Five books released
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, December 29 2013:
In all, five books titled 'Latkaang Latrik', 'Kasokpong', 'Lengsonnei', 'Bungkhao Resolution' and 'Zeliangrong Makulon' authored by Laljikpou Golmei, G.Loken Kabui, Pojairung Thaimei, Lanbon Rongmei and Longphul Longmei Chinikon respectively were released during a function at Lamyanba Shanglen, Palace Compound here today.
Organized by Kabui Literature and Research Akademi, Manipur along with Rani Gaidinliu Cultural Centre Manipur, the function was attended by Amu Kamei, president of Zeliangrong Union (AMN) as Chief Guest; Ramnganing Zimik, Manipur Finance Service, Account Officer (TRI), Tribal Research Institute (TRI), Manipur as President and S Vedeshwar Sharma, Secretary of Manipur State Kala Akademi as Guest of Honour.