KVK Chandel observes World Soil Day
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, December 05 2021:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Chandel observed World Soil Day under the theme "Halt soil salinisation, boost soil productivity" at its conference hall on Sunday.
In a release, KVK Chandel head Dr A Ameeta Devi informed that the programme was attended by Chandel SDO Naoram Pritam Singh as chief guest and district horticulture officer Kshetrimayum Prava Devi as guest of honour.
KVK Chandel SMS (SWCE) Dr K Sonamani Singh, giving the key note address, explained that the day has been specially marked as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for sustainable management of soil resources.
Farming in the district of Chandel though almost organic by default still faces the threat of serious soil damage due to the unaccounted deforestation especially in the areas where shifting cultivation is the norm.
Water depletion is visible but soil erosion is less dramatically apparent, he added.
While Ksh Prava Devi exhorted the farmers to undertake both use and production of organic manure in their own domestic level by segregating and recycling the household wastes, N Pritam spoke on the present and common issues encountered by the farmers and advocated for a holistic approach towards a prosperous farming in collaboration with officials of KVK and other line departments.
SDO Chandel later distributed various vegetable seeds and soil health cards to the participating farmers.
The programme was attended by 27 farmers and staff of KVK Chandel, it said.