Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, November 15 2010:
Role of advocates in the society and protecting human rights were discussed in a one-day seminar jointly organized by the Bar Councils of the North Eastern states at Hotel Classic, Imphal North AOC today.
Advocates coming from different parts of the North Eastern Region participated in the seminar.
Justice Amitabh Roy of Gauhati High Court was the Chief Guest the opening function of the seminar and it was Justice T Nandakumar of the same court.
Jusitce AC Uppdhya, state bar counci's general secretary, I Lalitkumar and convenor S Jayentakumar attended as guest of honour.
In his address as chief guest, jusctice Amitabh Roy asserted on the important role of lawyers in delivering justice to the society and protecting the rights of the people and said that lawyers are "social engineers" who can reach out to the voice of the people through the judiciary.
In this materialistic society, a unique role of the lawyers in the society has been added in delivering justice to the people.
A sacrificing spirit is needed by the lawyers to achieve this end of delivering justice to the people, he added.