground members only. Your ideology is old change else you people will perish and on one even your family people will ot remember you people. Who is remembering Bisheshwar the great PLA, Somorendro etc etc only you people promote but no one love or remember from heart. Please stop this nonsense of freedon fighting. We people of Manipur know your true colour.


Manipur extortion capital of the world

[ Thu, Aug 05, 2010 5:32 am ]

Everyday extortion demand latter kidnapping is the regular feature of Manipur news. Specially the soft targets like us doctors who are easily assessable and easy to intimidate. We are something like a weak animal ready to attack by big cat shown in discovery Chanel and Animal planet. Of course now Manipur state is running by the big cats.

Dr N Sharma - JN Hospital

This incident should be a lesson

[ Wed, Aug 04, 2010 3:48 am ]

I could not control to comment for the excellent news previews and articles which e-pao uploads including this news article. e-pao has also created columns for comments... gr8 job done. People, together hand in hand are chasing and driving away these proscribed outfit people for the wrong activities they are upto. It's gr8 that people are realising for these insurgents are into taking care of their own benefits rather than fighting for us and the integrity of our state, for which they claim. In recent incidents our hearts should fill with joy when people came out and burnt the houses of two recruiters, and also influenced by such brave act by people,, ... in RIMS compound the insurgents were taught a lesson by the public before they were taken away by the security forces. Sound thrashing by public is always desired and these outfit people deserve it. It should be done every time whenever we get a chance. See the age of the youth,.., 13 years old taken for recruitment... shame on the part of the underground people... OMG... (oh my god ) What's happening to our state. Such incidents should be looked into by our Government seeing such brave act of the villagers working hand in hand against the underground frreeeee dom fighters... they are more freee. This incident should be a lesson for others staying in different parts of our state and being influenced by them. Kudos to these villagers of Thoubal district.... Are the villagers of others district quiet on such kinds of activities occurring in their villages. We need to give a blow to these insurgents the by showing arms to us they will not achieve anything. We need a peaceful life for heaven sake, please let us live peacefully.

RK Surjit

Might is right : Abductors thought process

[ Tue, Aug 03, 2010 9:37 am ]

This is absolutely heart burning incident of our sovereigners of Kangleipak doing such kinds of cheap and demeaning acts of trying to abduct our life givers, doctors. I think, because of we people this kind of incident are being avoided. Its oneness, awareness and unity which is really spoiling such kinds of abduction bids. The process of delivering extortion notes is still in the rise. On one side people are not getting supplies and goods to survive, and on other side, the rise of demand notes is increasing manifold. We should pity these so called sovereigners who are sucking our blood all sides. Our Government should look into such matters seriously of the protest demonstration conducted by us. How serious is the concept of might is right by these proscribed outfit people is seen by us through our paper agencies. How can they claim about fighting for the integrity of our state, when a thought process of illegal activities like extortion, killing non-locals, abduction is already in their minds. Are they not playing with our lives? See the things how they are turning in our state because of these people only? Things are tuning worse day by day. I plead to the public to continue fighting for such kind of bizarre incidents. These incidents have to be stopped for our betterment, our prosperity and well being of our state for a bright future.

Bimol Naorem

This was a game played by the centre

[ Sun, Aug 01, 2010 12:16 am ]

The recent threat to remind the non-manipuris to leave the state by a UG group came into picture when manipur is trying her best to restore normalcy. The recent blockade and Muivah's proposed visit were directly linked with those threat... how?.....
ANALYSIS the great uprising 18th june 2001 occured during the rein of BJP the centre. The present ruling Govt. in centre is Congress and they are well aware of not committing the same mistake as the former govt both politically and morally.....then why would they do this? the answer is quite simple..the ultimatum given by the UG to non-manipuri were reciprocated with a similar threat from naxals operating in eastern and central india. however, later the said UG group had published that on intimating them it was found that no such threats were imposed. and this was a game played by the centre. yes, it could be right. so, the centre were left with very minimal options to divert the public attention....those days there were fear psychosis among them who were keeping non-manipuri tenants. the centre finally gave green signal to muivah to visit his native and with the other mission of drawing the public attention there, which may not be known to them. the public fought with all their might and finally succeeded . however it lead to series of blockade and sufferings to general public which is felt even today. when the people of manipur needed help...the so called UGs( FREEdom fighters)were hiding in the rat hole. they were afraid to die and the most funny thing --no one listens to one another among themselves. the center is more intelligent than them..mind me it may happen that the student community studying or working elsewhere in various part of India may be the victim of their unthoughtful resolutions. the very UG group proposing such ultimatums are also staying in different part of the country. a fortnight back one of its self-styled high ranking member was caught from guwahati. so, my dear brothers including UGs please come up with some other option. please don't put salt in the wound .......let manipur rise and let normalcy be restored

Dr pame_jit

What if manipuri studying in delhi is forcibly sent home?

