ZSUD FC defeat HSAD FC at NE Tamchon Football Trophy 2011
Source: Lalremlien Neitham *
New Delhi, October 23 2011:
Zeliangrong Students Union Delhi FC defeated Hmar Students Association FC three to one today at the second day of North East Tamchon Football Trophy held at Dr.Ambedkar Stadium, New Delhi.
The HSA FC has been 1st runners up of the tournament for two times.
The HSA FC lost against DMZP last year at the finals.
The 5th North East Tamchon Football Trophy opening ceremony was held yesterday at Dr.Ambedkar Stadium.
The opening match was played between the defending champion Delhi Mizo Zirlai Pawl (DMZP) and Arunachal Students Union Delhi (ASUD).
In the first match of the tournament, DMZP defeated ASUD six zero.
Sixteen teams from various tribes of Northe East India are participating in the tournament.
The winner of the tournament will be awarded with the North East Tamchon Football Trophy in addition to Rs 3.00 lakh cash prize, medals and certificates.
The trophy can be owned by any team who wins the trophy consecutively for three years.
The first runners up will be awarded medals and certificates, with a cash prize of Rs 2.00 lakhs.
The secondrunners up will be awarded medals and certificates, with a cash prize of Rs 1.00 lakh.
* The sender of this news can be contacted at lalremlien(at)gmail(dot)com .