Anal Lelruwl Tangpi saddened
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Chandel, August 04 2015:
Anal Lelruwl Tangpi (Anal Students' Union) is saddened by the unfortunate snap of Chakpikarong Bridge on July 31, which connects hundreds of villages to other parts of the state.
Vehicular movement has been cut off as the only motorable road is located after crossing Chakpikarong bridge.
The lifeline bridge has been cut off from the rest of the State.
Students were unable to attend school.
Chakpikarong Govt Higher Secondary School is partially under the mud.
To clear up the whole area it would take at least a month.
ALT appeals to the department concerned to assess this grim situation and immediately extend the best possible assistance to the school.
The worst affected villages which need urgent assistance are Rungchang, Novokom, Chakpikarong, Akaphe, Hnaleral, Hringphe and other neigbouring Kuki villages.
ALT acknowledges the huge contribution of Chakpi River Flood Affected Relief Committee (CRFARC), through its initiative and appealed to the circle MLA and Deputy Commissioner Chandel to sanction immediate amount to construct diversion road which should be nearly a 1 km long stretch between Seroi and Chakpikarong.
Due to the committee's relentless efforts, relief materials and rations have reached the affected villages at Chandeland Chakpikarong.
Documentary on the Flood's impact in Chandel district will be presented to the Central Government to seek necessary assistance through Chandel Relief Committee Delhi.
ALT thanked MLA 41-AC, Chandel and DC, SDOs of Chandel and Chakpikarong, Civil Organisations, NPF, ADC Members, Churches and individuals, for extending solidarity through deeds and words to console these shocked and bewildered village people, whose lives have been shattered by the flood.
The students' body also thanked Gunpi Area youths and Maha Area youths for extending a helping hand to clear mud and muddy water from all affected houses.
ALT has opened a DONATION STALL @ Chandel Bazaar on behalf of CRFARC to help Flood Affected victims, and portion of this donation will be extended to the victims of the Joumoul tragedy where a lot of precious lives have been lost due to landslides.
It appeals to groups and individuals to donate generously to help them rebuild their lives and lead a normal life.