[ Sat, Jul 31, 2010 5:52 pm ]

That's really ridiculous of RPF. What do they think of themselves? Why don't they realise there are also large numbers of manipuris in other parts of India? For example would it be nice if manipuri student studying in delhi is forcibly sent home. It's gonna be tit for tat. In short it's gonna be more harmful for Manipur. But that's only my view, if any of the readers have different opinion, feel free to email me - Sunil_gezy2008(at)yahoo(dot)com


Mongloid, mongloid, this word should not be used

[ Sat, Jul 31, 2010 2:31 am ]

Luseng . It is actually a foolish dream of yours to talk that we have love and respect for India as a neighbour and relationship ends here. Hello brother wake up sid !!. We are always a part of our country India okay. India is as much ours as it is of any other Indian. I feel you wish to become a stooge of a China or our anarchy? India looks different after every 100 Kms or so with its populace speaking different languages. It doesn't mean that every state wants to become a country. Never, in dreams also. Talk little senseful brother. Are you in Manipur? Truly speaking if you are in Manipur you will never speak like this. First of all, call back all our brothers and sisters who are outside Manipur, well settled and leading peaceful co-existence with other Indians. You speak about Platform, of mongloids, you can never have a different platform. First think of a common platform for every sphere, education, economy, policies etc which are existing with us. We must think to eradicate the treacherous problems of corruption, extortion, commission, terrorism etc prevailing in our society. Mongloid, mongloid, this word should not be used as pretext to separate ourselves from our country. Our relationship with anyone depends on us only. Any one, anywhere, anytime. Think properly, decide and write. If we are good then every one will be good to us. There is no king or a foreign country ruling us. We are a democracy, we are ruling ourselves.

Berlin Saikhom

Chain process - no jobs, no money

[ Wed, Jul 28, 2010 9:18 am ]

Rajiv Khundrakpam gr8 to learn that someone or the other is taking interest in building a nation to include our Kangleipak. As said earlier by me, for betterment of state is always linked to our future rather than past experiences of life and past history of our state. Every one has a history, that is why its history. Peaceful life is always expected by a normal human being anywhere and everywhere. One should never forget that peace is not merely the absence of tension but it is presence of justice also. Regarding Education and career, both are linked together. My friends and our Manipuris studying outside always excelled in all fields. There are sharp brains and doing good jobs and also well recognised due to their excellent work. But they had always a feeling to come back to their native place, our motherland. Why are they not coming? Reasons are known very well to us. They are well settled and leading peaceful life. Where is peace here??? As said by you for people will invest money in our business, our state business once an environment will be created for a peaceful well being. Insurgency is percolating into the nerves of our state. Everything is in a chain process, no jobs, no money then easy money by extortion, looting. Story starts and never ends. A UG recruiter was caught by people for recruiting a 12 year old boy. Thank God people are realising the stories of insurgency is not good for our development, prosperity and well being.

Berlin Saikhom

"Say No To Drugs & Bribery"

[ Thu, Jul 22, 2010 9:47 am ]

Let me begin writing with a code that every citizen of manipur must memorize & practise......"Say No To Drugs & Bribery". The former is always discussed and various organisations are trying their best to check it but the later is always ignored. Why not form an anti-corruption organisation and provide oppurtunity to those who are more deserving? This will certainly provide a platform to our very youths who are compelled to leave Manipur for no fault of theirs. We will have more skilled and resourceful person if the culture of rampant corruption prevailing in our society is abolished. Corruption is the greatest threat to our society and if not removed from grass-root level can pose to welcome series of criminal activities in near future. It is the ripe time we, the youth, take part in anti-corruption campaign by avoiding bribery from our side first.

Dr pame_jit

Eat to live rather than live to eat

[ Thu, Jul 22, 2010 8:19 am ]

A reply to cannot build a nation by theories , I would like to throw light to the people that our friend PameJit has said it correct . Free bread was never available in this materialistic world where you have to earn it or else do something wrong to get it. Concept of living should be eat to live rather than live to eat which is percolating in our Manipur today. Our neighbouring countries like China always had an eye on India because we give a weaker picture by our own problem of mutual co-operation. It is difficult to break ten wooden sticks tied together than one single broken easily. China will surely try to put its hands on our country through our North- East region especially our Kangliepak (Manipur). Proscribed outfits are being influenced very much by them to carry out all kinds of illegal activities in our state. This is a point to ponder upon. Manipur as a state of Indian union to prosper with its existing unexploited resources, needs a strong will of people to build a political will in the state for its over all development. God knows, when our people will realise this.

RK Surjit

We, Citizens of Manipur, are not working hard enough

[ Wed, Jul 21, 2010 8:51 am ]

This feedback was extremely good, not because it supported my earlier thoughts but it also brings out the true fact of the situation in Manipur. Some people just take building a nation as a piece of cake, like a marriage, just eloped and your done. Of course it is the tradition in our state, if you fail in your studies/career, just eloped and what happens next, "lets see" attitude. If you are so naive about your own situation why do people give suggestion for the betterment of the state. They do not understand the burden of all the issues that we have to handle to be a complete nation. Without any resources, how are we suppose to feed our own citizens. We need good and hardworking citizens, with personality and stature, who can make a mark on world stage. The world needs to recognize "us" as someone who are daring and powerful, through the eye and works of such people. As suggested, we citizens of manipur are not working hard enough, for the state, not for oneself. The greatest tool of such a step is education, which according to what I see is not in good stage. We are amongst the most educated people of India, but just in education, not in jobs or career. We people have the brains, I say very excellent brains compare to other people of India, we have good logics, but we do not use it for the good or we do not know the right way, I say for the state. I would also like to emphasize this, we study out of state in good courses, but why do we return back home after you complete your studies, I say MAKE A CAREER then return home to improve our state. Its a slow process, but if everyone works together it will work out just fine for all of us. That way people around the world knows where you are, and would like to invest money in our business, our state business. Lastly, as always, I do not see insurgency as a good option for betterment of the state. I see it as way of wasting money, energy and valuable life. I see it as a easy and illegal way to make money without any effort. But I expect the various groups to come up with ideas to lift the situation of the people, like medical camps and also be on the front against those threatening our integrity since we people support them in good cause. For this I do not say you need to surrender your arms, i just say just help the people whatever situation you are in, that way the forces will not even bother to hunt you, in fact you will gain more love from the people.

