Shiv Sena to invite PM to Manipur
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, December 04 2024:
Shiv Sena, Manipur president M Tombi has informed that the party would be extending an invitation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit the state to take personal stock of the strife.
Speaking to newspersons at Imphal airport prior to leaving for Maharashtra on Wednesday, Tombi informed that he would be submitting a memorandum and extending an invitation to PM Narendra Modi through the Shiv Sena party leaders to visit Manipur, while taking advantage of the oath swearing ceremony for the new chief minister of Maharashtra slated for December 5 in Mumbai.
He continued that owing to the conflict and the setting up of buffer zones between the hills and the valley, there has been an increase in poppy plantations in hill areas.
"As such, this needs serious attention," he said and urged all concerned to ensure decimation of the plantations before the opium is harvested.
"Destroying the crop after harvest is akin to aiding clearance of the areas for next years' cultivation," he added.
Urging all to understand that the CM's War on Drugs campaign is for the sake of everyone, Tombi urged everyone to rise against the influx of narco-terrorists.