RIMS professors asked to treat Covid patients
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, May 27 2021:
In view of the alarming surge of Covid-19 fatalities at RIMS hospital, the health ministry has instructed RIMS authority to involve its assistant and associate professors in treatment of Covid-19 patients admitted to the RIMS wards.
According to a source, while investigating the increasing Covid-19 fatality rate in the state, it came to light that only senior residents and doctors below the rank of assistant and associate professors have been attending to general patients or treating Covid-19 patients.
More experienced senior doctors, assistant and associate professors were found not to be involved in the treatment of Covid patients directly.
This has created a doubt whether the increasing Covid fatality is because of senior doctors' physical absence in the treatment of Covid patients.
RIMS is an institute operating directly under the ministry.
As senior doctors, head of departments of the acclaimed RIMS have been allegedly abstaining from treating the Covid-19 patients directly during this pandemic period, the health ministry has directed RIMS authority to make assistant and associate professors attend to Covid-19 duty as well.