'Take drug case to higher Court': March towards Assembly foiled
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, February 19 2021:
Demanding the Government to take two major drug haul cases to a Higher Court, a large number of Meira Paibis took out a protest march towards the State Assembly yesterday afternoon.
Meira Paibis and volunteers of All Manipur Women's Social Reformation Development Samaj (Nupi Samaj), Apunba Manipur Kanba Ima Lup (AMKIL), Tammi-Chingmi, Nongpok Leingak Apunba Nupi Lup (NLANL), Nongchup Imphal Meira Paibee Apunba Lup (NIMPAL), Thoubal Ima, Apunba Nupi Lup (ANUL), ECHAL, KKSSNL, UMO and Thangmeiband Apunba Nupi Lup (THANIL) took part in the protest.
The protesters approaching the Assembly complex from two different routes-Chingmeirong Khongnang Ani Karak and Thangmeiband DM College Road were stopped by security personnel and scuffles ensued.
The protesters raised several slogans appealing Government to appeal the drug related cases to a Higher Court.
While the 2019 Phoudel case involves "seizure of about Rs 400 crore worth drugs and acquittal of 9 suspects", the 2018 case refers to the case which had named former Chandel ADC Chairman Lhukhosei Zou as a suspect.
A Court of ND&PS had recently acquitted Lhukhosei Zou and since then many organisations including CADA (Coalition Against Drugs and Alcohol) have been demanding Government to appeal the case to a Higher Court.
Meanwhile, the '3.5 Collective' has shown solidarity with the Meira Paibis who had marched peacefully towards the Assembly complex yesterday and stated that the Budget Session should discuss the problems of drugs in Manipur.
In its statement, the 3.5 Collective also expressed concern about the safety and security of "71 Meira Paibi leaders" who were reportedly "arrested by the police for leading the peaceful march" yesterday.
It also reiterated that the Government should appeal both the Phoudel and 2018 case to a Higher Court.