UN's B'day : RPF details genesis
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 23 2011:
On the occasion of the United Nations' 67th foundation day, the proscribed RPF has traced the genesis of the UN and elaborated its functions.
Greeting the people of the world and the region on the occasion of the 67th foundation day of the UN, the outfit, in a press statement issued by its Publicity Secretary T Leisemba, recalled that the foundation for UN was first laid when US President Roosevelt came up with a four-point charter.
The four points of the charter were freedom of speech and expression, freedom to worship God in his/her own way, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
This was followed by the signing of Atlantic Charter between US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
After a series of conventions and consultations among different countries, 51 Nations finally signed an agreement to form the United Nations on June 26, 1945, and the UN officially came into being on October 24 the same year.
The basic objectives of the UN are prevention of conflict between different Nations and resolving conflicts under a set of principles.
Though the basic purpose of the UN is to ensure peace on earth, it also upholds the right to self determination of each and every nation, small or big.
The UN charter has been advocating protection and promotion of human rights as understood in all aspects of human life encompassing political, social, economic, cultural and ecological aspects.
The role of UN as peace-keepers of the world can be viewed in two different perspectives.
The first one is the non-political role of keeping peace through different agencies, and the second is the political role of keeping peace by averting conflicts and resolving international disputes under a set of principles, observed the outfit.
Through the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council, the UN has been working for economic alleviation, social development and educational progress across the world.
The fundamental purpose of the Economic and Social Council is to eradicate poverty, diseases and illiteracy.
The UN has made remarkable progress in its efforts for economic, social, educational and cultural progress.
Through the Trusteeship Council, the UN has been providing vital support to many colonies, protectorates and trust territories in addition to extending crucial assistance for socio-economic development of these areas, the outfit noted.
Based on the principle of right to self-determination, the UN has been openly supporting all the movements for political freedom and self-government in different parts of the world.
With the active support of the UN, eight nations won their freedom by 1962.It was with the direct intervention of the UN that East Timor, Kosovo and South Sudan got independence, RPF asserted.
On the other hand, the former Soviet Union as guaranteed by its constitution, gave independence to 15 nations without any bloodshed.
The UN principles and regulations are being implemented through the International Court of Justice.
The UN General Assembly and many other international laws provide for the right to self determination.
The UN respects all freedom movements of all suppressed nations.
The UN also accepts use of arms and other means by suppressed nations to achieve their right to self determination.
After the end of Second World War, India and many other countries got independence.
Though the decolonisation process was shortened in the 20th century, many other countries became independent in the early part of the 21st century.
Many countries have achieved what the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights pledged in 1966 .
The first article of the two covenants read as, "All nations have the right to self determination.
By exercising this right, all nations can determine their political status and they can strive for economic, social and cultural development" .