Weather observatory station inaugurated
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, January 17 2014 :
The newly installed Weather Observatory Station and Modular Bio-Chemical Laboratory were inaugurated today at the CSIR: NEIST Branch Laboratory, Lamphelpat.
The inaugural programme organised by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR): North East Institute of Science & Technology, Branch Laboratory, Lamphel-pat also saw the release of bulletin on DNA Clubs for Schools.
MLA L Nandakumar Singh; Dr D Ramaiah, Director CSIR:NEIST Jorhat; Dr PG Rao, former Dir CSIR: NEIST and Pro-Chancellor of University of Science and Tech, Meghalaya and Dr BG Unni, Chief Scientist, CSIR:NEIST Jorhat graced the inaugural programme as the chief guest, president and guests of honour respectively.
Inaugurating the Weather Observatory Station and Modular Bio-Chemical Laboratory, chief guest L Nanda- kumar said that the two institutes are of crucial importance for the State.
He also said that the most significant part is to facilitate the full functioning of the two institutes and avai-ling their benefits.
The CSIR:NEIST is upgraded to a Branch Laboratory from a sub-station.
The MLA also stressed the need to utilise the maximum benefits of scientific products while urging the people to take advantage of the two ins-titutes.
The Weather Monitoring Station is under the funding of CSIR, New Delhi with the main objective of Emission Inventory for Airborne Aerosols in NER India under Pro- bing the Changing Atmosphere and its Impact on Indo- Gangetic Plain and Himala-yan Region.
This program will help in answering key questions of national and international R&D concerns like changing atmosphere, magnitude and mechanism of impact of carbonaceous aerosols and dust in modifying at- mospheric processes over this region, the affect of monsoon system.
The Modular Bio-chemical Laboratory at the Centre is for analysis of biological materials.
This centre will provide facilities for analysis of food values of edible plants, medicinal and aromatic properties of herbs and oil bearing plants.