H Kanhailal for Tanveer Sanman award
Source: The Sangai Express
Pune, December 03 2011:
The prestigious annual Tanveer Sanman award will be given to renowned theatre personality of Manipur, Heisnam Kanhailal on December 9.The award is instituted by Roopwedh Pratishthan.
Tanveer Sanman is given since 2004 in memory of Tanveer, the son of Dr Shreeram and Deepa Lagoo who expired in an accident and the award comprises of Rupees 1 lakh and a memento.
Kanhailan, the founder director of theatre group Kalashetra Manipur, is in the forefront of experimental theatre movement for the past three decades.
He is one of the few theatre artists from north eastern states who has received the Padmashri, Sangeet Natak Akademi and the Natya Ratna awards.
Working president of Roopwedh Prathisthan Vijay Lagoo said, "Since Tanveer in Persian means 'divine light in the sky', the award is presented to those whose work is similar to the meaning of the name" .
"During the British raj, the local folk art of Manipur was on the verge of extinction.
Kahailal has taken great efforts to involve the Manipuri culture in his plays, besides starting a parallel theatre at grass roots level" .
"Instead of going for verbose and box theatre, he has tired to find a new idiam for theatre,"
he said.
The award function will be held at Yashwantra Chavan Natyagruha, Kothrud, at 6.15 pm.
Along with Kaihailan, Marathi Director Girish Joshi will also be given the award of Natyadhrmee Puraskar.