Training prog starts
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 13 2019:
A two day training programme on how to increase income in connection with piggery farms, was kick-started at the training hall of the Directorate of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry today.
Speaking at the event, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Director H Chaoba spoke on how to increase income in piggery farming and explained that training programme has been organised so as to solve the problems faced by the people involved in the business as well as to provide ways and methods to increase the profit.
He explained that the Central Government is undertaking Innovative Piggery Development Project for the North East region and under this project, Mizoram is acting as the Nodal Department and pigs will be brought from the UK to the North East region.
Manipur will receive 20 such pigs and they will bee kept at the piggery farm at Hiyanglam, he added.
He continued that Manipur will be getting the Hang Faire species of pig which is black with white stripes near the neck and added that a laboratory is under construction at Toubung for the purpose of collecting and producing offspring of the said pig variety.
He further appealed to the people to take advantage of the various schemes introduced by the Government for helping the people and their businesses.