Silkworm rearing provides self employment to Moreh men
Source: The Sangai Express
Moreh, July 27 2011:
Along side their womenfolk, unemployed male residents of Moreh Ward no.7 Heinou Makhong have taken to rearing silkworm to provide self employment and generate income of the family.
Along with formation of Moreh Meetei Unemployed Self Help Group, the male members of the locality, who for so long have remained mere spectators to the silkworm rearing activities of their womenfolk considering it as the domain of the fairer sex, too have taken up the occupation seriously understanding the potential of silkworm rearing in the trading town bordering Myanmar.
According to A Gouramani Meetei, who is one of the main brains behind this new venture, it is for the first time that the menfolk in Moreh township have taken up silkworm rearing activities in a big way.
Men too have realised that it is a very profitable occupation and can
ensure steady income.
So far, the self help group comprising 15 members has not received any assistance from the Government or any other agencies.
But such assistance would definitely boost the morale of the men in their new found occupation, Gouramani added, while expressing desire on the part of the Government to pay attention in this regard.
It may be noted here that even though men have joined silkworm rearing only recently, it has been an activity that the womenfolk in the township, and more particularly those in Moreh Ward no.7 Heinou Makhong have been engaged in for a long time at the individual level.
However around two months back, the womenfolk came together and formed a self help group for themselves, named Mipan Tangdaba Eromdom Hingjaba Silk Health Organisation, to give impetus to silkworm rearing activities in the border town, president of the self help group S Churamei Leikai said.
The women self help group has been able to take up silk rearing activities like never before in the border town under the vice president of Meetei Enat Lamjing Marup, Chandel Th Ibohal Meitei and president of Moreh Meetei Lai Thougal Kanglup O John Meetei and the support of Sericulture Department, Chandel district, Churamei added.