BJP always ends in anti-climax : Dy CM
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, February 22 2017:
Commenting on BJP's pledge to protect the integrity of Manipur at all cost as published in the media extensively, Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam has remarked that BJP is only good at rhetoric and they would never follow their words with action.
It is like starting with a bang and ending in a whimper, Gaikhangam remarked while speaking at an election rally held at Lairikyengbam Leikai Hockey Union ground within Heingang AC today.
Manipur witnessed a tumultuous period when BJP was in power at the Centre.
The June 18 event still remains an unforgettable event in the contemporary history of Manipur.
People see thoroughly how BJP has been attempting to win the election by using brute force with the help of militants.
BJP is bereft of any vision and even though it has succeeded in winning the faith of some people, they (BJP) would not last long, asserted the Deputy Chief Minister.
"I had a premonition that I might be attacked on the way to Khoupum Tampak.
Yet, I went ahead because I had a yearning to meet the people.
I would not be cowed down by such attacks", Gaikhangam stated.
By hoisting the party's flag in spite of multiple attacks, Congress has demonstrated that it would not be cowed down or dissuaded by threats and violence.
BJP is one ominous political party which is not suitable to the soil of Manipur, he added.
They should know mercenaries cannot win the election.
The attempt to forfeit the people's right to vote in a free and fair manner in accordance with their choices is something unpardonable, he continued.
In addition to the visible forces which have been conspiring to disintegrate Manipur, some other elements have been plotting secretly to fragment the State.
People should always be wary of both the covert and overt forces, he cautioned.
It would be easier to tackle the overt forces.
People should be more cautious of the covert forces and all pre-emptive measures should be taken up.
The inability to see and appreciate the many development programmes taken up by the Congress Government only indicates sheer negativity.
By making unrestrained criticisms against Congress party with the sole objective of projecting the party in the wrong light, some people have been only exposing themselves.
If they dare, they must bring out evidence about wrongdoings committed by Congress party.
If Congress party is compared to an elephant and its many development programmes to the elephant's load, then some people are just like dogs which are barking at the elephant out of jealousy, Gaikhangam stated.
The claim that they would get the economic blockade lifted if the Chief Minister steps down just for two days only exposed that BJP has its hands in the indefinite economic blockade.
In another word, BJP was exposing that it has the capacity to keep or remove the economic blockade, added the Deputy Chief Minister.