District level painting / slogan writing competition held
Source: The Sangai Express
Jiribam, February 11 2024:
A district level painting cum slogan writing competition for high school, higher secondary and college students was held today at RK Sanatombi Devi Vidyalaya, Jiribam.
The district level competition was held in line with the ongoing 35th National Road Safety Month (January 15 - February 14, 2024) organised by the District Administration Jiribam.
A Premananda Singh of Jiribam Higher Secondary School was declared as the winner of the first position while Ishita Dey of RK Sanatombi Devi Vidyalaya Jiribam and Sinam Manithoiba Singh of Jiribam Higher Secondary School won the second and third positions respectively in the painting competition.
For the slogan competition, Bhavishya Meitham, Wairokpam Leibakleima Chanu and Th Priyabati Devi of RK Sanatombi Devi Vidyalaya Jiribam were declared the winners of first, second and third positions respectively.
Deputy Commissioner Jiribam, Krishna Kumara IAS handed over the prizes to the winners.
Speaking at the occasion, the Jiribam DC stressed on the need of adhering to road safety norms to prevent road fatalities.
He also highlighted the importance of National Road Safety month which is aimed at raising mass awareness on road safety measures among the public As a part of the programme, Additional Deputy Commissioner Jiribam (in-charge), Sagolsem Indrajit Singh MCS administered the road safety pledge.