FNR to start public interaction from Apr 25
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Dimapur, April 16 2018:
The Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) will begin organizing a series of open public interaction programme from April 25 "to discuss and explore pragmatic steps of forgiveness, healing and reconciliation to take the 'Naga Concordant' forward" .
According to the FNR, the purpose of the open public interaction is also to reason together on "what are our shared values" .
The purpose of the programme is also "to together identify, cultivate, nurture and strengthen shared values of belonging".
The FNR further said that the purpose of the open public interaction is also to "invite constructive criticism and develop suggestions to empower the Naga reconciliation process" .
"This series will begin first in Dimapur on April 25 followed by Kohima on April 28, and eventually other places including New Delhi," the FNR informed.
On April 4, the FNR had urged the Naga leaders and the Naga public to reconnect and tap into the vast potentials offered in the 'Naga Concordant' .
The 'Naga Concordant' is the agreement signed by leaders of various Naga outfits including Th Muivah, late Isak Chishi Swu, brigadier (Retired) S Singnya, Zhopra Vero, general (Retired) Khole Konyak, and N Kitovi Zhimomi.
The contents of the 'Naga Concordant' read as-"Having reconciled on the basis of the historical and political rights, the top Naga leaders are one.
Therefore in pursuance of this agreement, the following signatories have resolved in principle to work towards the formation of one Naga National Government.
To ensure the realization of the Naga National Government, a High Level Commission (HLC) has been formed by the top Naga leaders.
The HLC shall be comprised of the signatories, headed by the Chairman/President or the General Secretary/Vice President, and having no less than four competent members in the ranks of Kilonser/Major General and above, as found deemed fit by the respective governments.
To expedite this process of eventually forming the Naga National Government, the HLC shall hold meetings without any further delay in the presence of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation as facilitators" .
This 'Naga Concordant' was signed in August 2011, after a week of meetings in Dimapur.
According to FNR, in the political saga of the Naga people, "happenings" have served as vital catalysts in bringing about deep and true transformation.
"They have reframed past memories to contemporary contexts and have energized numerous imaginations for the future," the FNR added.