Twenty two more cadres including important leaders leave Muivah led NSCN
Source: IT News
Imphal, October 29 2019:
At a time when differences between the NSCN-IM and the GoI creates apprehensions on whether the NSCN-IM will sign the final agreement with the GoI on October 31st , a date stated to have been fixed by interlocutor R N Ravi, Kohima based web portal reported about the defection of 22 more senior members of the NSCN-IM leaving the outfit and reported to have joined the NSCN-Unification yesterday.
The report appearing in 'East Mojo' said that of the 22 members, 15 belong to the 'political' section while the remaining are army cadres.
Last week, former 'kilo kilonser' (home minister) and current member of negotiating team of the Naga insurgent group NSCN-IM with the Centre, Hukavi Yepthomi, had joined the working committee of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) .
The National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Unification (NSCN-U) was formed on November 23, 2007 with an inter-factional 'truce agreement' signed between the few cadres and leaders of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM) and the rival National Socialist Council of Nagaland�Khaplang (NSCN-K) at Hovishe under Niuland sub-division in the Dimapur district.
The meeting was initiated and chaired by Hokiye, President of the Western Sumi Hoho, an influential body of the Sumi (Sema) tribe.
The NSCN-IM was led by 'kilo-kilonser' (home minister) Azheto Chophy and the NSCN-K by 'kilonser' (cabinet minister) C Singson.