Aquarium exhibition opens
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, March 31 2016:
The 4th State Level Aquarium Exhibition cum
Flower Show, jointly organised by Manipur Science and Tech-
nology Council (MASTEC) and Aquarium and Floriculture
Entrepreneurs, has kick started at Manipur Science Aquarium, DM
College campus from today.
Manipur State Information Officer of National Information
Centre, Kh Rajen, DM College of Commerce Principal Dr Ph
Ibomcha and MASTEC Director Th Surendranath graced the
opening function as chief guest, president and guest of honour
Four aquarium and seven floriculture entrepre-
neurs took part in the seven-day exhibition.
84 species of fish
and 124 varieties of flower are being showcased at the exhi-
bition, organised under the aegis of National Council for
Science and Technology Communication, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.