Demand to boycott 3 male executives of MSAD
Boycott prize distribution in Manipur by MSAD
Source: IT News
Imphal, April 13 2019:
Produced in toto .
We have witnessed a serious issue raised by women's executive, advisors and other concerned volunteers about the authoritative structure of the organization since International Women's day was observed on March 8, 2019.The two women executive was intimidated and bullied for not following their orders in the preparation for International women's day.
There is a growing apprehension that the organization failed to acknowledge the collective voice raised by so many members within the organization to call for JBM.
Above that there was also another incident of high-headedness by these three male executive to suddenly dismiss the former three advisors in an undemocratic ways without any prior notice.
The three of them have also nominated new advisors violating the constitution and have published it to the Imphal Times on 10th March.
The charges against them was brought up by considerable numbers of member, well-wishers and volunteer with serious conviction in a signature campaign on 18th March to resolve the unsettle issue in a JBM.
There was not even a single respond to all those plead.
Such behaviors only prove their incompetence to hold such position in an organization like MSAD.
With no other option left in such toxic atmosphere of male chauvinism that suppress the voice of women, the women in MSAD jointly decided to resign from this tenure on 7th April as published it on Imphal Free Press on 8th April.
In such a scenario it is our responsibility to raise our voice against such incompetence three male executive (President, Vice-President and General Secretary) to expel them from the student's platform in order to safeguard the integrity and equality within the organization.
We stand in solidarity with the women executive and advisor who was remove from her post by these three male executive.