Source: The Sangai Express / S Singlianmang Guite
Lamka, November 12 2010:
After maintaining stoic silence for some time, CoPTAM through a statement issued to the press today once again raises its tempo with a threat to either initiate a movement of their own or join other tribal movement.
The committee's statement that is filled exasperation and frustration said, over the decades the genuine appeals of the tribal from land and boundary to sewerage and water have been ignored or whimsically opposed on communal lines.
The COPTAM, once again putting its trust on the SPF government placed series of memorandums before it besides launching peaceful and democratic means of agitation, but sincerity and solution still allude us, it said adding, 'all the verbal assurances of the Chief Minister were just verbal and never put to practice.
In this backdrop, the future of the tribal is threatened and unless the union government puts its foot down there is danger of the state tribal being swamped and sinking into the plight of the Tripura tribal, it alleged.