Training program on conservation agriculture in rice held
Source: IT News
Imphal, March 22 2018:
One day training programme on "Enhancing nutritional security through introduction of lentil and mustard under conservation agriculture in rice � fallow system" was conducted at KVK Chandel, Monsangpantha, Chandel today.
The training was sponsored by NICRA project.
Dr.Deepak Singh, Sr.
Scientist & Head, KVK Chandel and Dr.Punitha P, Scientist (Agril.
Extension), ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre were the dignitaries.
Dr.Deepak Singh deliberated on the activities and active dissemination of latest technologies taken up by the KVK in the district.
There was an urgent need for massive cultivation of lentil & mustard in order to double farmers' income.
Dr.Punitha P in her key note address emphasized lentil and rapeseed mustard integral honey bee rearing in rabi season for enhancing income and nutritional security of the household.
This type of training is to create awareness, knowledge generation and subsequent skill development on above crops and to plan ahead so that farmers enhance livelihood.
In the Technical Session, Smt.
Leenda Monsang, ACTO (Plant Breeding) spoke on seed production of lentil; Dr.Khumlo Levis on Introduction of rapeseed-mustard under conservation agriculture in rice-fallow system; Dr..KSonamani Singh ACTO (SWCE) on Moisture conservation techniques: an overview and Dr..YPrbhabati Devi on Value addition of lentil and mustard.
Altogether 50 farmers from different villages of Chandel district attended the training.