Assembly session begins with obituary reference
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, July 11 2014 :
The 8th session of the 10th Manipur Legislative Assembly com-menced today obituary re- ference to late former Minister Md Helaluddin Khan.
All the Members of the House obser-ved two minutes' silence in honour of the departed Minister.
Addressing the House, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi highlighted the public works done by late Minister Helal-uddin.
Ibobi said that all of them were saddened when Md Helaluddin Khan expired suddenly because of an illness.
His sudden demise is a big loss for all the whole State.
From 1980 to 2007, Md Helaluddin was a member of Indian National Con- gress and RJD and he served the public in the capacity of a Minister.
He was one outstanding leader who took active roles for the development of not only Lilong A/C but also for the whole State.
Saying that religious difference did not matter to the late Minister, Ibobi prayed that the departed soul may rest in peace in the heavenly abode.
Giving the obituary reference, Speaker Th Loke-shore stated he met Helaluddin Khan during the 9th Manipur Legislative Assembly.
Helaluddin once told Lokeshore that the State Assembly is a temple for all communities of Manipur.
Nobody can seat in the State Assembly if he/she does not enjoy people's faith, Lokeshore said as told by the late Minister.
Helaluddin was very magnanimous and generous at the same time, the Speaker added.
At the initiation of the Speaker, all the Members of the House observed two minutes' silence in honour of the departed Minister.
Others who gave obituary reference were PHED Minister I Hemochandra, Social Welfare Minister AK Mirabai, Agriculture Minister Md Abdul Nasir, MLA P Brojen, MLA O Lukhoi, MLA Md Fazur Rahim and MLA Th Shyamkumar.
Md Helaluddin Khan from Lilong Haoreibi Makha Leikai is survived by his wife, three sons and four daughters.