SAI-STC Utlou to induct sport spersons
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, November 30 2021:
Sports Authority of India (SAI), Sports Training Centre, Utlou is conducting selection test for induction of talented sportspersons at its training centre.
The test will be conducted for four disciplines - boxing (12-18 yrs), football (12-15 yrs), taekwondo (12-18 yrs) and weightlifting (12-18 yrs) - on December 16 and 17, 2021 at SAI, STC, Utlou at 6.30 am.
Intending candidates are to collect prescribed form from the centre in-charge, SAI, STC, Utlou from December 1 to 9 during office hours.
The last date for submission of form is December 13.Eligible candidates are required to produce age proof certificate (birth certificate), aadhaar card, school leaving certificate, four copies of latest passport size photograph and achievement of sports certificates (if any) in order to participate in the selection test, a release said.