Tamenglong postal service continues to be awful
Source: Hueiyen News Service/ Daniel Kamei
Tamenglong, August 13 2015:
The continued apathy on the functioning of the postal services in Tamenglong District has left the people of the district reel under untold hardships.
There have seen several complaints regarding late receipt of documents and late delivery of letters etc.
Apart from running in a pathetic condition, every staff member at the post office has to contribute rupees one thousand or deduct the same amount from their low salary for office maintenance and repairing.
Many aspirants of competitive examinations could not turn up for their examinations since the postman delivered their admit cards late or even after the exams are over.
Speaking to Hueiyen Lanpao, one aspirant of central examinations, Daniel P Kamsuan revealed that he missed one such central examination due to the negligence of postal service in Tamenglong.
"The exam was supposed to be held on August 8, 2015.The post office received my admit card on July 28 while the same was delivered on August 7 forcing me to miss the exam", recalled Daniel P Kamsuan.
The postmen in the district have always found excuses for the shoddy service some of them stating that it was difficult to find the addresses of the people.
Villagers said that postmen's excuses are not reasonable since the people in the district or area have been living there for over 20 years.
The villagers have also appealed to the authorities to post one effective Post Master who can work with full authority and who can necessarily take action against the irregular postmen in the district.
Surprisingly, when Hueiyen Lanpao Correspondent visited the Tamenglong Post Office, many letters including ATM Cards were laying on the Post Master's table undelivered.
Post Master Tamenglong Dinchuigong Kamei said that the office is running in a very pathetic condition despite of repeated complaints to the higher authorities.
He revealed that there are four postmen in the district headquarters and another 19 BPO in Tamenglong District.
While admitting that he cannot change the situation immediately, Dinchuigong Kamei further said that the postal service in the district has been provided by single person or former post masters during their tenure.