Lucky FC beat FC Lendou in JM football final
Source: Chronicle News Service
Moreh, October 18 2021:
The closing ceremony of the 2nd Jamkhopao Memorial Football Tournament 2021 was held on Monday at Ngambom Lentuol, Chikim village, Moreh.
YAS minister Letpao Haokip attended the event as chief guest, N Inaocha Meitei, general secretary Meetei Council Moreh, as guest of honour, LS Seikhojang Baite, general secretary Kuki Chief Association Tengnoupal, as functional president and Thanglal Haokip, social worker, as chief host.
Leaders of youth clubs, chiefs from different villages and CSO leaders were also present the closing ceremony.
Letpao Haokip in his speech highlighted the importance of sports in the present world and said that grassroot players should maintain discipline and must focus on sport for a healthy life and bright future.
He also spoke of the need for developing the Ngambom playground into a full-sized football field.
N Inaocha recalled that Jamkhopao was a good leader not only for one community but also for all the people of the town.
He asked the youths to concentrate more on sports to bring laurels to the state and the country.
Inaocha also requested the YAS minister to help develop the town and the Ngambol playground.
In the football final, Lucky FC beat FC Lendou in a penalty shootout after a 2-2 draw.
Emerson of Lucky FC was named best player of the tournament while Johnson of Jamkhopao Memorial Team was the top scorer.
Utam of Lucky FC bagged best goalkeeper award while Social Worker Youth Club, Moreh were declared best team.