Report On Six-week Online International Covid-19awareness Quiz 2020
Source: Dr V K Yadav *
RGU, Rono Hills, September 08 2020:
Department of Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh conducted an online international COVID-19 awareness quiz 2020 that lasted for around six weeks, commenced from 23rd May 2020 and concluded on 3rd July 2020 .
This quiz was conducted under the prime initiative and leadership of Dr.Vinod Kumar Yadav, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, RGU, Arunachal Pradesh, taking care of the sensitization and awareness based need of the hour during the lockdown period.
He had already participated in many such national and international programmes during the initial phase of the pandemic.
More than thirty two thousand people across the world participated in the quiz which comprises people from all the 28 states and 9 union territories of India.
Moreover, more than one hundred twenty five citizens from 42 countries excluding India participated in this corona virus awareness quiz which includes almost all the continents of the world except Antarctica.
It was as an outreach programme of the Department of Commerce of the sole central university of Arunachal Pradesh.
Two-third participants of the quiz were students that was the prime focus of this quiz to sensitize the youths to this ongoing and ever growing pandemic.
Eight percent participants in the quiz were from northeast India wherein 75 percent participants were from only Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.
Top six participating states in the quiz are Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra and Assam which comprise more than 50% participants.
Participation in the quiz from rural and urban belt of India was almost similar.
This awareness quiz had twenty five multiple choice questions where every participant had to secure at least sixty percent score in order to have a global corona warrior certificate as a recognition to the effort and sincerity of the participant interested in the quiz.
Eighty percent participants successfully qualified in the awareness quiz with scores ranging from sixty to hundred percent.
This quiz was virtually launched by Prof Saket Kushwaha, Vice-Chancellor, RGU in the presence of Prof Otem Padung, Head of Department of Commerce, RGU, Prof Tasi Kaye, Dean Faculty of Commerce and Management, RGU, and many other eminent and distinguished persons of the university present on the occasion.
Dr V K Yadav organized this awareness programme as Convener and Organizing Secretary.
It was the maiden and unique outreach programme of the university during the lockdown period.
It attracted the attention of the citizens from every nook and corner of the world.
Thus, it was a record event in the history of university.
* The sender of this news can be contacted at avvhyadav2020(AT)gmail(DOT)com .