Rajiv Khundrakpam

Cannot build a a nation by theories

[ Wed, Jul 14, 2010 11:58 am ]

With reference to a mail discussing about the building of an independent nation theoritically on the basis of his personal hypothesis, I would like to draw your attention that there is no free bread in this world. No countries would help other unless there is a far sighted benefit visible. There are volumes to cite as example with half of the african continent still living in acute shortage of drug and food though they have overcome the colonial rule & exist as indenpendent countries.
Our very neighbour Myanmar once existed as a very prosperous country until early 70s are now under the junta rule, with complete operation from China. So what does this mean? It means that the stronger always try to either subjugate or show big brother role. We often talk tough of cultivating the very working culture in our society. Don't we? tell how many of us really do hard work...a few and infact many of us including myself are not hard workers. Americans build Gulf for their own benefit(ie oil) and now they have an eye on Afganistan...guess why? because Afganistan is richly blessed with some valuable minerals including rare earth metals. To have a currency of our own we need to deposit gold to the world bank. from where shall we produce that. So it simply means we must go back to the very barter system existed 400 years back. wow what a mess. Today we are living in the 21st century and the grey matter(brains) only counts. who wants to listen to very fact of reminding again and again to dwell in the past. hey man live for today plan it nicely practically ......then you can have a better tomorrow. don't want any more advices who simply pose themselves to be scholar... however, i have some solutions with some good proposals in case if anything; anytime in near future happens....if interested i'll mail in my next episode.


How to survive after independence?

[ Wed, Jul 07, 2010 4:47 am ]

Everyone here is talking big about survival. I would like to ask a simple question. When one is married and starts his/her own family, how do they survive? Do they always depend on their parents? No. The world is a global village and every nation is helping every other nations to prosper well. World Bank assists every developing countries in varisou fields - science, technology, education, agriculture, .. and what not. It is give and take policy. By regaining our independence we do not meant to close our border with India. We meant self-respect, recognition by fellow countries, representation of our culture, our nation, our identity by our own Mongoloid people ( and India - mostly Aryan dominated will let us represent them in the next 100 years by any of our people - be it in education, economy, sports, science etc.)

Every country in the world is not self dependent. Even US depends on other countries for survival. Yes, we know our nation lack natural resources. However, we do can survive without even receiving (rather say begging) from a ruling country. I guess many of you guys are educated but are not well learned enough to come with a solution for a simple question - "How to survive?". Are you always on the begging side? Don't you have hands, legs, eyes, land to till.... We may suffer in our generations like the Jews did during WWII holacaust, but we can promise our future generations a much better platform - platform of Mongoloids in every sphere, education, economy, foreign policy, international peace, sports etc. Think what our forefather have done and how we have spoiled their image. Think how we can given them (our ancestors) their hard earned reputation back! It is hard to say this but, "You are born Mongoloid and no matter what you do you cannot be an Indian!". We have love and respect for India, only as a neighbour and the relationship ends there!


Insurgency is not a good option for the state

[ Sun, Jul 04, 2010 1:55 pm ]

I have been reading the conversation between some people and dad william, and its quite interesting to know the thoughts of general people about insurgent problems and development of the state, what we dearly called as Kangleipak. I am just expressing my thoughts and am against no one. I have slight knowledge of the history of Manipur, not much, but as far as i know, "the Patriots" who were there during 70's or 80's were really fighting for the independence of the state, without any selfishness for personal gain. I really have respect for them. But what is the situation now. Its really terrible. In present Manipur, a person cannot work for himself. If you have progress in you career and making money, you have to pay two taxes for "two government". If you have vehicles anyone from the any of the groups can borrow it, forcefully. If you have family or neighbourhood problem, they come to solve. Are this the work for people fighting for independence? well forget this, lets look at the state, how many industries or small scale industry like company we have? Do we have any resources for development after our independence, like maybe, mineral deposits, oil? The only job for anyone to prosper in Manipur is govt. jobs or be in armed forces. So what do people do? Almost every students wants to go out of the state to study. Why? And those who are in the state, they have their own small business. Nothing promising. Nothing good for the development of the state. If we see the youths, how many people studying outside have held a post big enough to deliver the voice of the people of Manipur at national or international level. The politicians are not a good representative of the state. they just care for their post. Also, I see the people of the state has no sense of working hard for oneself or for the state. They like to spend more than they can earn. If a new bike is launch, you can see it first in Manipur. Rich people. There are lot of issues in the state, and I believe, working hard and honestly is the only way. Violence is something which is out, you see casualty and become out of sense and do things without any control. I do not see insurgency as a good option for the state. The insurgent has done nothing for the state except extortion and trouble. Big issues for state integrity, where are they? They never come out when its needed. Everyone knows also, the head of this insurgents groups and their families are prospering somewhere else in the world, but how? Laslty, even if we get independence, how will we survive? There is Myanmar, ready to pounce. How can with all this problems we can protect our integrity? this are the questions I need answer before I can believe that the insurgents are really fighting for out independence. really hard....

