Numerous arms license of Ukhrul likely to be declared invalid
Source: The Sangai Express / Mungchan Zimik
Ukhrul, March 14 2016:
Ukhrul district has recorded low response in the ongoing process of uploading Arms license on the official website under National Data Base Arms License (NDAL), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India.
Following the poor response from arms license holders it is likely that thousands of arms licenses may expire after March 31 which is the last date for renewing the license.
According to reports, over 3500 arm licenses have been uploaded so far, while records of the gun licenses issued before 2005 are sparse as the office complex of the DC went up in flames during an agitation launched by ANSAM in 2005 .
Failure to upload the gun license will result in the license being declared invalid after March 31 .
After the expiry of the stipulated period, the office will not entertain any document for uploading, said sources.
The sources said that any person who possess arms license without uploading it on the NDAL website will be penalized according to the Indian Arms Act and the defaulters will be liable to be imprisoned or fined for illegal possession of arms.