3 candidates seek security protection after UKLF threat
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, May 06 2015 :
Three candidates for the coming Autonomous District Council (ADC) polls have been allegedly threatened to withdraw their candidature by the United Kuki Liberation Front (UKLF) .
Jangkhothang, an INC candidate from 18-Songjang District Council Constituency, Limkhojam Haokip, also INC candidate from 24-Tolbung DCC and Jilpao Touthang, an Independent candidate from 22-Sugnu Hill Area DC Constituency on Wednesday sought security protection from Home Minister Gaikhangam in a representation.
They have been asked by UKLF to withdraw their candidature and surrender to the outfit or face capital punishment, the representation to Gaikhangam claimed.
It said UKLF is a signatory to suspension of operation (SoO) involving both the State and Central Governments.
The outfit's statement of threat against the three candidates was published in a local daily on May 4, it mentioned.
The representation requested the Home Minister to provide security protection to them so that they can contest the scheduled ADC polls.