Rajiv Khundrakpam

Avoid baseless accusation

[ Sat, Jul 03, 2010 2:57 am ]

Raj, No problem you have soft corner for India and Indian security force. 'But in 1980s we were all living peacefully.'.... This is absolutely wrong. There was active insurgency in 1980s. 'was that time we were not under India.'.... Kangleipak is under Indian rule since 15th October, 1949. I also don't know where you are from or what you do but the thing is you don't want to see Manipuri living independently with no fear. Kangleipak (Manipur) becoming an independent sovereign nation: may people of our motherland want. Do you? You are yet to get the correct answer on the question of who is creating fear . 'Do you think killing, ambushing CRPF, Army, police shows you are mighty?'... I have never done this. This is your wild and baseless allegation. I do not belong to any UG group. I am only expressing my opinion as a human being, as a son of our motherland. The Indo-Kangleipak conflict situation cannot be compared to your so called Club. I think Dialogue is the best way to solve the problem. But this should be done in a third country under the supervision of United Nations Organization and all conflicting issues should be included. I want to know the definition of your 'independence.'

I also don't think killing, ambushing security personal will bring independence and freedom. They are also human being. 'Why everyone wants to go out from Manipur?'.... I know . Do you? I don't expect people from Delhi should come down and look after all the day to day activities of Manipur. What statement of mine made you think I want to sit back and eat when rest of the people work? 'But India have given to us because ............create greediness among the leaders including politician and UG leaders. Its not a good sign.'.... You have deliverately avoided mentioning about the security forces!!! 'I think you will say free da phungbane lets take it and thats what our politician did.' ....This so funny. Avoid making false, illogical and baseless accusations. 'We are just urging the people to start working ! as you said we were hard workers and we were independence.'....Kangleipak was independent before 24th April, 1891 except during Chahi Taret Khuntakpa and between 14th Aug, 1947 and 15th Oct,1949. I am also against misleading and peace breaker. But you need to read and analyze a lot before accusing someone and before giving your comment on the Indo-Kangleipak Conflict. I also want freedom, peace, prosperity and development in our motherland Kangleipak.

dad william

We are against misleading and peace breaker

[ Fri, Jul 02, 2010 2:10 am ]

No history, no nation by Dad William is quite impressive and he tried a lot to blame India. you are so unlucky as E-Pao didn't publish my few words written to you on 26th of June 2010. No problem you have soft corner for Manipur history and UG's. But in 1980s we were all living peacefully was that time we were not under India. I don't know where you are from or what you do but the thing is you don't want to see Manipuri living independently with no fear. Who is creating fear think nicely and you will get the answer. Do you think killing, ambushing CRPF, Army, police shows you are mighty? Just imagine you are a President of your local club and someone in your locality go against the policy you and your local club make and they fight back with abuse, stones and even try physical harm to you and your club member. Will you sit back or you ( club) will retaliate?
Don't you think a one to one talk is the best way to solve the problem? We are concern about our independence and I don't think killing, ambushing security personal will bring independence and freedom. They are also human being like our UG members if UG can initiate then they can also, were will it lead us... . Where are you now I don't think you are not in Manipur now? Why everyone wants to go out from Manipur?? Hope you know the answer. Do you expect people from Delhi should come down and look after all the day to day activities of Manipur. Don't mind the words you are using seems you want that and you want to sit back and eat when rest of the people work. Have you ever come across any family who blindly gives anything and money to their son or daughter without asking why you want this money and what you will do for. But India have given to us because they know that we can't do anything out of this money and this money can create greediness among the leaders including politician and UG leaders. Its not a good sign. We should try to create our own identity that we are self reliance and don't want your fund without reason but I think you will say free da phungbane lets take it and thats what our politician did. We are just urging the people to start working as you said we were hard workers and we were independence. Then leave the gun given to youths and utilised them to know the fruit of working hard and no to earning by guns. They (UG) should see the overall performance, financing and protecting our own people to come up with good ideas and ideology for your self reliance. Our friend Berlin also mean this we were not against UG or India or anyone but we are against misleading and peace breaker which was started by UG and they also in doubt what they have started will be achieved or not and now they cant even control their cadres. Lets bring peace , work hard to prove the world that we are not weak and not dependent to anyone. If any wrong language, I have used then please forgive me.


No history: No Nation

[ Thu, Jul 01, 2010 2:04 pm ]

Berlin, You need to read and analyze the history of Kangleipak(Manipur) and India . You need to study the condition of Kangleipak when it was an independent nation, the condition during the British rule of Kangleipak from 23rd April,1891 to 1947 and the condition of Kangleipak after it was annexed in 1949 till today. "Do we want to go back in time and and be the old kingdom and be ruled by a king?" . Definitely NOT. No revolutionary organization of Kangleipak has ever stated they want to go back in time and be the old kingdom and be ruled by a king. "Who enjoyed freedom under the king?" This question clearly shows you have a very limited knowledge about the history of Kangleipak. There was much more freedom, self-respect, self-reliance and dignity when Kangleipak was an independent nation as compared to Kangleipak under the Indian rule. If you say there is freedom in Kangleipak at present, then you are going against your conscience. "I go back home before 5 PM as it is dark after that in Manipur. Real dark, fear that anything can happen to me." These statement clearly shows there is no freedom in kangleipak. Tell me sincerely, you are afraid because you will be tortured or killed by the security force or you are afraid because you will be tortured or killed by the UGs. " Who is responsible?" You are trying to indicate that your fear is the creation of UGs. To get this answer, you need to sincerely study and analyze a lot. "Thinking of past experiences and glories and acting on those, are we not heading towards a dark future?" History is very important. There is no nation without a history. Without a unique history a nation cannot be formed. Have you ever enquired why NSCN(IM) is shouting again and again that naga has a unique history. Our motherland Kangleipak has a unique written history of more than 2000 years. It has its own lingua franca, script, religion, holy book, unique culture, arts and tradition and resources. Kangleipak was a self-dependent and self-reliant nation. But the present! Kanglei pak is almost dependent on India. You need to analyze how a self-dependent nation has converted into a dependent state of India. Please do not get carried away by my statement. You should find out the truth yourself. Enquire, analyze whether what I am saying is true or false.

