Truckers repair road; owners flay transfer of DFOs
Source: Chronicle News Service
Thoubal, February 21 2024:
Members of Moirangpurel Area Local Truck Drivers' Association on Tuesday repaired the 15 km long Napet Palli to Maphou Dam road as condition of the same road stretch had been a worst possible condition.
Speaking on the sidelines of the road repairing programme, Association secretary T Dewal Singh pointed out that the said road stretch remained neglected by the government authorities for long, causing serious inconveniences to the truck operators as well as commuters.
As such the Association utilised vehicles of the members and hired heavy machinery such as excavators to repair the road, he added.
Meanwhile, All Yairipok New Burma Road Truck Owners Welfare Association, Yairipok condemned the transfer of Divisional Forest Officers (DFOs) of Kamjong and Ukhrul districts.
A release issued by the Association criticised transfer of the DFOs and demanded that authorities concerned revoke the same, contending that with onset of dry season the transfer order would create administrative hindrances in timber business and to truck owners.
Further claiming that the transfer order will delay official procedures, it stressed the need for reinstatement of the DFOs to their respective post.
It also pledged support to steps taken up by Tangkhul Naga Timber Association (TNTA) on the issue.