NSCN (IM) lashes out
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, September 05 2020:
In the midst of the reported rift between the Government of India and the NSCN (IM) as the two resumed talks recently, the Government of the People's Republic of Nagalim (GPRN) has lashed out at certain sections of the media for publishing "distorted and manipulative" stories on the talks targeting Th Muivah.
"There is a very bemusing phenomenon taking place behind the informal talks going on in Delhi, on day to day basis between the Government of India represented by the IB team and the NSCN (IM) .
The media has been pulled in to put pressure on NSCN by writing baseless but tormenting things about Naga chief negotiator Mr Th Muivah and other abhorrent things about the Naga solution," said the GPRN in a statement today.
The truth, however, shall never simply run away said the outfit and unleashed blistering attack against RN Ravi for his "mischief" on the Framework Agreement and other "misdoings" .
Shortly after informal talks started, many professional figures in media "changed color to sell themselves doing the bidding of the intelligence agency" that have something to grind against NSCN (IM) .
"This is what we are seeing in the media market floated with distorted and manipulated stories and articles on Naga issue targeting NSCN (IM) and its chief negotiator Th Muivah.
The truth, however, cannot be sacrificed at the altar of misinformation campaign launched against NSCN (IM)," it said.
The GPRN lashed out a Delhi University teacher for allegedly writing article on a media platform and accusing NSCN (IM) general secretary Mr Th Muivah of "playing tribal card to scuttle any peace deal" .
It also lashed out at an Editor of a news media organisation and criticised the Editor for allegedly calling Th Muivah a "past master at scuttling Naga peace deals".
"All these baseless accusations against Mr Th Muivah is nothing but malicious falsehood to further confuse the Naga people at this critical stage".
Propaganda is also manufactured that NSCN (IM) leaders are simply using the flag and Constitution issues to "derail and delay" the solution for the Naga issue.
"Flag and Constitution are the heart and soul of the Naga political movement.
Flag is the political identity of the Naga people and Constitution tells of the Naga people as a Nation and shows the way forward as a distinct people who would not give up their land in lieu of anything," said GPRN.
There is also "wild media speculation" that NSCN (IM)'s Chinese Government connection is forcing it to go slow in negotiating with the Government of India.
Such "unfounded" allegations targeting NSCN (IM) is seen in the social media, it said.
The same unpleasant situation created by Ravi last year when he set October 31 as deadline to seal the deal is being propagated by the media wherein it is mentioned that the deal may have to be signed by September 2020, even without NSCN (IM).
Such an unhealthy manner of conducting talks between two entities is against the spirit of the political peace process that has travelled 23 years where mutual respect and consent has carried the talks all along.
It is the settlement of the pending issues that matters and not the deadline, claimed the outfit.