Dad William

Let us follow our brave doctors

[ Thu, Jul 01, 2010 3:03 am ]

Manipur doctors stage protests against militant threats - It is a very proud moment to all the Manipuris around the world, beyond the mountains and seas to say kudos to the RIMS doctors for their brave act of facing the underground people. Doctor, a honourable and noble profession, we all are aware of it. They are life savers and givers. At last they showed courage to speak out for this ill fated incident. Its obviously unbearable. Kudos once again to the Doctors despite their profession, they raised voice against such intolerable action of underground people. The placards of these gr8 people (our Kangliepak Doctors) said it all. Similarly rest of the people facing this brunt should come up and raise our voices. Why should we put up worth the extortion demand and the so called tax collection on our roads lay the countless number of anti social insurgent groups who are preventing us from competing worth rest of the world and preventing our state from developing. Let us follow our brave doctors. Come on let us stand together and eradicate this evil. God helps those who helps themselves!.

Sonamani Meetei

Thinking of past experiences and glories leads to dark future

[ Wed, Jun 30, 2010 9:38 am ]

Dad William, Thanks for enlightening me for the information given by you. But let me present some facts. I would like to correct you if you permit that it was not only our Manipur which was integrated to form India but remember, there were so many other kingdoms like Travancore, Hyderabad, Awadh, Junagarh and lately Sikkim in 1972 (an evident example) which were integrated. Do such revolution and turmoil prevail in these states? See the development, educational revolution, prosperity, employment opportunities which had taken place in most of these states? Do we want to go back in time and and be the old kingdom and be ruled by a king? . Who enjoyed freedom under the king?. All my friends from Kangleipak had gone long time out of our state due to lacking opportunities of developing themselves. It is an evident fact. I agree to the rich history and culture of our state back to 2000 years old and I am proud to be part of it. It's a kind of common heritage you know. Rich heritage, traditions and culture do exist in other parts of our country also, and we people do respect them quite often and others respect our rich history and culture also. Sir, Just chill !! and food for thought. Thinking of past experiences and glories and acting on those, are we not heading towards a dark future? A small sigh, glimpse of happiness is really required at the end of the day. I go back home before 5 PM as it is dark after that in Manipur. Real dark, fear that anything can happen to me. Who is responsible!!! In search of a glorious past let us not surrender a bright future. For us, the youth what is important is an environment where we can feel secure, choose a field of our choice to study and work and follow a life with dignity and freedom. Our future is in our own hands.

Berlin Saikhom

Living in illusion and delusion

[ Fri, Jun 25, 2010 3:00 pm ]

Berlin Saikhom, the present situation of Kangleipak(Manipur) is not because of UGs, it is the creation of the Indian government. It is due to the wrong policy of India. It is due to the forceful annexation of Kangleipak. Kangleipak was an independent nation with more than 2000 years of written history. I am very proud of being born and brought up in my motherland Kangleipak. If there were no revolutionary groups, the unique indentity of Kangleipak would have disappeared long ago. Haven\'t you noticed how the government of India was silent during the 68 days blockade of National Highways 39 and 53 recently? Do you think such type of blockade can happen in other parts of Mainland India? Their silence during the 68 days torture of 2.5 million people of Kangleipak was more than enough evidence to prove that the government of India does not treat, consider the people of Kangleipak as Indians. If you do not wake up now, you will never ever awake again. Let me give another example:\'Recently, Maoists killed some 76 CRPF in Dantewada, Chhattisgarh in a single attack. Such a large number of security personnel have never been killed by militants of Manipur, Assam, Nagaland and Jammu and Kashmir in a single attack. Because of this attack, some Indian experts proposed the idea of imposing AFSPA and use of Indian army and IAF. Both the Chief of army staff and IAF rejected the idea stating that there will be collateral damage i.e. innocent civilians will also be killed and injured along with the Maoists and they cannot fight or kill their own people.

My question is why they are not saying the same thing for Manipur, Assam, Nagaland and Jammu and Kashmir; why they are not thinking about collateral damage in these states, why they are opposing removal of AFSPA from these states. This clearly shows that they do not consider people of these states as their own people, the people of India and they are concerned only about the lands. AFSPA is in force in these states since 1958. That means people of these states are not considered as citizens of India atleast since 1958 by India and it\'s military.

Dad William

If a scot free atmosphere is created...

