Settle Kuki issue, reiterates KIM
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, August 10 2015:
The Kuki Inpi, Manipur (KIM) has sought immediate clarification from the Prime Minister of India as to why it has perpetually ignored and failed to take action on its demand of to settle 'the criminal acts of the NSCN (IM) against the Kukis' .
KIM has been demanding the Govt of India to first settle the criminal acts of NSCN (IM), who reportedly murdered 905 innocent loyal Kuki people including women, some pregnant, children, aged and invalid; uprooting 360 Indian Kuki villages and seizing their land and 100,000 loyal Kukis made refugees in their own land without rehabilitation.
In an open memorandum to the PM of India, KIM said that the sudden announcement of "Agreement/Accord" with concealed details, signed by Thuingaleng Muivah on behalf of NSCN (IM) and RN Ravi on behalf of the Government of India on August 3, 2015 at Delhi, which was televised country-wide, was a great shock to the Kuki people.
The standpoint of Kuki Inpi (Kuki traditional Government) which has repeatedly been made known, is justice and ushering peace and tranquillity in the country, particularly in North Eastern States through non violent means.
The Kuki people have never advocated violence, whether towards the Government or any other neighbouring communities except in defending themselves against armed organizations purportedly fighting for independence.
The total disregard of memoranda submitted to six successive Prime Ministers of India that a pre-requisite for peaceful coexistence in the region is to first settle crimes committed against humanity in a proper law Court in the country may mislead one and all that violence is encouraged in this country, said Thangsei Haokip, Haosa (president), Kuki Inpi Manipur in the memo.
It is rather perplexing that an entreaty towards justice, which had been what the traditional Kuki Government is doing, is thwarted continuously by the top brass of Indian Government.
Rejecting Kuki Inpi's request is tantamount to denying the law Courts in the country to dispense with justice.
A logical conclusion that might arise out of this lopsided attitude is not a pleasant thought.
Ideally, law enforcement agencies have to tackle such matters of great concern before the public even raise their voice, added KIM.
Therefore, any kind of settlement, agreement/accord prior to the settlement of the crimes committed by the NSCN (IM), which the very Indian Government labelled 'terrorist' (cf.
Does Violence get a Mandate, p.33 published by Government of India) in a proper law Court of the country is unacceptable.
KIM's stand point has been made clear not only to Prime Ministers, but even to Presidents, Home Ministers, Ministers of States (Home), and also lately to the interlocutor, that NSCN (IM)'s crime must first be settled in a proper law Court, said the memorandum.
What has been stated is a fact, and the authority ruling the Indian State cannot feign ignorance of this fact.
The then Governor of Manipur VK Nair even visited Tamei Naga village on September 15, 1993 where 87 Kuki men were massacred on September 13, 1993 in broad daylight, that too in front of their wives and children, said KIM.
Millions of Kuki people, citizens of the country deserve an explanation as to why they are denied their fundamental rights.
The political appeasement on communal lines which seems to be the case in this latest accord signed will serve nothing but beget more violence, KIM said.