Nude protest of 2004 recalled under shadow of AFSPA
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, July 15 2019:
Anti-Repression Day 2019 was observed at Lamyanba Shanglen, Palace Compound, today in memory of the nude protest launched by the brave mothers of the State at Kangla on July 15, 2004, against the death of Thangjam Manorama as well as demanding the repeal of the draconian AFSPA, 1958.The event organised under the aegis of the observation committee Anti Repression Day 2019, was attended by UCM consultative member RK Ranendrajit, AMWJU president Bijoy Kakchingtabam, former Dean, School of Human and Environmental Sciences, MU, Professor W Nabakumar, chairperson of the observation committee, Kh Anandi and former Dean, School of Social Science, MU, Professor Ksh Bimola Devi, as the presidium members.
Director of Human Rights Alert, Babloo Loitongbam spoke on the impact of AFSPA on the people during the event.
A souvenir, Road to defiance Anti Repression Day, was also released as a part of the event today.
The 12 brave mothers who protested in front of Kangla on July 15, 2004, namely Thokchom Rumani (Heirangoithong), Keisham Taruni (Kongpal), Chungkham Jamini (Nganappi Thong), Haobam Tombi (Paona Keithel), Y Mema (Wangkhei), N Sorojini (Sanakeithel Shija Hospital Maning), (L) L Ibetombi (Thangapat Mapal), L Gyaneshori (Nagamapal), L Nganbi (Bishnupur), Soibam Momon (Uripok), Angom Jibanmala (Uripok) and Mutum Ibemhal (Uripok), were honoured by the observation committee with simple gifts.
Speaking at the event, Kh Anandi said that Manipur became a part of India on October 15, 1949 thus becoming economically dependant on the country.
Then in 1958, the Indian Parliament passed the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
Stating that many human rights organisations have been demanding the immediate repeal of AFSPA, Kh Anandi said that after the Act was enforced in Manipur, thousands of innocent lives have been lost to the draconian Act since 1980.Many people were maimed, many more disappeared and remained traceless, many women were raped and tortured and killed, she said adding that till date, there are more than 1525 cases of such extrajudicial killings and disappearances.
Currently, trials are underway against many security personnel for the alleged extra judicial killing cases under the direction of the Supreme Court, she added.
Anandi continued that one such case of torture and killing under the AFSPA is the incident of Thangjam Manorama who was raped and brutally murdered in 2004 .
In protest against this inhumane killing as well as the torture and injustice meted out to the people and the women under the dreaded law, 12 brave mothers of the State took the ultimate decision to carry out a nude protest in front of the Kangla, she said.
On July 15, 2004, the brave mothers took out the historic protest in front of Kangla gate and even openly demanded the Indian Army to rape them.
Following this historic protest, many other protests followed which eventually forced the Assam Rifles to move out of Kangla, Anandi added.
On the other hand, UCM consultative member RK Ranendrajit said that ever since AFSPA 1958 was implemented, many countless lives have been lost and many have disappeared at the hands of the security forces all in the name of combating insurgency.
No one, either from the hills or the valley, was spared under the draconian law.
And in one such brutality under the said law, Thangjam Manorama of Bamon Kampu was tortured and murdered by security personnel.
This incident sent ripples across the State and led to the historic protest by the brave mothers at Kangla.
In a way, it can be said that due to the bravery of the mothers, Kangla was handed over to the people of Manipur, RK Ranendrajit said.
Speaking at the event, Professor Ksh Bimola Devi said that the protest carried out by the brave mothers at Kangla was a significant and powerful one and added that the people are still angry and disheartened by the atrocities carried out by armed security forces under AFSPA against the weak and the innocents.
It is imperative for the Indian Government to repeal the draconian Act which affects the people of both the hills and the valley, she demanded.
On the other hand, she urged the people to stay clear of drugs and substance abuse and stated that it is necessary for the people to focus more on the issues of CAB and ILP.
AMWJU president Bijoy Kakchingtabam said that the people have been demanding the removal of AFSPA which is a valid and proper demand.
He continued that Kangla was in fact saved from the clutches of the Indian army due to the bold sacrifice of the brave mothers.
Their contribution should be honoured and respected by all, he said, adding that the people should all work together to get justice for those who were affected by the Act.
Babloo Loitongbam detailed the excesses carried out under AFSPA.