[ Fri, Jun 25, 2010 8:18 am ]

A reply to Manipur is unique on her own. Very well said by Haosana in his mail to e-pao team regarding Manipur's scenic beauty and otherwise also. Manipur's beauty is any day much more better than Switzerland's artificial beauty. I would like to ask my friend that, have we ever turned back or look forward to see who are those people on the whole, responsible to spoil and make our state to see all the odds of the world today? Today when we see status of our state as 'Jewel of India' as, beauty and people are its jewels, my heart sinks. Such a situation of all odds is created by the so called underground outfit people who have made our beautiful state to suffer in all ways. If a scot free atmosphere is created, with the cleaning of the underground, people will freely have a mind to think VISION 2015 or VISION 2020 for our state Manipur. We must not forget one fact that we are a democratic country and common public has the right to choose our own representatives. Our state can be made more beautiful if there is development, employment, peace and prosperity. Today's children are tomorrow's future. Lets us all plead to Government for our state's prosperity and also pray to underground people to stop all kind of treacherous activities and permit us to enjoy our freedom and rights as citizens of this beautiful state as a part of the largest democracy in the world.

Berlin Saikhom

Solutions to problems in Manipur

[ Tue, Jun 15, 2010 8:24 am ]

The time has come when we review where we are standing today. The people are the only problems and the people can only bring the solution to those problems. As Manipur is constantly hit by many problems the solution for this problems cannot be find out. On the contrary instead of finding out the solution we are always heading to the conventional method of Bandh and Dharna which will again make the situation more complected. As almost all of the educated Manipuries are reluctant to work in Manipur because of the situation prevails. On the other hand the state govt also is not powerful enough to take the bold decision and always try to compromise or hide the problem without any Solution. Now its always easy to say the things are not ha penning but the thing is it won't turn up itself until some one come and turn it up. The suggestion which i have given if can be followed then the people of Manipur will shine with their head high:
1. Open up the security camps at all the critical points. I am amazed that their is no security in Mao Gate. Instead of keeping Manipur commando for bribing and torturing keep them in those places where there is need. And this guys really needs training and complete change of the image and show them that they are for the people. 2. Govt should be proactive in every situation specially in Manipur where the situation is volatile. We cannot wait for something to happen. At the same time the govt should be powerful enough to protect the people and land diplomatically. I prefer the young educated breeds should come forward for this and take the commands in their hands. 3. The student unions and various organization should come together for the common cause which would be acceptable by all. They can really make a difference in the society. Apart from this if there is any platform where we can able to get connected all the Manipuris who are staying outside Manipur will help the Manipuris who is living inside. 4. The worst thing is unemployment which can makes a empty mind a devils mind. Providing fair and ample opportunities for job will defiantly help. Private companies are ready to open in Manipur but the only hindrance is insurgency. This should be tackled fast by the govt as well as by the people. 5. Improvement in infrastructure will boost up the economy of the state but I think the return that the govt is getting is much less. That's why the condition of all the NH are gone. Govt should impose strict tax policy to generate funds for infa development. There are so many suggestions but lets take this step first and can be continued in the long run. There's a saying "You hit me we hit you".


shame Indian Union shame

[ Thu, Jun 10, 2010 5:41 am ]

A mail to
The Indian Army and the government is like a Joke for we North- Easterners. On one side the Army says that we do not use the Army against our own people. Not to be offended but in the North East particularly the Army does everything, acts such as AFSPA are in force many people; Indians from the NORTH EAST states like Manipur are still missing. I want to ask one simple question why did the Army and news media say that putting in force of acts like AFSPA might not be agreed by the Local Government. What about the North East Manipur and other states like Kashmir. Are we Indians or not why is the Army used against us and why AFSPA is in force in the North East ? When it is discussed thousand times for the Maoist and Naxal effected area in the national level why is it in force of in the North East. It is indeed immature to make such statement which clearly shows the division of ideology in the Union Government of India. Please remember every citizen whether he is from Manipur, Bihar, Tamil Nadu or any part of India are Indian first. The organisations such as Naxals and Maoist are Indians and if Government cannot use the Army against them they should not be using Army against North East problem and Kashmir as well.
Shame Shame !!!

Shanta Singh Nahakpam - Melbourne

Why do we deserve such a life?

[ Sat, May 29, 2010 1:50 pm ]

Its only money that the chief minister cares about. At the cost of human lives, he just keeps on adding........and adding, misery to the people. Today, we are being forced to crawl back and bow down to dominating killings both by the state forces and by our glorious terrorists. Being very good in the art of throwing grenades to civilians and making claims about their not so bravery deeds on the local papers have been a trademark of their revolutions. But they can't and will never, ever make a stand against to those who threaten our existence......our very survival. Not even a single word or a minute action from the relatively large armed revolutionaries(or terrorists). Extorting money, beating up addicts, showing muscle power to drunks.........This is the moment where the people needs help against invasion by outsiders. How long will they remain as mute spectators? How much of the people needs to die for their selfish cause? Forget about any help from the central democratic government or from any of our MLA(s). They are also busy in taking their shares from investors, transfers, job interviews while the commoners suffer and die. Manipur is my birthplace and I'm proud to be born here. I m ready to fight for the cause of our rights. Be it against state forces, terrorists or the outsiders. Leave Manipur alone....we do not need any liberation and think for once before you violate any of our rights. Do not force us to do things that will separate you from us. This is not a single statement but the voice of the masses who are waiting to be killed day by day.


