Loktak dwellers hold protest
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, July 21 2014:
The communities who are sheltering around Loktak Lake � the only fresh water lake in the entire north east India, has on Sunday held a protest meeting at Thanga Haoreng Chingya to express their displeasure over the manoeuvre of the Government's development works in the Lake which in turn negative impacts both in the condition of the Lake as well as the community settled in and around the Loktak Lake.
During the protest, the president of the United Committee Manipur Yumnam Nabachandra expressed that the activities of the Loktak Development Authority taken up in the name of developing Loktak Lake are all injustice to the Lake community.
During the protest, ACOAM Lup president Somorendro, AMUCO president Y Mani Khuman, COHR convener Phunindro Konsam, Lifewatch secretary Rajesh Ningthoukhongjam, ALLAFU secretary Oinam Rajen and its advisors were present during the protest.