Induction prog for B Ed aspirants held
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, July 11 2014 :
An induction cum orientation programme for students and teachers who have enrolled in DM College of Teacher Education for studying Bachelor of Education (B Ed) course for the academic session 2014-15 was at the Main Lecture Hall of the college here yesterday.
The programme was attended by P Vaiphei, Commissioner of Higher & Technical Education and Dr H Ibomcha Sharma, principal of DM College of Teacher Education as Special Guest and Functional President respectively.
Addressing the gathering, P Vaiphei stated that teaching is an honorable profession as teachers are shouldering huge responsibility in building a society and noted that an ideal teacher is the one who creates effortless teaching method to let students grasp lessons in an easier way.
He said that it is mandatory for every aspirant to possess B Ed certificate if he or she is going to be in teaching profession.
So, the value of B Ed course is also increasing day by day.
He also appealed to the teachers who have enrolled for the course to attend class wholeheartedly and contribute their mite towards producing bright students in the State.
Altogether 230 candidates including 138 in-service candidates have enrolled for the course.
During the function, a Cultural Museum constructed inside the campus of the college was also inaugurated by P Vaiphei.