Baby boy born outside hospital
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Chakpikarong, August 06 2015:
Chakpikarong block is a highly populated area with a total population of 47,011 comprising people from various ethnic backgrounds.
But there is just one Community Health Centre within Chandel district for rendering 24�7 services to the general public.
In spite of this, the medical staff under the initiatives of Dr Monoringa Sumpi MO I/c, Nl Angkhum, RKS Chairman and Eldon Sumpi, BDM Chakpikarong (NHM) with support from the State Health Mission, Manipur under the leadership of Dr Okram Ibomcha, Director Health & Mission Director, NHM Manipur has opened a Medical Help Desk beside the hospital at the market shed providing the OPD facility with distribution of ORS & Zinc along with handling of minor injuries including ayush and providing the affected villagers the medicines free of cost as per the stock availability from Wednesday.
It is also worth mentioning that an emergency delivery was also conducted outside the premises of the hospital at around 4:50 am on Thursday morning, delivering a healthy 2.8 kg baby boy.
The CHC Chakpikarong along with the rest of villages cut off by the recent flood now draws the state government's attention to making the affected areas a place that was once before and seek continuous attention and support from the health department and authorities in dealing with various health related issues which is experienced by the villagers of the flood affected areas in days to come.
The doctors appealed to general public of Chakpikarong to remain clean by taking proper bath, drinking clean boiled water, proper hand washing using dettol soap and to seek medical attention if required at the said medical help desk where doctors and nurses are readily available at zero expenditure.
The CHC Chakpikarong authorities also thank the general public of Chakpikarong, Sajik Tampak areas and all those who assisted in cleaning up the hospital till date and seek their continues support in days to come.