NSCN-K decries 'India-dictated' Myanmar action
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 13 2015:
The recent Myanmar military operations against NSCN/GPRN in Myanmar occupied 'Naga country' has perplexed the NSCN beyond under-standing, a statement issued by the MIP of the NSCN/GPRN said.
The outfit said that on Sept 30 flag meeting between Myanmar Army and Indian Army at international border (Pangsha), the Myanmar Army commander stationed across the border (Solo Camp) registered a strong protest against the illegal Indian Army cross border raid of August 28, 2015 in which several innocent Myanmar Naga citizens were also grievously injured by Indian Army.
The same commander also strongly defended the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Myanmar and cautioned the Indian counterpart to refrain from repeating such uni- lateral actions violating the sanctity of Myanmar union in future.
Where as Lt Col Min Thaw Hein, 364 Bn the Myanmar Army operation commander who also attended the flag meet acted in the most bizarre manner in complete contradiction to the national principle maintained by his colleague during the flag meet, the NSCN/GPRN statement alleged.
On reaching Pou Nyiu village (NSCN temporary shel- ter) returning from the flag meet, Lt Col Min Thaw Hein inquired the whereabouts of NSCN camp and workers, asking, 'Where are the peace party?' and even expressed his desire to meet NSCN representatives.
By then, the NSCN members had vacated the shelter entirely and shifted to jungle.
The NSCN chose to vacate the temporary camp in upholding the bilateral ceasefire agreement between the NSCN and Nyapithaw Government and expected the Myanmar operation commander to uphold the same, it said.
However, on learning of NSCN having left the village, the said commander became infuriated and started harassing the village folks, asked the villagers to present NSCN members to him and accused the village of sheltering and shielding the NSCN.
When the village representatives politely asked the commander of the existence of ceasefire and peaceful relationship between the two entities, the commander harsh-ly retorted that the mainland Myanmar Army command is not aware of the ceasefire agreement or does not have any concern for such agreement between the NSCN and Nyapithaw, it said.
He reportedly ordered the gathering of village authority and elders and declared before them that he is on a mission to apprehend and evict the NSCN strictly on the directives of the Government of India to launch offensive crackdown on NSCN taking refuge inside Myanmar.
He further stressed that NSCN members camping at Pou Nyiu village are responsible for the attacks and killings of hundreds of Indian Army in India and he is on the raid to ensure complete flush out of NSCN from the area as directed by Indian Army, the NSCN pointed out.
Lt Col Min Thaw Hein continued to maintain that the public would have perished or suffered irreparably had Indian Army themselves came raiding and must therefore be grateful that he was being modest.
It is beyond comprehension to witness a senior commander instead of securing her border and ensuring safety of her own citizen on the contrary openly heralds the directives and desires of other country, it added.
Compromising the internal peace, harmony and national security of his own nation by attacking the entity at peace (NSCN) meanwhile propagating the ideology of a neighbouring country by accepting a huge bribe, it said.
While the Myanmar Union is besieged with internal conflicts and hundreds of her soldiers are killed each day in the battle zone with various political parties, a senior commander of a national Army deployed in a sensitive international border instead of expressing concern and garnering support for his Army engaged in daily warfare in his own homeland chose to honour and mourn hundreds of Indian Army casualties and pursues vengeance against NSCN, an entity that maintains ongoing peace process with Nyapithaw, it stated.
The pre-mediated and India dictated actions and speeches of the Myanmar Army operation commander Lt Col Min Thaw undermines the sovereignty of Myanmar, threatens his own national peace and is a national disgrace that he opts to promote the agendas of Indian Army wearing Myanmar Army uniform, the MIP statement maintained.
The temporary refuge of the People's Army of Nagaland/Naga Army, NSCN established at Pou Nyiu and Langtin villages were thus burnt to ashes and all the belongings destroyed in fire, yet NSCN's Naga Army maintained utmost restraint in honour of the bilateral ceasefire agreement.
However, even endurance has its limit and NSCN shall not be allowed to be taken for granted repeatedly, it cautioned.