PCAE-M recommits to stand, ideals
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 18 2012:
Members of the People's Campaign for Assembly Election (PCAE-M:2012) held a commemorative meeting marking completion of the first year of the campaign today at Delhi.
PCAE-M : 2012 was launched on October 18 last year by groups of concerned citizens of the State at different places in India in the run up to the 10th Manipur State Assembly election.
The meeting reviewed and deliberated upon the first year of its campaign activities and took a number resolutions including reaffirmation of the aims and objectives of the campaign, renaming the campaign as "People's Campaign for Resurgent Manipur" keeping in line with aims and objectives of the campaign and expanding the campaign by involving youth and younger generation, and facilitate greater participation.
It was also decided to launch a new website and facebook community while retaining the earlier facebook group, conveyed a press release.
The campaign is to; (i) fight against the private and vested interests that seek to undermine the basic fabric of a collective life in Manipur and (ii) bring about a new political culture wherein public morality and issues of public importance play significant role in our society and polity.
The Campaign seeks to generate informed opinions and choices on public issues amongst the people and ) make political class of the state accountable to the people.
In pursuance of the above goals and objectives, the campaign seeks to ensure that elections are conducted in a free and fair manner guided by public morality and public issues and (ii) engage and monitor the nature and ways in which the elected representatives of the people respond to or address the issues of public importance.