NGO urges Govt to ensure FIDU's safety
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, April 18 2020:
The Nirvana Foundation has sought attention of the State Government and authorities concerned to take up all possible steps to ensure safety and wellbeing of female injecting drug users (FIDU) by providing them residential care amidst the coronavirus inflicted lockdown.
Female injecting drug users are vulnerable to many diseases including COVID-19 and they have been left with no means to earn livelihood due to the lockdown, said Nirvana Foundation, FIDU Project manager Debalakshmi adding the foundation has been providing residential care to 30 female injecting drug users.
"Considering the hardship they are facing during the lockdown and their vulnerability to coronavirus outbreak, the foundation has been providing residential care to 30 female injec- ting drug users who were earlier provided with night shelter" she said.
The foundation had been providing night shelter to the 30 female injecting drug users with the support of Family Health International (FHI) till March this year.
But after considering the hardship the female drug users were facing due to lack of shelter at night, the foundation continued the service even without the support of the FHI, she said adding there are many female injecting drug users who are currently staying in hotels at North AOC area.
The 30 female injecting drug users at the foundation are being given Oral Substitute Therapy (OST) to minimize drug craving and withdrawal symptoms, she said adding they are more vulnerable at this point of time and they need proper care.
Residential care is not provided under FIDU Project.
It is being facilitated by the assistance provided by the foundation and its staff, Debalakshmi said adding Imphal East Deputy Commissioner Dr Rangi-tabali Waikhom had provided 50 kg of rice and one bag of pulses recently.
Even as Manipur has 20 rehabilitation centres under Ministry of Human Resources Development, there is only one such centre in Imphal West for women, she said adding there should more centres for women drug users.
There are 277 female injecting drug users registered with the Nirvana Foundation and at present, the foundation is providing services to about 176 .
Out of the 176, nine are waiting for Hepatitis C treatment and five have recovered, she said adding another nine female injecting drug users are undergoing Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) for HIV/AIDS.
Even as the foundation is providing residential care to 30 of them, there are many who are staying in hotels and rented rooms facing immense hardship during the lockdown.
With the extension of the lockdown till May 3, the foundation is also facing many difficulties in procuring daily essential items, she said appealing the Government to assist them and provide the needed residential care to female injecting drug users.