After flood effect: Paddy fields, fish farms submerged, river bank sink in Thoubal
Source: IT News
Imphal, August 09 2018:
As water recedes at Thoubal River, a river bank at Thoubal Awang leikai under Thoubal district ward No.3 has been sink for around 50 metres at Bamon area late yesterday night.
3 houses built near the bank fear danger as the houses are likely to be carried away with the sinking zone.
What is more apprehension to the people of the area is that if case another flash flood occurred river water may flow at the sinking portion submerging almost all houses of the area.
A local elder said that the portion which has been sink has been always a danger zone and both the Councillor of the Thoubal Ward No.3 and Local MLA had unloaded earth to safeguard it.
He said all of a sudden the portion sink again causing cracks at some of the houses built nearby.
"It is luck that the river water has receded or else all the area could have been flooded.
On the other hand even as the flood water cause by the incessant rain in the past few days in Imphal valley has been receded, the flood water accumulated at low lying area of Khangabok in Thoubal district.
As many as 1500 hectors of Paddy field, 60 fish farms and nearly 40 early crops paddy field have been submerged by the flood water drained from northern side.
A team of reporters had visited the submerged area along with the Village development Committee of Khangabok and Rising Union Club Khangabok Part 3 .
Secretary of the Vilage Development Committee Khangabok , Nabakumar TC said that the paddy field and the fish are being submerged from the water overflowed from Ikop Lake and Kharaung lake .
These two lakes are the meeting point of the Thoubal River, Arong River, Lilong River and the Wangjing River.
The water continuously flow to the paddy fields located at Keifa, Morali, Angam, Bihu, Salam , Louhonbi , Cooperative , Tentharam , Kalakhong , Macha Makha , Sangai Makhong, Kiyam Loukol, Unmurou, Chakhom Houbi and Bihu Lamkhai area.
"Already our crops had been destroyed in the earlier flood and today too after we have started cultivation our crops are destroyed again", a farmer said.