Prime Minister met top Indian scientists of North East for promotion and development
Source: Atom Samarendra (IBSD,Imphal) *
Imphal, August 20 2015 :
Prime Minister yesterday (19.08.15) met top Indian Scientists for the first time, which included the Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Art Sciences, Science & Technology, Atomic Energy, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), CSIR and a few others (in total 13).Presentations were made before the Prime Minister, including one by Prof.Dinabandhu Sahoo, Director of IBSD, a National Institute of Govt.of India at Imphal, Manipur.
Prof Sahoo highlighted different problems of North East and emphasized how the North East people can be benefitted through applications of science and technology in this region.
He urged the Prime Minister to give special emphasis on socio-economic development of North East through sustainable development of bioresources because North East is one of the top ten biodiversity hotspots in the world.
He also emphasized the unique bioresources of North East such as black rice (chahao), bamboo, pineapple, orchids, medicinal and aromatic plants, which can be commercially used for employment generation.
Prof.Sahoo was the only scientist from North East who presented the scientific development plan before the Prime Minister, who appreciated the initiative taken by IBSD.
Others present in the meeting included Dr.Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of Science & Technology, Dr.Y.S.Choudhury, Minister of State for Science & Technology, Cabinet Secretary, Vice-Chairman of NITI-Aayog, members of NITI Aayog and various other top level dignitaries.
* The sender of this news can be reached at asamarendra(aT)yahoo(doT)com .