Loktak Day on October 18
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 15 2013:
Like in the past Loktak Lake Development Organisation Manipur will celebrate Loktak Day on october 18 along with releasing of fingerlings and hosting various cultural programmes, informed Organisation president Heisnam Sana-yaima.
Speaking to newspersons at Manipur Press Club, he highlighted that various events are being held since 1990 to celebrate Loktak Day as a part sustaining the campaign to save the largest fresh-water lake in the region.
While the main celebration venue will be at Thanga Haorang Lairembi Lampak, release of fingerlings, rituals to invoke blessing of the almighty in protecting the natural water body and speeches by resource persons on Loktak Lake and means to save it from different aspects would be the other highlight, said Sanayaima who fervently appealed to every section of the society for participation.