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  • Onus of addressing tribal issues on new Guv?
  • Nupilal Ningshing Lamjel #2 : Gallery
  • Idom, Jamhring, Ningkhan : eMing
  • Licypriya Kangujam: Nat'l Youth Day Award
  • Barak Festival advocates Peace, Progress
  • 'Yu', not fully liberalised
  • Article 355 equals Governor's Rule ?
  • Indo-Naga Talks (From 2012) :: Timeline
  • Calls to vote with conscience
  • Zingtun academy leading by example
  • State Gaan-Ngai @Sagolband #1 : Gallery
  • Is Kuki-Zo community pushing Nagas to edge?
  • Will drive to find-treat-prevent TB continue ?
  • Smart Cities, dustier roads ?
  • ST of NE & Dalits of mainland India
  • That May :: Poem
  • Understanding Red, Yellow, Green
  • Cong posers on Govt aid to SoO group
  • Culturals @Tri-Nation Football #1 : Gallery
  • Gaan-Ngai festival of Kabui/Rongmei
  • 40 Years & 04 Stations- Part IV (Madras)
  • Manipur Gold: 34th Sr Natl Sepaktakraw C'ship
  • Public Health Risk Management Training
  • The Power of Poppy - 64 :: Poem
  • The Science of Success #4
  • Hingminashi Eikhoi : Call for unity in diversity
  • A Hymn for Goddess Emoinu
  • Are the foods we eat, correct ?
  • Gangtok, Sikkim (1983 till 1988) : Gallery
  • The Taste of Dreams : Teaser Unveiled
  • Be a child of courage & conquer obstacle
  • Hans Renal Care Centre in Guwahati
  • Focus on pre-May 3, 2023 period
  • Conundrum over the genesis of crisis
  • Misna Chanu aids to Jiribam IDPs : Gallery
  • North-East Students invited to JEE Main 2025
  • Empower the State else avoid blame on CM
  • Obituary : Thaunawjam Brajamohon
  • Hope :: Poem
  • An introduction to Rabies (Hydrophobia) #3
  • Winter makeup tips for dry skin
  • Imphal, Delhi still groping in the dark
  • Tension over assault case, land claims
  • Mega Protest Rally, end AFSPA #2: Gallery
  • Procedural mandates- Articles 118 & 208
  • Naga Hoho calls for early Solution
  • Send-off ceremony for National Youth Fest
  • Human metapneumovirus: A world of worry
  • Solution first, peace later slogan
  • Neutral communities no more safe
  • Foundation: Manipur Press Club #1 : Gallery
  • Manipur champions: 30th Natl Thang-Ta Cship
  • Futsal C'ship 2025 : Manipur runners up
  • Remembering Manmohan Singh, former PM
  • Balancing academic & professional heights
  • The Science of Success #3
  • Of siren fitted vehicles
  • Opposing CAPFs' presence to aid attacks
  • Ningol Chakkouba @ Delhi #3 : Gallery
  • Apoptosis: A Lament for Kangleipak :: Poem
  • RIST Talk - 61 : Quantum entanglement
  • Most welcome Bhalla saab
  • An introduction to Rabies (Hydrophobia) #2
  • Concerns- humans & technology in 2025
  • Indigenous Pottery Making @Imphal : Gallery
  • A memorable day for Ima Chenghi
  • Judicious use of apologies, Meitei-Kuki conflict
  • Training on Mushroom at Nagamapal
  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee: The Bhishma Pitamah
  • May 3, 2023 to Jan 3, 2025 : Kpi outrage
  • Time for centre to revisit SoO agreement
  • AIR Radio Imphal Station - Live streaming
  • The Indo-Myanmar boundary fencing
  • India shifting gears to #endTB
  • Medical Officer at RKM Hospital, Itanagar
  • The Power of Poppy - 63 :: Poem
  • The Science of Success #2
  • Nupi Lal Memorial @Pune #2 : Gallery
  • Nagaland, conservation & entrepreneurship go
  • 40 Years & 04 Stations #3 (Gangtok, Sikkim)
  • 2024: A year of loss, absurdity, & hope
  • New man at the Raj Bhavan
  • Effectiveness of deploying central force on hill
  • Natambakta Play @JNMDA #3 : Gallery
  • An introduction to Rabies (Hydrophobia) #1
  • NEHHDC's "Eri Silk Spinning Mill"
  • Create policies for holistic life skills
  • Winter : Skincare essentials for travellers
  • 'WMCbu thugainaba kanna hotnaba'
  • Noting public apology from CM
  • Economic blockade, yet again
  • Ningol Chakkouba @ Delhi #2 : Gallery
  • National Family Health Survey Report 2019-21
  • The Dark Rainbows of Manipur :: Poem
  • What will state of political differences in 2025
  • The Science of Success #1
  • The historical account of Kabaw Valley #3
  • Featured Front Page Photo 2024 #6: Gallery
  • Be still my heart :: Poem
  • Nouwa Marup Calendar 2025 released
  • New Year : Envisaging a new scenario
  • 'WMCga mari leinadaba meewoi'
  • Welcome 2025, good riddance 2024
  • Not much to hope for in year 2025
  • : 25th Anniv & 2025 Wishes
  • January Calendar for Year 2025 : Tools
  • Folklore Night: Tales of Ancestors @ Noney
  • In search of the causes of conflict
  • The New Year is not just a celebration
  • Medical Assistance to Journalists
  • From 19th to 20th month of mayhem
  • Tighter ILP rules must to serve the purpose
  • Protest @Delhi - Murder of Meiteis #2: Gallery
  • Dr A Surjalal Memorial Award distributed
  • Wattaba Meitei : India's best cyclist 2024
  • Adieu to the first PM from NE
