Dr Najma Heptulla release book 'Making of a General A Himalayan Echo'
Source: IT News
Imphal, January 08 2021:
Besides discharging his responsibilities with dignified courage to protect the Nation, Lt Gen Himalay has made the Indian Army proud of the Nation.
His book conveys his dream and his views.
The fact that his book has become popular is an indication that he has indeed ignited India's young and thinking minds with his dream and his message.
Dr Najma Heptulla expressed that the book that I have released today is a book on him, not by him.
Yet, in its own way, it reinforces the ideals that Lt.Gen.
Himalay has stood for and the concerns that he has been voicing.
The book has also highlighted about Manipur, the "Land of Emeralds" .
On the other hand, this State is known as "Unexplored Paradise" .
Friends, what we need is this humane approach to everything we do in our respective professions.
It does not take much to do good to others.
All it takes is an honest effort.
Whether we succeed or fail in our effort is another matter.
Which is why, our seers have said that paropakara is param dharma being good to others is the highest form of spirituality.
Most fascinatingly, the author has highlighted the memories of his childhood years and now has contrasted the same with the present day Manipur as he saw earlier.
Any reader will also find the author's perspective on nation-building enterprise in the State of Manipur in the light of multitude of issues including the ethnic conflicts in the region and has provided his view of how things could be.
The distinctive narrative conjures the reader to a bygone era that had characterized the salad years of the author.
Idyllic depiction of the myriad places which the author has traversed during his chequered career in the Army is skillfully intertwined with his steeled conviction.
The chapter on the Kargil War and the author's tour of duty in the Siachen Glacier, the highest battlefield in the world, the LOC and LAC days in various capacities is an illustration that is replete with pride, vigour and honour.
The book elegantly summons the essence and imperatives of superior command of one of the most formidable forces in the world.