8th Kanglei Mega Sports Festival set to be held from Mar 20 to 25
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, February 28 2019:
The 8th Kanglei Mega Sports Festival 2019 will be held from March 20 to 25 this year, said Sanjoy Khulakpam, Convenor of the sports festival and appealed the public to extend full support to make the event a mega success.
This statement was made by the convenor in a press meet held at the office of Kangleipak Student Association, Khoyathong today while key members of the association also attended the press meet.
He further said that the Kangleipak Student Association in association with various sport bodies has been continously hosting Kanglei Mega Sports Festival since 2012 to attract the youth of the State towards the fold of sports during holy festival (Yaoshang) who are otherwise whiling away their time using intoxicants in the name of celebrating the Yaoshang festival while other revelled in the most untraditional way during the festival.
As such, the people of the State must come forward to help the association in organizing such mega events in an effective and efficient manner, he added.
The Convenor maintained that a cycle rally, covering the length and breadth of the State, will also be held prior to the main event to spread awareness about the festival on March 17.He continued that hosts of sporting events will be organised during the 8th Kanglei Mega Sports Festival 2019 in which a Junior Inter-District Football tournament 2019 "Kangleipak Trophy", will be held in association with All Manipur Football Association at Mapal Kangjeibung, Imphal, which carries a cash prize of Rs 20,000/- and Rs 10,000/ - with trophy for the winner and runners-up team respectively.
During the festival, Kangleipak Kang trophy 2019 will also be held in association with Manipur Kang Association at Gopal Dev Mandap, Yaiskul and Nameirakpam Mandap cum Community hall, Singjamei where the winner team will be honoured with a cash incentive of Rs 10,000/- with trophy while the runner's up team will get Rs 7,000/- with trophy.
Third and fourth place team will be awarded cash prize of Rs 5,000/- and 3,000/- with trophy respectively.
Kangleipak Mega Marathon 2019 (for men only) will be organized in collaboration with Athletic Association of Manipur on March 23 which carries cash prize of Rs 20,000/-, Rs 15,000/- and Rs 10,000/-with medal for the top three athletes while consolation prize of Rs 1,000/- each will be awarded to the next 4th to 10th position holder.
All Manipur Cheibi Association will be the main partners to host Kangleipak Cheibi Yendamnaba 2019 (Sub-junior boys & girls) to be organized at Modern Academy, Kongba Uchekon Lairenpak.
In this event, the top four athletes for each category will be honoured with Rs 1,500/-, Rs 1,000/- and Rs 300/- each respectively with medal.
Kangleipak Thang-ta Championship 2019 (U-17 boys & girls) will be conducted in association with Huiyen Langlon Thang-ta Association, Manipur at Sangaiprou Mamang Leikai Community hall which also carries cash prize of Rs 1,500/-, Rs 1,000/- and Rs 700/- to the top three winners respectively with medals.
Furthermore, the Inter JSCC football trophy 2019 with the participation of 6 (six) teams of student will be held at Mapal Kangjeibung, Imphal.
The winner will take away a cash prize of Rs 7,000/- while the runners-up team will get riched by Rupees 5,000/- .