  • Cold :: Poem
  • Entrance test for Sainik Schools 2025
  • Debate over whether 2 or 3 : Discuss Manipur
  • AFSPA re-imposed in valley, onslaught from hill
  • "Connections", art exhibitt @ DC : Gallery
  • Year 2024: Unsolved tragedies & Govt inaction
  • Free one month course on DTP
  • Gita - An antidote for life in Kali #4
  • The Power of Poppy - 62 :: Poem
  • Bima Sakhi Yojana: Will empower rural women
  • Observance of Thang-Ta Day #1 : Gallery
  • Ningol Chakkouba @ Delhi #1 : Gallery
  • Essentials of ethnic clashes : Origins
  • Viksit Bharat Essay State Championship
  • Training on Mushroom Cultivation
  • 3rd Petuk Somabesh concluded at Agartala
  • All the men from Delhi
  • Conditional access scheme amid fencing
  • Poetry Reading @RKCS Art Gallery : Gallery
  • The Speaker: Guardian of Parliament
  • Cannot promote family life by restricting...
  • Time Waits for None :: Poem
  • Dont just age gracefully - Age beautifully
  • New man named to occupy Raj Bhavan
  • Joint posting idea !
  • The historical account of Kabaw Valley #2
  • Lemphu (Rhizome) of Tharo Angangba
  • Manipur - II :: Poem
  • God's 33 years visit to Earth
  • Celebrating legacy of Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • Christmas Carols @ Langol : Gallery
  • Phase II satellite tagging of Amur Falcons
  • Bijou & Avi to Star in Film on Dementia
  • Gita - An antidote for life in Kali #3
  • How fossil fuels shaped & strained society
  • Natural farming will reduce health risks
  • Understanding spirit of Christmas
  • Coinciding peace with this Christmas
  • Protest @Delhi - Murder of Meiteis #1: Gallery
  • "Connections", art exhibition, Washington, DC
  • Understand Bills in Parliamentary democracy
  • Greeting Message on Xmas & New Year 2025
  • 1 Nation, 1 Election & 1 Bottle
  • Importance of moral education
  • Aguli Lantern Festival at Agartala
  • Imposters haunting Class X exams
  • Loss of forest cover in NE
  • Misna Chanu's poems are the call of her soul
  • Uncertainty of future of those in relief camps
  • Black Angels remind us of injustices in TB
  • Mountains are Natural Jewels of the Planet
  • My name is Manipur :: Poem
  • How AI is changing the fashion industry
  • School Fagathanshi : Posers to these slogans
  • Negative, positive impact of barring foreigners
  • Manipur Science Congress @ MU : Gallery
  • Eikhoina chariba chinjaksingsi chumbra ?
  • Meeting on ST at Mayeng Lamjao, Kakching
  • Manipuri Diaspora B'luru Elected Executives
  • On the question of job reservation #3
  • The Power of Poppy - 61 :: Poem
  • The deafening echoes of deliberate silence
  • The historical account of Kabaw Valley #1
  • Gita - An antidote for life in Kali #2
  • Mourns Demise of Pu Thangminlen Kipgen
  • How to deal with problem of 'Diabetic Foot'
  • 3rd Petuk Somabesh at Agartala
  • Poser on ST demand in LS
  • Furore over killing, arrest of VVs
  • Mera Chaorel Houba #4 : Gallery
  • Oneness - Triumph in Manipuri Cinema
  • Internet bans: Security or public burden ?
  • MaolKeki Manipur Public School Scholarship
  • 'Give Peace A Chance!'
  • Manipur - I :: Poem
  • Rice water for winter beauty
  • Congress: Down but never out
  • Perilous national highways
  • 62nd Mr. Manipur 2024 @ MU : Gallery
  • Christmas: A time for giving
  • Engaging youth in tackling AMR
  • HC issues notice to facebook on Licypriya
  • Roles of valley dwellers in deforestation
  • 'ISL will be one of top leagues in Asia'
  • Of Uphul Waiphul & potholed roads
  • Imperturbable Prime Minister
  • Nupi Lal Memorial @Pune #1 : Gallery
  • Making Retired Military Speakers accountable
  • 85th Nupi Lal Day at Delhi
  • 62nd Mr. Manipur 2024 : Full Result
  • 85th Nupi Lal Memorial Function at Pune
  • On the question of job reservation #2
  • Health risks from canned food
  • Confused Delhi, confused Imphal
  • 'War on drugs' vindicated
  • Meitei Mayek Tamba : Online Classroom #5
  • 31st Imphal Book Fair : Gallery
  • Indigenous People Cultural Fest #1 : Gallery
  • Morning: Mera Houchongba #3 : Gallery
  • Nupilal Ningshing Lamjel #1 : Gallery
  • Maibi Jagoi @ Mera Houchongba: Gallery
  • Mega Protest Rally, end AFSPA #1: Gallery
  • Ta Ta TabuHtoN :: Seireng
  • Who are the Rongmeis ?
  • Mera Chaorel Houba #3 : Gallery
  • Ningol Chakkouba Shopping #2 : Gallery
  • Pot Lannaba : Mera Houchongba #1: Gallery
  • Radio E-pao: 1000+ songs from Manipur
  • Mobs attack MLAs house [Nov 16] : Gallery
  • Candlelight Protest @Blore [Nov 17] : Gallery
  • Protest @Seoul condemn murder : Gallery
  • Massive protests in Imphal [Nov 16] : Gallery
  • Condemns Killing Children [Nov 16] : Gallery
  • Ooba Video : is now relaunched !
  • Ningols to Mapam Lamdam #2 : Gallery
  • Ningols to Mapam Lamdam #1 : Gallery
  • Downloadable Manipuri Calendar :: 2025
  • GHOST of PEACE :: Download Booklet