Footgal - first girls' football tourney in Saikul Hill town kicks off
Source: The Sangai Express
Kangpokpi, February 02 2020:
'Footgal' - the first ever girls' football tournament in Saikul Hill town kicked off with Saijang FC overwhelming Phaijang FC 1-0 in the opening match at Saikul Block playground today.
Eighteen strong girls' football teams are competing for the trophy.
With an aim to break 'stereotype' and 'make girls come out of the kitchen' and play sports like their male counterparts, Footgal, the football tournament is being organised jointly by InSIDE-North East, Saikul Hill Town Youth Club and District Sports Association Sadar Hills.
The opening day of the tournament being organised under the theme "Empowering girls through sports," was graced by Ngaijathem Chongloi, chairperson, Kuki Women Union, Saikul as chief guest, Nemvei Touthang and Tinlhing Haolai, both business entrepreneurs as guest of honour and functional president respectively.
Maj Rachit Pande, Post Commander, 38 Assam Rifle and Chinlam Khongsai, business entrepreneur also attended as special guests.
Addressing the gathering, Ngaijathem Chongloi, chairperson Kuki Women Union, Saikul encouraged girls/women participation in games and sports.
"We have to break all stereotypes and start standing in the front and lead with confidence," she said.
Nemvei Touthang expressed her joy witnessing such tournament in the town and said "It is the dawn of a new era for girls are not audience watching boys playing in the field but stepping inside the field to play" .
"Our girls are no lesser than boys.
They should be given the right platform to grow and develop.
They should not be confined to kitchen and household chores," said Hejang Misao, director InSIDE-North East, who was recently called by the President of India for an interaction at Rashtrapati Bhavan in the National capital.
He said that the girls' football tournament is being organised so as to break all stereotypes and promote women empowerment.
30 promising girls will be selected from the tournament and they will be given right football coaching, said the director.