Dealing a double blow Shops face thunderstorm, burglary
Source: The Sangai Express / S Singlianmang Guite
Lamka, April 06 2015 :
Professional burglars who appear to have taken advantage of the spate of thunderstorm that usually hits the region at night have struck at least four shops in the past week and decamped with goods worth several lakhs even as the police prepare to press two patrol teams to keep vigil round the clock.
The burglars have looted shops in the past but they are clearly taking advantage of the midnight thunderstorm that has hit the areas for the past week as burglary has been reported almost on a daily basis.
Before Friday, two shops run by non-locals were looted at Lamka's New Bazar area while another shop dealing with photograph related items run by S Lalzahau was looted in the intervening night of Friday and Saturday.
On Sunday morning, Anil Enterprises, a mobile shop was again found looted while another popular shop run by one Padmavati also reported a burglary attempt the same night.
Though it is not exactly known how many goods the burglars have taken or its worth, a rough assessment from interviews with the shop owners indicated that the loss could run into several lakhs.
It is worth noting that all these burglaries are committed in a very identical way, raising suspicion that a well prepared group of burglars could be behind it.
Meanwhile, the district Superintendent of Police L Mangkhogin Haokip has today convened a meeting of top police officials to discuss the issue and has duly agreed to deputy two patrol teams to maintain vigil throughout the night.